Index | 304

Hunger and food insecurity eradication, 5-6
Hybrid public goods, 141, 260
Hybrid seeds and plants, 34, 40-41, 42, 123,
144, 195
Hybrid vehicles, 170
IAASTD conceptual diagram, 4f
ICT (information and communication technolo-
gies), 152, 157, 159t, 169, 170, 200
Identified products, 224b
IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Insti-
tute), 155, 156t
Illegal immigrants, 7, 152-53, 180, 242
Immigrant agricultural populations, 22, 27
Immigration, 27, 163, 242
IMP (Integrated Pest Management), 124, 235
Indigenous knowledge, 4, 9, 14, 247-48
Indigenous peoples, 12, 13, 14
of beneficiaries, 138-139, 197
equity in control and, 81, 103
of media on consumer preferences, 179
of NAE on developing countries, 2, 8-10,
81, 117-18, 119
Information and communication technologies
(ICT), 152, 157, 159t, 169, 170, 200
Information systems, reconfiguration of, 252
Information technology (IT)
and communication, 170
and digital divide, 130, 197
and food supply chain, 95
gleaning knowledge from, 251—52
and precision farming, 199
trends and uncertainties, 169
and value chains, 126
Innovative models and systems
for AKST dissemination, 254
Biologically Integrated Farming Systems
program, 253
for crops and livestock food and farming,
231-36, 232b, 233b, 234b, 236b
education and research model, 253-54, 253b
future of, 154-55
normative agriculture innovation systems,
overview, 153, 155-61, 192-98
transformation in, 166-69
trends and uncertainties, 165-69
Inputs enterprises, 179
INRA (Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique), 157
Insecticides. See Pesticide usage
Insect resistant (IR) crops, 41, 85-86
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
(IPTS), 157, 159
effect of organizations and, 10
forest institutions, 55-56
institutional arrangements and collabora-
tion, 265-66
lessons learned, 118—20
organizational and institutional arrange-
ments, 252-58, 253b, 257b
public institutions, 42, 43, 53, 160, 198,
252-53, 261
See also Educational institutions


Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
(INRA), 157
Integrated Pest Management (IMP), 124, 235
of AKST and KST, 117, 126, 138, 153,
192-96, 197, 200
of education and research programs,
interdisciplinarity overview, 248—51, 252b
paradigms as barriers to, 129, 249b
of perspectives within AKST, 117, 126-30,
127b, 128t, 197,211
of research on coastal fisheries, 239^0
for studying ecology of emerging diseases,
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), 10, 21, 42,
143, 144b, 194, 195-96, 212
Intensive agriculture, 80, 90-92, 91f
Intensive livestock production vs., 48, 52—53,
69, 88, 100-101
Interactive knowledge networks, 246^8
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), 155, 156t, 188,216
International agreements. See International
treaties and agreements
International AKST, 136-38
International Food Policy Research Institute
(IFPRI), 155, 156t
International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), 104,
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), 66-67, 67t
International purchasing and marketing organi-
zations, 62-63, 63t
International quality standards, 5
International R&D, 117-18, 119, 137, 168.
See also Consultative Group on Interna-
tional Agricultural Research; Research
and development
International trade
agricultural policies, markets and, 175-77,
AKST and production changes, 98-99, 98f,
CEE trade with other countries, 106, 106t
CIS economics and international trade, 164,
176, 177t
European economics and, 108—9, 109t, 164,
176, 177t
export subsidies, 93, 106
Global Trade Analysis Project, 157, 160
intellectual property rights, 144, 144b
of meat and dairy products, 53, 108-9, 109t
NA economics and, 164, 176, 177t
overview, 2, 104, 106-9, 106t, 107ff, 108ff,
109t, 164-65
promoting fair trade and market reform,
210, 211, 221-23, 222b, 223b
and tariffs, 5, 16, 30, 32, 175, 222b
trade agreements, 9, 16, 53, 144, 144b, 152
trends, uncertainties and consequences,
176-77, 177t
International treaties and agreements
Convention on Biological Diversity, 125b,
175, 195, 261-62
developing AKST in response to, 259—60
and development goals of other countries, 152


on intellectual property rights, 10, 21, 42,
144, 144b, 194, 195-96, 212
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 16, 27, 53, 106
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, 165
plant breeders rights, 42, 144, 195
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agri-
culture, 5, 175, 195-96, 261-62
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Prop-
erty Rights, 42, 144, 144b, 195, 261
See also European Union
International Union for the Protection of New
Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 42, 195
International Water Management Institute
(IWMI), 155
IOTF (International Obesity Task Force), 104,
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change), 155, 156t, 188, 216
IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), 10, 21, 42,
143, 144b, 194, 195-96, 212
IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies), 157, 159
IR (insect resistant) crops, 41, 85-86
environmental consequences of, 85
overview, 13, 46
traditional knowledge on, 9
ISO (International Organization for Standard-
ization), 66-67, 67t
Israel, 2, 12
IT. See Information technology
IWMI (International Water Management Insti-
tute), 155
Knowledge. See AKST
Knowledge, science and technology. See Future
for KST, agriculture, and AKST; KST
Knowledge-based systems, 241-42, 251-58,
253b, 257b
Knowledge networks, 246^18
Knowledge production models and trends,
KST (knowledge, science, and technology)
advancement in, 118
as AKST driver, 119-20
direct drivers, 165-72, 171t
export from NAE, 9-10
integration of AKST and, 117, 126, 138,
153, 192-96, 197, 200
uncertainties and consequences for AKST,
166, 168-69, 171, 172
veterinary and public health infrastructure
integration, 217-18
See also Future for KST, agriculture, and
as AKST driver, 4-5
AKST options for strengthening, 211
CAP focus on equitable standards, 31
decrease in need for, 22-23, 23t, 40, 48
from developing countries, 10
development of organizations, institutions
and, 246-58