Index | 235

investments, scale of, 80
in life as it is scenario, 145, 148, 161–62
networks, strengthening, 177
in order from strength scenario, 141, 143, 161
participatory approach to, 86–89, 177
by scenario (overview), 135t
in technogarden scenario, 154, 155, 157,
158, 163
as variable, 119t, 120t
Resource availability
agrobiodiversity, 29
economic resources, 29–30
labor, 30–31
land, 28–29, 174
market trends, 31–32
medicinal herbs and plants, 31b
natural resources, 28
by scenario (overview), 136t
technological resources, 30
water, 29
See also Natural resources
Rural agriculture, diminishment of, 28
Rural economy
employment, 30
financing policies for, 207–10
Rural people
financing to strengthen, 209–10
poverty and, 14–15, 15t
Safety. See Biosafety; Food safety
Scenarios. See Sustainable development scenarios
School Meals Program (Belo Horizonte), 19b
Seawater desalinization, 102
Secondary forests, 172
Secretariat of Food Security “Supply”
(SMAAB), 19b–20b
Self Help International, 83b
Self-training for biodiversity, 204
Shrimp farming, 59
SMAAB (Secretariat of Food Security
“Supply”), 19b–20b
Social aspects of AKST systems, 107–8
Social capital, 198
Social context
food security and food sovereignty, 17–20
inequality in land tenure, 16–17
poverty situation, 13–16
Social development
current situation, 129t
in global orchestration scenario, 125, 138
Social impacts of production systems, 59–60
Social inequality
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 151
in global orchestration scenario, 138
in life as it is scenario, 146
in order from strength scenario, 142, 144
by scenario (overview), 137t
sub-model for, 123f
as variable, 118t
Social marginalization, 193–94
Social movements
interaction of AKST and, 179
as political context, 22
See also Civil society
Social variable, AKST responses to changes in,
  Sociocultural characteristics of agricultural
production, 44–45
AKST responses to changes in, 103
erosion of, 28–29
fertility of, 54
Southern Cone region
beef cattle in, 35f
climate, 25t
countries and areas, 10t
institutional complex in Amazon region, 82
land tenure in Brazil, 18b
land use, 32–33, 32t, 35
production growth rates, 98t
transgenic soybean in Argentina, 34b
Souza, Patrus Ananias de, 19b
deforestation and, 23
growth of, 33f
integration of soybean food chain, 44b
transgenic, 34b, 39
Special Program for Food Security (SPFS), 17
SPFS (Special Program for Food Security), 17
decision making and, 195
importance of, 103
information dissemination and, 198
legal frameworks and, 196
organizational models and, 178
policies for participation of, 195–99
policy formulation and, 183
Stakeholders, education of
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 153
in global orchestration scenario, 125, 138
in order from strength scenario, 142
by scenario (overview), 133t
Strategic research, 91
Structural poverty, 13
Sugarcane, 35
Supermarkets, 42–43
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 149, 151, 153
agroecological system, 55
biodiversity, development of strategies for
sustainable use of, 175–76
conventional/productivist system, 54–55
as cross-cutting issue, 182
of environmental and socioeconomic
development, 171–74
and food security in Belo Horizonte,
and food security in Cuba, 53b
in global orchestration scenario, 138, 140
of livestock farming, 176
policies for, 199–202
by scenario (overview), 137t
sub-model for, 124f
traditional/indigenous system, 54
transition to, 199–201, 200f
as variable, 119t
Sustainable development scenarios
overview, 114
adaptive mosaic, 149–53, 162
conceptual framework, 114–15
current situation of selected indicators,
global orchestration, 124–40, 160–61
  implications for innovation and
development policies, 159–63
life as it is, 144–49, 161–62
methodology, 115–24, 115f, 116t–121t,
122f, 123f, 124f, 125t
order from strength, 140–44, 161
states of component variables by scenario,
technogarden, 153–59, 163
Syngenta, 205f
Systemic approach, 115
Tariff barriers. See Trade barriers
Technogarden scenario
2007-2015, 153–56
2016-2030, 156–59
implications for innovation and
development policies, 160, 163
states of component variables, 132t–137t
Technological advances and innovation
AKST systems and, 106–7
“catching up,” 80
in global orchestration scenario, 138, 139
on health problems, 173
for integrated pest management, 173–74
in life as it is scenario, 147
in order from strength scenario, 140, 141
by scenario (overview), 133t
in technogarden scenario, 157
use and control of application of, 173
as variable, 117t
Technological changes
trends, 8–9
types of change, 30
Technological resource availability, 30
Technology Research and Development Center
of the Americas, 82
Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,
environmental impacts on, 58–59
Territorial development, AKST impact on,
Third sector organizations, 77–78
conversion of land to agriculture from,
in technogarden scenario, 157
Trade barriers
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 149,
current situation, 126t
in global orchestration scenario, 138
in life as it is scenario, 144
in order from strength scenario, 141
by scenario (overview), 132t
in technogarden scenario, 153–54
as variable, 116t
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) Agreement, 179
Traditional/indigenous knowledge. See
Knowledge, traditional/indigenous
Traditional/indigenous system
AKST impact on, 105–6
characteristics, 7, 8t
policies for sustainability, 200
productivity of, 50–51
sustainability of, 54