156 | North America and Europe (NAE) Report

Table 5-1. Overview of quantitative modeling tools used in IAASTD Global Chapter5.

Global foresight model

Main focus



Global Scenario Group (GSG)

Sustainable development


Strong focus on storyline, supported by quantitative accounting system

IPCC—Third and Fourth Assessment Reports (TAR3 and TAR4)

Climate change, causes and impact


Storylines supported by modeling.


Greenhouse gas emissions


Modeling supported by storylines.




Storylines and modeling. Modeling on the basis of model chains/interlinked models

Millenium Ecosystem Assessment -MA



Storylines and modeling. Modeling on the basis of linked models

OECD-FAO Food outlook

Food Systems




Food Systems



FAO at 2020



Single projection, mostly based on expert judgment

IFPRI World Food Outlook



Model-based projections. Global and regional scenarios.

OECD Environment Outlook





vironmental change on biodiversity and was designed to support UNEP's activities (GLOBIO, 2001),
•     EcoOcean. A marine biomass balance model of the Uni­versity of British Columbia,
•     GEN-CGE. A computable general equilibrium model for India,
•     CAPSiM.   A   partial   equilibrium   agricultural   sector model for China.

Since 1995, FAO has been using a World Food Model, which is a partial equilibrium model capable of making pro­jections on food demand and supply at the 2030 horizon and 140 countries and 32 products. FAO has published the work of Collomb (1999) and more recently two reports on world agriculture towards 2015-2030 and towards 2030-2050 (Bruinsma, 2003; FAO, 2006). OECD and FAO pub­lish the Agricultural Outlook periodically. The most recent is for 2007-2016 (OECD/FAO, 2007).
     Quantitative projections indicate a tightening of world food markets, with increasing resource scarcity, pushing prices up which especially penalizes the poor consumers. Real world prices for most cereals and meats are projected to increase in the coming decades, dramatically reversing trends from the past several decades. Price increases are driven by both demand and supply factors. Population and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa, together with al­ready high growth in Asia and moderate growth in Latin America drive increased growth in demand for food. Rapid growths in meat and milk demand are projected to put pres­sure on prices for maize and other coarse grains and meals. Bioenergy demand is projected to compete with land and


water resources. Overall growing water demands and land scarcity are projected to increasingly constrain food pro­duction growth and have an adverse impact on food secu­rity and human well-being goals. Higher prices can benefit surplus agricultural producers, but can also reduce access to food for a larger number of poor consumers, including farmers who do not produce net surplus for the market. As a result, progress in reducing malnutrition is projected to be slow (IAASTD global report, chapter 5).
     Although none are identical to the IAASTD exercise in scope and timeframe, many meetings and reports have addressed one or more of the components included in the IAASTD narrative. We have collected and reviewed a num­ber of them focusing on Europe and North America which include elements of the IAASTD exercise. At European level
There are too many foresight activities in Europe to describe them all. We will describe a few exercises and give the ref­erences for networks and places where information can be found.
     In the European Commission, foresight activities are launched and carried out in several places:
•     The European Technology Platforms (ETPs) which pro­vide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on a number of strategically impor­tant issues where achieving Europe's future growth, competitiveness and sustainability objectives is depen­dent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term. More than thirty platforms