Index | 308

Supply chains
agrifood chains, 16
and AKST, 224, 224b
anti-competitive practices, 65, 81
economic issues, 241, 243
energy efficiency of, 214, 220-21, 231
in Europe, 64t
in food system, 36-37, 66, 95, 96
of multinational food companies, 180
mutually-beneficial aspects of, 211, 225—26
and nanotechnology, 234—35
of supermarkets, 80, 92
See also Value chains
Supply control, 30, 31, 32, 81, 145
Surveillance networks, 217, 218
and adaptive capacity for climate change,
from ecological management, 226-46,
230b, 232b, 233b, 234b, 236b, 237t,
as goal, 8, 16
and innovation systems, 153—54
and R&D decisions, 265
of rural livelihoods, 244^5, 245f
See also Development and sustainability
Synthetic pesticides, 44
Systems approaches, 124, 127-28, 127b
Tariffs, 5, 16, 30, 32, 175, 222b
assessing, 210
biotechnology, 210, 217, 231-34, 232b,
for communication, 152, 157, 159t, 169,
170, 200, 246^8
and evolution of KST, 169-70
and role of private AKST organizations, 194
soil-related, 227
for water policies and water reuse, 228
See also AKST; Information technology;
KST; Nanotechnology; Science and
Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURF), 263
Tissue engineering, 170
TNCs. See Transnational and multinational
Tools and approaches of AKST, 118-19
Trade agreements. See International trade; In-
ternational treaties and agreements
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPs), 42, 144, 195, 261
Trade spending, 62
Traditional practices, 4, 9, 14, 247^8
Transgenesis, 233
Transhumance, 13, 48
Transnational and multinational corporations
(TNCs and MNCs)
agrochemical companies, 43, 45
border protection vs., 180, 226
cooperatives or consolidation vs., 35,
96-97, 97t, 98f, 168
development of, 15
dominance of, 10, 21, 34-37, 35t, 37t,
in European aquaculture, 59


in food retail sector, 21-22, 61-65, 62f, 62t,
63tt, 64f, 64t, 65f,
growth related to AKST application, 9
and organic foods, 67
purchasing and marketing organizations,
62-63, 63t
supply chains of, 180
sustainability goals, 16
and wealth inequity, 9
in access, control and distribution of AKST,
in agricultural policies, trade and markets,
175-76, 177t
in attitudes towards science and technol-
ogy, 171
climate change and variability, 186-88,
187f, 188f
consolidation in US food industry, 34, 35f
emerging trends and AKST response,
emerging trends and uncertainties in KST,
energy and bioenergy, 191
farming systems and farm structures, 177-78
in food consumption and distribution, 172—74
in forests and forestry production, 53—54,
54f, 56-57
historical, of scientific knowledge genera-
tion, 120-22, 121b, 122f, 122t
identifying with foresight activities, 157—58,
information technology, 169
labor and gender dynamics, 178-79
natural resource availability and manage-
ment, 180-85, 183f, 184ff
niche markets, 15-16, 67, 68t
obesity and associated diseases, 81
and options for action, 201
organizations, 179-80, 192-95
output and productivity, 49-53, 51f
output and productivity in Europe, 53, 108,
108 f
of paradigms in societal context, 122—26,
pesticide usage, 44, 46f
in post-harvest and consumption systems,
61, 63-65, 64t
proprietary regimes, 195—96
in R&D spending, 133-34, 133f, 134t
in research and development, 166—69
in science and technology funding, 170-71,
17 1t, 192-94
in science education, 172
and small farms, 99, 101-2, 101t, 102t
in stakeholder interaction, 247
transformation in KST models, 165—68
Triple helix model of knowledge production,
165, 166
TRIPs (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights), 42, 144, 195, 261
TURF (Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries), 263
in access, control and distribution of AKST,


agricultural labor and organizations, 180
in agricultural policies, trade and markets,
176, 177t
in attitudes towards science and technology,
climate change and variability, 188-90
energy and bioenergy, 191-92
farming systems and farm structures, 178
in food consumption and distribution, 174
information technology, 169
natural resource availability and manage-
ment, 185
organizations, 194-95
proprietary regimes, 195-96
in science and technology funding, 171,
in science education, 172
transformation in KST models, 166,
Undernourishment in countries in transition,
6-7, 7f
Union for the Protection of New Varieties of
Plants (UPOV), 42, 195
United Nations, founding of, 5
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 5
United Nations Convention on Biological Di-
versity, 125b, 175, 195, 261-62
United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), 155-56, 156t
United States
agricultural imports and exports, 106, 108ff
agriculture subsidies in, 6—7
American Indian to white economic dispar-
ity, 12
changes in livestock agriculture, 50f, 51 f
diet-related health problems, 6
fertility rate projection, 163, 163t
food insecurity in, 5
funding for agricultural research, 134—35,
and Great Depression, 30-31
post-WWII economic recovery, 11-12
seed industry, 34, 36t
See also
NAE region; North America
University trends in research, 153, 167—68,
179—80. See also Educational institu-
tions; Research and development
UPOV (International Union for the Protection
of New Varieties of Plants), 42, 195
Urbanization, 12, 177
US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 42, 53,
US Energy Policy Act (2005), 47
Value chains
agrifood systems and, 14, 15
consolidation of, 8-9, 16, 195
development of, 4, 15-16, 52, 166, 243,
and information technology, 126
See also Supply chains
Vegetarian movement, 15
Veterinary and public health infrastructure
integration, 217—18
Veterinary medicines, environmental conse-
quences of, 88