234 | Index

Options for the future (continued)
diversity and AKST bodies in LAC, 168–71
evaluation of AKST impact, 182
food sovereignty, models to guarantee, 180
governance models, 178
intellectual property rights, 179–80
knowledge-sharing mechanisms,
institutional, 176–77
marketing systems to link food producers
and consumers in peri-urban areas,
organizational models, 177–78
public policy formation, participation of
AKST systems in, 182–83
R&D networks, strengthening, 177
research, participatory approach to, 177
social movements and AKST, interaction
of, 179
sustainable environmental and
socioeconomic development, 171–76
teaching curricular, restructuring, 181–82
Order from strength scenario
2007-2015, 140–42
2016-2030, 142–44
implications for innovation and
development policies, 159, 161
states of component variables, 132t–137t
Organic agriculture
food safety and, 56
productivity and, 52–54
trends in, 52b
Organic waste, 56
Organizational models, 177–78
Oxfam, 191
Palm, African, 35
Participation of stakeholders, policies for,
Participatory democracy and civil society, 9
Participatory Innovation and Development
(PID) systems, 86–87
Participatory Innovation Development, 85
Participatory research programs, 86
Patronatos organizations, 79b, 83b
Peasant agriculture. See Traditional/indigenous
Peri-urban areas, marketing study for, 180–81
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 56
Pesticide Action Network, 20, 61, 62
Pesticides. See Agrochemicals
Pest management
integrated pest management (IPM)
practices, 55, 95, 173–74
pesticide residue and systems of, 54–56
World Bank policies, 62
See also Agrochemicals
Phytogenetic resources, 10, 179, 202
PID (Participatory Innovation and
Development) systems, 86–87
Poisonings from agrochemicals, 60
Policies. See Public policies
Political context, 22–25
Political marginalization, 193–94
Pollination, 54–55
POPs (persistent organic pollutants), 56
Popular Restaurant Program, 19b
  Population densities, 34–35, 173
Potato (Solanum tuberosum), 29, 83b
AKST system agenda and, 90–91, 92b
creditworthy poor, 209
current situation, 131t
economic growth and, 20–22
food security and, 190–91
general situation in LAC, 13–16
in order from strength scenario, 144
structural vs. transitory, 13
as subsistence, 192
women and, 192
Poverty line, 190
Pregnancy, 61
PROCIs, 81
Procis, 178
Produce Foundations, 90b, 100
Production. See Agricultural production
characteristics and trends
Production chains. See Chains of production
Production systems
overview, 2, 7
adaptive mosaic scenario, 151, 153
agroecological resistance to Hurricane
Mitch, 27b
AKST impact on, 105–6
global orchestration scenario, 137, 139–40
impacts of, 56–62
life as it is scenario, 146, 148–49
order from strength scenario, 141–42, 143–44
productivity, 50–54
quality and food safety, 55–56
sustainability, 53b, 54–55
technogarden scenario, 155–56, 158–59
Productivist system. See Conventional/
productivist system
Public perception of AKST systems, 89
Public policies
overview, 188–89
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 149, 150
AKST systems and, 103–5, 182–83
biodiversity and intellectual property, 201–2
on biodiversity-related intellectual property
rights, 179–80
climate change, 205–6
culture and development, 192–95
current situation, 127t
deforestation and, 57–58
education and agricultural extension
services, 204–5
evaluation and monitoring mechanisms, 198
financing policies for rural economy,
for food security, 190–91
for food sovereignty, 191–92
in global orchestration scenario, 161
interactions among, 190f
marketing and market access policies, 206–7
objectives and conceptual framework,
participation of AKST systems in formation
of, 182–83
by scenario (overview), 133t
stakeholder participation, 195–99
sustainable development scenarios,
implications of, 159–63
  sustainable management of production
systems, 199–201
in technogarden scenario, 154
as variable, 118t
welfare programs, 191
women’s participation, 192
Quality of food. See Food quality
Quality of life issues, 182
R&D. See Research and development
Reforestation and bioenergy, 174–75
Reforms, first and second generations of,
Regional agricultural technology innovation
system, 78f
Regional Conference of Consumers of Healthy
Food, 56
Regional context
cultural context, 25–27
economic context, 20–22
environmental context, 22–25
evolution of development models, 12–13
political context, 22
social context, 13–20
Regional Forum for Agricultural Research
and Technological Development
Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology
(FONTAGRO), 81–82, 101
Regional institutions, 80–82
Regionalization, 7–8
Regional organizations in AKST system, 80–82
Regional trends in production
overview, 32–37
energy inefficiency, 42
nanotechnology, 41
transgenic crops, 37–41
Renewable energy. See Bioenergy and agrofuels
Rent inequality
current situation, 129t
by scenario (overview), 136t
sub-model for, 123f
as variable, 121t
Research activities
basic, applied, adaptive, and strategic,
constraints, 82–86, 84t
expenditure in research and development, 99t
international centers and regional
organizations, 80–82
local and third sector organizations, 77–78
national organizations, 78–80
priority processes, 94
to support IAASTD goals, 170, 171
See also AKST systems
Research and development (R&D)
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 150, 152–53, 162
agenda and processes, 89–95
for carbon sequestration, 174
current situation, 128t
financing and expenditures, 95–101, 99f,
99t, 104, 105t
for food security, 180
in global orchestration scenario, 131–37, 139