Index | 223

Trade barriers, 2, 64, 72–75, 73t, 160, 189
Trade liberalization. See Liberalization
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) agreement. See TRIPS
Traditional (local) knowledge
biopiracy and, 84, 86, 187
importance of, 19, 167–69, 179–80
intellectual property rights and, 84, 86–87,
89–90, 187
loss of, 53
overview of, 38–40, 40t
trends in as driver, 132–33
Transgenic plants. See Genetically modified
Transportation, 92, 119
Treadle pumps, 21, 22
TRIPS agreement, 66, 82–86, 90–91, 103, 137,
Tsunamis, 8–9
Turtles, 105

Uncertainty, drivers and, 147–49, 148t–49t
Undercrops, 36
United States
anti-dumping measures and, 76–77
biofuels and, 107
free trade agreements and, 66
genetic engineering and, 95
intellectual property rights and, 86
trade and, 67
trade barriers and, 73, 73t



Universities, 137
Unofficial trade, 71
Unpaid work, overview of, 10–11
UPOV. See International Convention on the
Protection of New Plant Varieties
Urbanization, 2, 7, 10, 12, 31, 118–19, 124
Urban-periurban agriculture, 164–65

Vaccines, 172, 173
VCIP. SeeVillage Computer and Internet
Vertical integration, 63–64, 65, 101–2
Vertical specialization, 65, 147
Vietnam, 68, 71
Village Computer and Internet Program (VCIP),
Village Forest Reserves, 42b
Village Knowledge Centers, 178
Violence of science, 139
Vitamin A deficiency, 50, 87

Washington Consensus, 80
Waste management, 6, 52–53
Water resources
climate change and, 143
dispute resolution and, 161
emerging challenges in, 162–63
food security and, 125–26
irrigation and, 19
limitations on, 20
overview of, 5


regional cooperation and, 129
sustainability and, 55
trends in as driver, 114, 141–42, 142f
uncertainties in, 148t
Waterlogging, 52
Weeds, 47–48, 48t, 53–54, 74, 175
Well-being, overview of, 2, 12–13
Wells, 21
Wheat, 7, 24, 28–29, 55, 75. See also Cereal
production; Rice-wheat farming
Wildlife, 40, 42b, 102
WIPO. See World Intellectual Property
Women. See Feminization of agriculture;
Gender roles
Wood products industry, 31, 32, 92
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), 33
World Bank, 91, 93–94, 96, 119
World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), 90
World Trade Organization (WTO), 2, 65, 71b,
77–78, 103, 187, 189–90. See also
Sanitary and phytosanitary standards;
TRIPS agreement
WTO. See World Trade Organization

Yellow River, 21, 23, 52
Yunus, Muhammad, 178

Zero tillage, 23, 183
Zoonoses, 6, 9, 53, 165–66