236 | Index

health risks from, 62
production of, 37–41, 39f
protection of human health and biodiversity,
soybean, 34b, 39
in technogarden scenario, 156
Transitory poverty, 13
Transnational corporations. See Corporations,
TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellectual Property
Rights) Agreement}, 179
Truman, Harry, 12
U.N. Conference on Environment and
Development (Earth Summit), 82, 202
Unemployment, 16, 157, 163
Universities, 79, 87, 182, 204
UPOV (International Union for the Protection
of New Varieties of Plants), 10
Urban agricultural production systems, 181
  market demand and, 105
rural, 30
tourism and, 36b–37b
Urban zones and poverty, 14–15, 15t
Vía Campesina, 17–20, 43
Vulnerability, 124–25
Vulnerable groups, financing to strengthen,
Washington Consensus, 12–13
knowledge on, 175
research on, 101–2
as resource, 29
Welfare programs, 191
WIPO (World Intellectual Property
Organization), 10
in agriculture in English-speaking
Caribbean, 193b
  feminization of agriculture, 50
land, access to, 17
policies for feminization of agriculture, 192
See also Gender
Working conditions, 30–31
World Bank
competitive funds and, 100
food security and, 17
loans, 62
pesticides policy, 62
vulnerable groups and, 209
World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), 10
World Trade Organization (WTO)
competition law, 44
food security and, 17
food sovereignty and, 20
resistance to, 22
TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellectual Property
Rights) Agreement, 179
World views, 5, 7, 27, 47f, 48, 49f