222 | Index

Residue Monitoring Plan (RMP), 75, 75t
Retaliation, anti-dumping measures and, 76, 77
Rhone-Poulenc Agro, 94
Rice Doctor, 177–78
Rice production. See also Cereal production;
International Rice Research Institute
agrobiodiversity and, 53
bioelectricity and, 146
breeding programs and, 23–24, 27
climate change and, 143
dwarf strains of, 23–24, 26–28
farming systems and, 7–8
genetic diversity of, 6, 46
golden, 87–88
pests and pathogens and, 48, 53, 95
poverty and, 13
precision farming and, 176
seasonal aquaculture and, 34
SPS agreement and, 75
trade and, 67, 70
trends in as driver, 124–25
world market for, 71
Rice-fish systems, 172
Rice-wheat farming, 7, 28, 137, 183
Rio principle, 65
Riparian buffer strips, 33
Risk assessments, 180
Risks. See also Pooling of risks
RMP. See Residue Monitoring Plan
Rubber wood, 32, 33, 45
Rural regions
community forestry programs and, 33
development goals and, 152
information and communication technology
and, 180
infrastructure and, 128
loss of land to industrialization and, 68
migration patterns and, 12
need for increased investment in, 161
overview of, 10
political stability and, 127
poverty and, 13, 161
trade and, 70
urban-periurban agriculture and, 164

SAARC. See South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation
Safety, 175–76. See also Biosafety; Sanitary and
phytosanitary standards
Salinity, 52, 142–43, 145
Sanctions, carbon emissions and, 65
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, 64,
73–75, 75t, 97–98, 101
SAPNA. See South Asian Perspectives Network
Scenario development, 115, 115t
Science and technology drivers, 135–40
SDR. See Special Drawing Rights
Seaweed, 99
Seeds, 86, 87–88, 175. See also Farmers’ rights
Self Help Groups (SHGs), 100, 181–82
Shade coffee plantations, 81, 82, 105
Sheep, 28, 102
Short Message Service (SMS), 177–78
Shrimp farming, 4, 6, 36, 98, 134
Shrimp-turtle case, 105


Silvopasture, 33
Small-scale producers, 7, 63, 69, 79, 96,
Smart Field System, 175
Smokebush, 168
Smuggling, 71
Social exclusion, 166–67, 181–82. See also
Gender roles
Social forestry, 33
deregulation and, 128
economic liberalization and, 126
infrastructure and, 128–29
NGOs, civil society and, 131
political stability and, 127
regional cooperation and, 129–30
trade and, 130–31
Soils, 8, 19, 23, 36, 51–52, 147, 176–77
Solarization, 36
South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC), 129, 130
South Asian Perspectives Network Association
(SAPNA), 131
Sovereign rights, 84–85
Soybeans, 71b, 96
Special Drawing Rights (SDR), 107
Specialized products, trade and, 81
Sprinkler irrigation, 21
SPS standards. See Sanitary and phytosanitary
SRES storylines, 119, 120b
Sri Lanka, 70
Standards, 103–4, 178–79
Starvation. See Nutritional status
Stealth seeds, 174–75
Steel industry, 81
Stewardship, 67
Stress resistance, 173
Stubble, 29
Subsidies, 63, 70–72, 98
Subterranean clover, 28
Sugar, 71, 79, 92
Sui generis systems, 83, 90, 186
Suicide, 46b, 82
Supplemental irrigation, 22
Supply side management, 81
Surface irrigation, 21
agricultural, 48–49
agricultural biodiversity and, 53
capacity enhancement and, 183–86, 185f
climate change and, 54
development goals and, 152
emerging challenges to, 162–67
existing and emerging technologies and,
fisheries and, 134, 169–70
forest management and, 4, 31, 99–100
gender roles and, 54–56, 180–82
genetically engineered crops and, 172–75
information and communication technology
and, 177–78
institutions and, 182–86
intellectual property rights and, 186–87
local knowledge and, 167–69
nanotechnology and, 174–76
options for achievement of goals for, 178–80


organic agriculture and, 100–101, 169–70
pests, diseases, weeds and, 53–54
policy and, 185–86
precision farming and, 176–77
social exclusion and, 166–67
soils and, 51–52
trade and, 96–97, 102–3, 161–62, 187–90,
water resources and, 52–53
Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, 137
Swaminathan Research Foundation, 178
Swap arrangements, 129
Swine. See Pork production

Taichung Native 1 (TN1) rice, 23–24
Tamil language software, 178
Tariffs, 15, 66, 71–73, 73t
Taxes, 45, 105–6
TBT agreement, 73, 74–75
Technical barriers to trade (TBT), 72, 73t
Technology transfer, 38, 83, 88–89
Telephones, 178
Terminator technologies, 173. See also Genetic
use restriction technology
Terracing, 21, 23
Thailand, 38, 68
3R initiative, 133
Tilapia, 98
Timber certification, 31
Tomatoes, 173
Traceability, 97
Tractors, 24–25, 24f
agricultural GDP and, 14–15, 14t
anti-dumping measures and, 75–78
carbon markets and, 106
commodity prices and, 78–82
developing countries and, 70–82, 71b, 73t
fisheries, aquaculture and, 97–99
food security and, 63, 69–70
forestry and, 98–100
genetic engineering and, 95–96
intellectual property rights and, 82–92
labor standards and, 104
livestock and, 101–2
nanotechnology and, 175–76
national policy trends and, 68
organic farming and, 100–101
overview of, 15, 65–66, 65t
pest management and, 92–95
pollution havens and, 104–5
private, public institutions and, 68–69
roles of specific countries in, 66–68
sustainability and, 96–97, 102–3, 187–90,
trends in as driver, 130
Trade agreements
bilateral, 130, 188–89, 189f
environment and, 102–3
free trade agreements, 66, 67, 90–91, 104
globalization and, 150
indigenous peoples and, 69–70
intellectual property rights (IPR) and, 82–85
overview of, 189f
rural poor and, 70
shortcomings of, 64