Index | 303

in Soviet Union, 21, 24-25
and sustained poverty reduction, 254
USD A food security assessment, 162t
and water demands and land scarcity, 156
See also Food safety issues
Food sovereignty, 9
Food systems approaches, 127-28, 127b
Food system specialization, 22-26, 23f, 23t,
24f, 25f, 26t. See also Supply chains
Foresight food, rural and agrifutures (FFRAF),
157, 158, 159t
Forest institutions, 55-56
Forest management
and biodiversity, 54-55, 90, 235, 235t, 238,
certification of, 263—64
development and sustainability, 210,
environmental consequences of changes
in, 90
governance issues, 263—64
mechanization of, 101, 101f
overview, 53-57, 54f, 210, 236-39, 237t
Forest productivity, 238
Forest resources
and biomass crops, 47
and climate change, 186—88
mapping of, 239
in NAE region, 13-14
overview, 183
quality of stands, 54, 90
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 263—64
ForSociety, 157
Framework for African Agricultural Productiv-
ity (FAAP), 254-56
Free-trade agreements, 31, 144
Freshwater resources in NAE region, 13. See
also entries beginning with
Frontier research concept of knowledge produc-
tion, 165, 166
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), 263-64
FSR (farming systems research), 124, 127b
Funding. See Privatization; Public funding
Fungicides. See Pesticide usage
Future for KST, agriculture, and AKST
access, control and distribution of AKST,
agricultural labor and organizations,
climate change and variability, 186—91,
187f, 188f
context, 154-61, 156t, 158b, 159t
direct drivers for agriculture, 4, 172-92,
177t, 183 f, 184ff, 187f
direct drivers for KST, 165-72, 171t
energy and bioenergy trends and issues,
farm systems and structures, 177—78
and GHG emissions, 188-91
indirect drivers for AKST, 161-65, 163t,
international trade and, 176—77, 177t
key drivers for AKST and research/innova-
tion systems, 192-98
natural resources availability and manage-
ment, 180-86, 183f, 184ff
organization and funding of AKST, 192—95


overview, 152—54
proprietary regimes, 195—96
and sustainable development goals,
trade, markets and agricultural policies,
221-23, 222b, 223b
Future needs and priorities for AKST. See Op-
tions for action
GE. See Genetic engineering
Gender gaps, 7-8, 12, 242^13. See also Women
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), 5
Genetic engineering (GE)
in animal breeding, 51—52
consumer concerns, 100—101
and development and sustainability goals,
233b, 234b
DNA-based techniques, 41, 217, 225,
environmental consequences of, 80, 85—86
ethical issues, 100-101
of livestock, 50-51
and nutritional value, 170
overview, 41-43, 42f, 80, 85-86
potential of, 231-34, 232b
and productivity increases in crops, 40^3,
for reducing drought stress, 228
regulations in Europe and Canada, 143^14
resource accessibility, 261-62
traditional practices vs., 4
Genetic resources collections, 2, 229—30
GEO (Global Environment Outlook), 155-56,
15 6t
Geographic scope of NAE region, 3, 133n, 175
GFAR (Global Forum on Agricultural Re-
search), 257-58
GHG. See Greenhouse gas emissions
Global assessment, aspects of, 3^1, 161, 181
Global Environment Outlook (GEO), 155-56,
15 6t
Global foresight exercises, 155—56
Global Forum on Agricultural Research
(GFAR), 257-58
Global issues, AKST options for addressing,
Global population growth, 12
Global Scenario Group (GSG), 155, 156
Global strategy for a low carbon economy,
Global Technology Revolution 2020 (Rand
Corp.), 170
Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), 157, 160
environmental enhancement, 8
for food security, 5—6, 22, 137
for genetic engineering, 233b, 234b
meeting sustainability goals, 212-14
paradigm shift to meet development and
sustainability goals, 212—14
poverty reduction, 6—7, 7f, 211
for public policies, 144-45
and scope of AKST, 118
sustainability, 5-8, 5f, 7f, 8, 16, 118, 119-
20, 198-201


Governance systems and policy environment
redesign, 258-64, 260b, 260t
Grameen Bank, 195
and biodiversity, 229
crop and livestock takeovers, 52, 81-82
ecosystem-based management, 57
environmental effect of losing, 82, 84—85,
91, 188, 188f
grazing systems, 87
recovering to counter climate change, 215
Great Depression, 30-31
Greenhouse gases, 187n
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
from agriculture, 80
carbon dioxide (CO2), 43, 53, 87, 187-88,
187f, 218, 220
and climate change, 186-91, 187f, 188f
effect on consumer choices, 8
future for KST, agriculture, and AKST,
methane, 13, 80, 88, 89f, 187f, 187n, 230b
nitrous oxide (N2O), 80, 83, 187, 187f, 230
ozone, 90, 187
reducing emissions, 209
See also Climate change
Green manufacturing, 170
Green Revolution, 123-24, 127, 256
Gross domestic product (GDP)
contribution of agricultural sector, 92
education funding as percent of, 12
influence on agriculture and AKST, 164
and penetration of "modern" retail, 61, 62f
and percentage of income spent on food, 69
per person engaged in agriculture, 93, 94f
research and development percentage, 122,
136, 170-71, 171t, 193
GSG (Global Scenario Group), 155, 156
GTAP (Global Trade Analysis Project), 157,
Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Point
(HACCP), 53, 66-67
Health. See Human health
Herbicides. See Pesticide usage
Herbicide tolerant (HT) crops, 41, 85-86
Housing for animals, 51, 52, 231, 235
Housing for humans, 69, 69t, 70tt, 170, 242
HT (herbicide tolerant), 41, 85-86
Human capital. See Labor
Human health
and AKST development choices, 2
and AKST policies and investment, 6, 9
diet/consumption changes, 69-71, 69t, 70tt
diet-related health problems, 2, 6, 8, 9
increasing awareness of food and, 22, 152
new and emerging diseases, 216—17
and nutrients in food, 21, 69-70, 70t, 104,
105tt, 106f, 170,210
obesity and overweight, 6, 81, 104, 105tt,
pesticide poisonings, 6
and targeted drug deliveries, 170
veterinary and public health infrastructure
integration, 217-18
Hungarian exports, 61-62