Index | 221

Minimum tillage, 23
MINOS. See Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant
Mixed farming, 30–31, 82, 169
Modern variety introduction, 170–71
Molecular farming, 172, 173
Monocropping, 50, 53
Monocultures, 81–82, 134
Monopolies, 64, 70, 79, 85–86, 89, 101, 187
Monsanto-Mahyco Biotech Limited, 86
Monsoons, 3, 5, 34, 55, 142–43, 147
Mortality rates, 116
Mulching, 21, 23
Murray-Darling Basin, 52

NAFTA. See North American Free Trade
Nanotechnology, 174–76, 179
Nanowater, 175
Nanshen Pesticide Company, 94
National Agricultural Extension Center, 37
National agricultural research systems (NARS),
37, 40–41, 41t
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB),
National Development Program Compendium
of Science and Technology for Mid-long
Term, 141b
National E-Governance Action Plan, 178
Natural hazards, 2, 4, 8–9, 9t, 114
Natural resources, 3–8, 64, 83–85, 113, 162–63
Natural resources management, 104–42, 141b,
Neem trees, 39, 168, 186
Network models, 137
New Zealand, 68, 170
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations
Nitrogen balance, 134
Noakhali Gold Project, 98
Non-formal education, 131
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
agroforestry and, 33
extension services and, 38
investment in AKST and, 41t, 136
partnerships and, 42–43
traditional knowledge and, 19, 133
trends in as driver, 131, 151
Non-pesticide management, 94
Non-timber forest products, 92, 99
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 66, 104
No-till cultivation, 23
NREGA. See Indian National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act
Nutrient removal, 54
Nutritional status, 13, 49–51, 50f, 113, 116–17

Oil palm plantations, 32, 45, 99
Oil production, 79
Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture, 178
Opportunity costs, 106–7
Orchids, 92
Organic agricultural college, 139
Organic agriculture
livestock production and, 102


overview of, 35–36, 122–23, 169–70
pesticides and, 94, 139
sustainability and, 48–49
trade and, 64, 100–101
Organic matter, 55
Outsourcing, 65, 147
Overfishing, 34

Palm oil, 81, 107, 164. See also Oil palm
Panitchpakdi, Supachi, 81
Partnerships. See Cooperation
Pastoral farming, 8, 28
Patents, 82–83, 86, 88, 91. See also Intellectual
property rights
Pathogens. See Pests and pathogens
Periurban agriculture, 164–65
human health and, 52
increasing use of, 64
integrated management and, 170–71
nanotechnology and, 174–75
organic farming and, 36, 170
overview of use of, 25, 26f
SPS agreement and, 74–75
trade and, 92–94
traditional knowledge and, 168
trends in as driver, 139
Pests and pathogens, 8–9, 53–54, 143, 172
Pharmaceutical sector, 138
Pharming, 172, 173
Philippines, 37–38, 47, 70, 139
Phytosanitation, 74. See also Sanitary and
phytosanitary standards
Pigs. See Pork production
PIPRA. See Public-Sector Intellectual Property
Resource for Agriculture
Pit cultivation, 8
Plant Breeder Rights, 85–86, 186
Plant breeding
farmers’ rights and, 47, 64, 66
intellectual property rights and, 83, 85–87,
90, 187
pest and disease resistance and, 25
plantation forestry and, 32
public, private sector R&D and, 86–88
rice and, 23, 26–28
traditional knowledge and, 39, 40t
Plant diseases, 23–24, 27, 47–48, 139, 143
Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 47
Plant Variety Protection Act, 186
Plant variety protection systems, 47, 91, 187
Plantation forestry, 4–5, 19, 32, 98–99
Policy, 41t, 73t, 185–86
Political stability, 127–28
Polluter pays principle, 105
Pollution, 49, 52, 54–55, 104–5, 134, 147, 163
Pollution havens, 105
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), 147
Pondicherry Village Information Shops, 56
Pooling of risks, 82
Population growth
food demand and, 124
impacts of, 20
irrigation and, 20
traditional knowledge and, 169


trends in as driver, 116, 117f
water resources and, 52
Population growth rate, 116
Population statistics, 9–10
Pork production, 6, 19, 31, 52–53, 101. See
also Livestock
Poultry production, 6, 31, 38, 52–53, 101. See
also Avian influenza; Livestock
agricultural livelihoods and, 13
development goals and, 151–52
as driver, 113, 134
Green Revolution and, 46–47
information and communication technology
and, 177
investment in AKST and, 45
malnutrition and, 50
overview of, 12–13
rainfed cropping and, 23b, 160
reduction in, 15, 161
regional projections for, 123, 123t
social exclusion and, 166–67
trade and, 70, 188–89
Precipitation, 3–4, 142–43, 148t, 163. See also
Monsoons; Rainfed cropping
Precision farming, 175, 176–77
Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs), 130
Price stabilization measures, 63, 69, 72, 79–81
Pricing, 63, 69, 72, 78–82, 122
Private sector
AKST improvements and, 41, 41t, 43
aquaculture and, 98–99
extension services and, 38
intellectual property rights and, 64, 86–88
investment in AKST and, 45, 136, 151
knowledge management and, 177
research and development and, 37
trade and, 68–69
trends in as driver, 114
Processed food, 67
Green Revolution and, 46–47, 171–74
trends in, 25–26, 26f, 27f, 119–22, 121f,
121t, 122f
Protein, 31, 34, 36, 175
PTAs. See Preferential Trade Agreements
Public-Sector Intellectual Property Resource for
Agriculture (PIPRA), 88

Quotas, 72, 79, 80–81

Railroads, 128–29
Rainfed cropping, 19, 22–23, 23b, 28–29,
142–43, 160
Rainwater harvesting, 23
Rajasthan Ekta Nari Sangsthan, 182
Reforestation, 31, 179
Regional cooperation, 38, 129–30
Regional trade, 2, 15, 187–90, 189f, 190t
Regulatory measures, 31, 68–69, 73t
Renewable energy, 113–14. See also Bioenergy
Rental markets, 24–25
Republic of Korea, 67, 68
Research organizations and institutions,
overview of, 136–38