Looking into the Future for Knowledge, Science and Technology and AKST | 155

an agricultural research and innovation system, including promotion of sustainable agriculture and enhancement of nutritional security, human health and rural livelihoods, and AKST depends on the priorities. At the same time, an agricultural research and innovation system and certain AKST could help mitigate environmental degradation and social inequities. Reaching all of these goals will be diffi­cult; various agricultural research and innovation systems favor particular goals at the expense of others. These alter­native futures expand the spectrum of possibilities and will facilitate discussions among decision makers about strategic choices.

5.1.2 Review of related studies
A number of recent foresight exercises focusing on agricul­ture, rural development, environment, science and technol­ogy have been undertaken at global and regional levels. Different kinds of approaches have been used to address future changes pertaining to agriculture. Some have em­ployed projections accompanied by limited policy simula­tions. Others have proposed scenarios and considered a wide range of uncertainties in an integrated manner. They all explore key linkages between different drivers and result­ing changes. They all conclude that business as usual will not suffice. However, no assessment has explicitly focused on the future role of AKST. At global level
A number of quantitative models have been developed by such organizations as IFPRI, the Food and Agricultural Pol­icy Research Institute (FAPRI), FAO, OECD, and the Neth­erlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
     Partial   equilibrium   models   (PE)   treat  international markets for a selected set of traded goods, e.g., agricultural goods in the case of partial equilibrium agricultural sector models. These models consider the agricultural system as a closed system without linkages with the rest of the econ­omy, apart from exogenous assumptions on the rest of the domestic and world economy. The strength of these partial equilibrium models is their great detail of the agricultural sector. The "food" side of these models generally uses a sys­tem of supply and demand elasticities incorporated into a series of linear and nonlinear equations, to approximate the underlying production and demand functions. World agri­cultural commodity prices are determined annually at levels that clear international markets. Demand is a function of price, income and population growth. Regional biophysical information (for land or water availability, for example) is constraining the supply side of the model (IAASTD Global Chapter 5).
     Computable  general  equilibrium   (CGE)   models  are widely used as an analytical framework to study economic issues of national, regional and global dimension. CGE mod­els provide a representation of national economies, next to a specification of trade relations between economies. CGE models are specifically concerned with resource allocation issues, that is, where the allocation of production factors over alternative uses is affected by certain policies or exog­enous developments. International trade is typically an area where such induced effects are important consequences of policy choices. CGE models have sometimes been used to


provide a scientific guarantee in support of full trade liber­alization (Boussard et al., 2006).
     Beyond IAASTD, major global environmental assess­ments include:
•     The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005).
•     The   Intergovernmental   Panel   on   Climate   Change (IPCC) assesses scientific, technical and socioeconomic information needed to understand climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and miti­gation. In 2007, IPCC finalized its Fourth Assessment Report.
•     The UNEP-led Global Environment Outlook (GEO) project focuses on the role and impact of the environ­ment for human well-being and the use of environmen­tal valuation as a decision tool.
•     The OECD environmental outlook to 2030 focuses on environment-economic linkages to 2030. The pro­jections are complemented by qualitative discussions based on extensive OECD analytical work.
•     The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture led by the International Water Manage­ment  Institute   (IWMI)   critically  evaluated  benefits, costs and the impacts of the past 50 years of water development and looks at current challenges to water management.
•     The Global Scenario Group (GSG) was convened in 1995 by the Stockholm Environment Institute to exam­ine the prospects for world development in the twenty-first century. Numerous studies at global, regional and national levels have relied  on the Group's scenario framework and quantitative analysis (Kemp-Benedict et al., 2002).

Chapters 4 and 5 of the global IAASTD report have re­viewed a number of quantitative models extensively (see Table 5-1 in the Global Report):
•     IMPACT-WATER. A partial equilibrium agricultural sector model with a water simulation module devel­oped by the International Food Policy Research Insti­tute (IFPRI) (Rosegrant et al., 2002). Using this model, IFPRI has made a number of studies, e.g., Global Food Projections to 2020 (Rosegrant et al., 2001), Global water outlook to 2025 (Rosegrant et al., 2004), Fish to 2020: supply and demand in changing global markets (Delgado et al., 2003), Food security (Von Braun et al., 2005),
•     IMAGE. Integrated model to assess the global environ­ment developed under the auspices of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) (Bouwman et al., 2006),
•     GTEM. Global trade and environment model, a com­putable general equilibrium model developed by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Eco­nomics (ABARE) (Pant, 2002),
•     WATERSIM. Water, Agriculture, Technology, Environ­ment and Resources Simulation Model developed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and IFPRI (de Fraiture et al., 2006),
•     GLOBIO3. Global methodology for mapping human impacts on the biosphere, a consortium that seeks to develop a global model for exploring the impact of en-