Index | 307

options for improving, 211-12
See also Common Agricultural Policy; Eco-
nomic policies
Quality standards for food, 65-66
Quality turn, 2-3, 8
Quantitative models, 155-56, 156t, 223, 262
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 152,
169, 170
Rainforest Alliance, 69, 264
Reforestation, 53-54
Regional treaties and trade agreements, 144,
Remedial R&D, 264
Renewable energy, 13
Research and development
Asia's results, 153
on biodiversity, 56, 155-56, 158, 210, 265,
266, 266t
on biofuels, 219-20, 220t
on coastal fisheries, 239-40
in ecological and evolutionary sciences, 210
and education, 251
funding for agriculture, 264—67, 266t, 267b
international R&D, 117-18, 119, 137, 168
key drivers for AKST and, 192-98
on market mechanisms, 222-23
of multifunctional agriculture systems, 265,
overview, 117, 119
as percentage of GDP, 122, 136, 170-71,
17 1t, 193
principal-agent model for agricultural re-
search incentives, 140^11
privatization of, 119, 120-21, 134-35,
136t, 140-41, 194, 196-97, 198
public funding of, 117, 123, 132-34, 133f,
136t, 137-38
public to private investment ratio, 10
review of foresight exercises, 155-61, 158b,
159t, 162-63t
structure and policy changes, 117, 132—33
TNC/MNC competition, 168
trends, 166-69
See also AKST; Innovative models and systems
Research and technology organizations (RTOs),
Research definition and execution, 153, 165
Researchers, 166-67, 171t
Research resources, reallocation of, 141
Research structures and management, 137-38
Resources, equity in access to, 9-10, 103
Response network for infectious diseases, 217
RFID (radio frequency identification), 152,
169, 170
Ricardo, David, 223b
Risk regulation in agrifood systems, 141^43
River Basin Management programs, 263
RTOs (research and technology organizations),
Rules and norms, 5. See also International trea-
ties and agreements; Standards
Rural development, 246
Rural development support, 16, 28, 33


Rural Economy and Land Use Programme
(RELU), 135
Rural livelihoods. See Food and farming
Rural populations, 26-29, 27f, 28f, 97-98,
100-103, 101t, 102t
Russia, 21, 25, 26t, 33-34. See also Soviet Union
SAPARD (Special Accession Programme for
Agriculture and Rural Development), 33
Scenar 2020 foresight exercise, 157-58, 159t
Science and technology
in aqua culture, 60-61
attitudes toward, 171-72
financial resources devoted to, 170—71, 171t
funding for, 153, 170-71, 171t, 192-95
integration of perspectives, 117, 126—30,
127b, 128t, 197,211
student interest, 153
See also AKST
Science and Technology Foresight Unit, 157
Science of complex systems, 214n, 215b
Scientific knowledge
global spending, 136-38
organization of, 120-22, 121b, 122f, 122t
Seedbanks, 230
Seed industry
effect of plant breeding technologies, 21
hybrid seeds and plants, 34, 40-41, 42,
123, 144, 195
market structure, 34, 36t
oilseed crops, 22, 31-32, 38, 47, 218-19,
220, 220t
organic seeds, 67
plant breeding, seeds and genetics, 40-43, 42f
TNC domination of, 10, 16, 21, 34, 179
in United States, 34, 36t
Seed varieties, access to, 213—14
Short-term grant contracts, 117, 139-140
Single farm payments (SFPs), 32—33
Smartwood certification scheme, 263-64
Social development, 7-8, 11-12, 22, 216,
Social gaps, 7—8. See also Gender gaps; Women
Societal context
cultural aspects of AKST, 5, 9
impacts of agriculture and AKST, 81, 99-
104, 100t, 101f, 101t, 102t, 105tt, 106f
impacts of increased mechanization, 101,
trends of paradigms, 122—26, 125b
See also
Communities; Women
Socioeconomic viability of systems, 241^14
Sociopolitical drivers of AKST, 164-65
Soil management
AKST analytical techniques, 37-38
environmental effects of, 82-84, 83f, 83t, 84t
European Commission on soil degradation,
improving standards for, 210, 226-27
Solar energy, 170, 180, 192, 220, 230, 230b
Soviet Union
agrifood systems, 14, 15, 21, 24, 40
collapse and breakup of, 11, 98, 138
economic development of, 11, 12
post-WWII agricultural conditions, 38
See also Russia


Special Accession Programme for Agriculture
and Rural Development (SAPARD), 33
Specialization of agriculture
bipolarisation of demand, 224b
crop or livestock production vs. mixed sys-
tems, 92
as effect of AKST, 97-98, 126-27
and equity of food systems, 102-4
and food miles, 92, 195, 220
food system specialization, 22-26, 23f, 23t,
24f, 25f, 26t
industrialization and, 123
overview, 22-26, 23f, 23t, 24f, 25f, 26t, 100
potential problems, 152
precision agriculture, 40, 160, 186
quality products distinguished by origin, 225
social impacts, 100
See also Supply chains
Specialization of livestock agriculture, 48^9,
49t, 52-53, 87-88, 123, 194
for animal welfare, 15-16
effect of, on small-scale producers, 152
ISO and HACCP, 66-67, 67t
overview, 65—66, 65n
AKST funding, agenda development and, 119,
130-42,131t, 133f, 134f, 135f, 13 6t
CEE farm structure, 24-26, 40
changes in, as effect of AKST, 97-98
changes in funding and, 140^2
development/establishment of, 130—32, 131t
food and farming systems and, 177—78
rationalization of, 141
research and development structure and
policy changes, 117, 132—33
research structures and management,
in US agriculture, 23-24,23t
See also Market structure
of biofuels, 22
for cotton producers in the US, 176
direct payments in EU, 31-33, 47, 93, 175
discrimination in distribution of, 7
elimination of, 198, 222b
in Europe, 11, 16, 32, 48, 60, 175, 196
and excess productivity, 98
for exports, 93, 106
for forestry science development, 56
market-led policies, 53, 109, 145
NAE undermining developing countries
with, 152, 175
in North America, 6-7, 30-31
for positive ecological, sociocultural and
economic externalities, 200, 244
and private sector, 197
for productivity increases, 50, 53, 145, 176,
Subsistence or semi-subsistence growers, 2
Supermarkets, 15. See also Food retail sector
Supermarkets Code of Practice, 64
Supply and demand
in foresight exercises, 155, 223
impact of AKST on, 93, 94f, 94t, 95f
of labor, 26-27, 27f
supply driven policies, 144