Index | 305

farming and rural population changes,
26-29, 27f, 28f, 97-98, 100-103, 101t,
farmworkers, 7, 10, 27, 152-53, 178-79,
244^5, 245f
future of farmworkers, 178-80
GDP per person engaged in agriculture,
93, 94f
and gender dynamics, 178—79
improving welfare of, 241—42
livestock and, 52—53
on Soviet collectivized farms, 24
Land use and management
as AKST driver, 4-5
biodiversity enhancement, 229
for biofuels, 10
and climate change, 186-87, 190, 214-15
competition for land use, 181, 237, 257b
effect intensive agriculture, 90-92, 91f
and integrated farming systems, 125
and mechanization, 40
models of, 157-58, 158b
multiple development objectives, 186, 190
and soil classification, 38
soil degradation from, 80, 82
uncertainties about, 185
See also Forest management; Grasslands
LEITAP model, 157-58
Lignocellulosics, 220
Literacy rates, 12
Livestock processing, 34-35, 35t, 89
Livestock production
antibiotic use in, 53, 80, 88, 101, 172
environmental consequences of veterinary
medicines, 88
environmental impacts of differing systems,
intensive, 48, 52-53, 69, 80, 88, 100-101
and methane gas, 80, 88-89, 215, 232
new and emerging diseases, 216—17
and trade, European, 108-9, 109t
Livestock production contracts, 36-37
Livestock systems, 48-53, 49f, 50f, 51f
Local food-supply led AKST innovation system,
154, 199, 221
Local-learning AKST innovation system,
Low-income countries. See Developing coun-
tries or regions
Maize development, 42, 44
Manures, environmental effects of, 88
Marginal lands in NAE region, 13
Marker assisted selection, 41, 232-34
Marketing contracts, 37
Marketing/processing enterprises, 179
Market-led AKST innovation system, 153—54,
Market-led subsidies, 53, 109, 145
Market power, AKST impacts on, 95-97, 97t,
Market structure
and forestry production, 56
and information dissemination, 197
inputs and outputs, 34-37, 35f, 35t, 36f,


market driven policies, 144
niche markets, 67
organic and locally-produced goods, 15—16,
67, 68t
post-harvest and consumption systems,
61-70, 62f, 62t, 63tt, 64f, 64t, 65t, 67t,
68tt, 69tt, 70tt
segmentation in food markets, 65-66
trade, agricultural policies, and, 221—23,
222b, 223b
See also
Agrifood systems; Supply and de-
mand; Supply chains
Mechanization, 40, 80, 86-87, 101, 101f
Media influence on consumer preferences, 179
MEGAAF model, 157
Methane, 13, 80, 88, 89f, 187f, 187n, 230b
Migrant labor, 2, 152-53, 178-79, 211, 242
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2003), 14
MNCs. See Transnational and multinational
MNP (Netherlands Environmental Assessment
Agency), 155, 157
Mode 1 and Mode 2 knowledge production,
165, 166
Montreal Protocol, 259
Multifunctional agriculture systems
and AKST, 194-95, 246, 265
drivers for, 8, 160-61, 197
and ecosystem-oriented AKST, 124-26,
125b, 177, 198
farmers' challenges, 217
funding for R&D, 265, 266-67
future of, 209, 210, 211, 212, 246^7, 259
as new paradigm, 209
in rural areas, 190-91, 241, 246
training programs on, 251
Multifunctional economic signals, 15-16
Multifunctional forestry system, 238—39
Multifunctional sustainability of forests, 55, 57,
Multinational companies. See Transnational
and multinational corporations
Mutagenesis, 41, 233
NAE assessment roadmap, 3f
NAE region
agrifood systems, 14-16
cropping system changes, 37-48
economic policy impacts, 92-99, 93f, 94ff,
94t, 95f, 96f, 97t, 98ff, 99f, 100t
fair trade sales, 68-69, 68t, 69t
farm policies, 33
forestry systems, 53-57, 54f
geographic scope, 3, 133n, 175
influence on other countries, 2, 8-10, 81,
117-18, 119
Israel, 2, 12
natural resources and their exploitation,
overview, 10-12
post-harvest and consumption systems,
21-22, 61-70, 62f, 62t, 63tt, 64f, 64t,
65t, 67t, 68tt, 69tt, 70tt
transferring wealth from urban to rural
areas, 16, 28
See also Europe; North America


for livestock vaccinations, 217
potential of, 163t, 234-35
and precision agriculture, 160
public response to, 170
sensors for monitoring soil health, 227
for traceability from raw materials to mar-
keted products, 225
National Academy of Science (NAS), 66
National Agricultural Research Institutes (NA-
RIs), 251, 255
National Agricultural Research Systems
(NARS), 132, 256-57
National Forest Programs (NFPs), 264
National Intelligence Council (NIC), 160
Natural resources
alternative resource management strategies,
236, 260-61
availability and management, 4-5, 180-86,
183 f, 184ff
exploitation by external peoples, 13
in NAE region, 12-14
reducing pressure on, 231
See also Ecological management; Environ-
mental quality
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
(MNP), 155, 157
New Partnerships for African Development
(NEPAD), 255
NFPs (National Forest Programs), 264
Niche markets, 15-16, 67, 68t
NIC (National Intelligence Council), 160
Nitrogen (N) fertilizers, 8, 41, 43^4, 45f, 88
Nitrogen (N) in soil, 43
Nitrous oxide (N2O), 80, 83, 187, 187f, 230
Nonagricultural domains and AKST, 2
North America
and access to capital, 2
aqua culture, 57-59, 57f, 58ff, 59 f
economics and international trade, 164,
176, 177t
farm size and number of farms, 22-26, 23f,
23t, 24f, 25f
fertility rate projection, 163, 163t
foresight exercises, 160-61, 162-63t
livestock systems, 48-53, 49f, 50f, 51f
natural resources and their exploitation, 12—14
organic farming in, 48
organic market in, 67, 68t
pesticide usage in, 44f, 45-46
population projections, 163, 164t
range management, 52
See also Canada; United States
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 16, 27, 53, 106
in cropping systems, 43-44, 44f, 45f
in food, 21, 69-70, 70t, 104, 105tt, 106f,
170, 210
Obesity and overweight, 6, 81, 104, 105tt,
106f, 173
OCED/FAO global foresight model, 155-56, 156t
OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation
and Development), 104, 105t, 132-33,
133n, 138