Index | 233

biodiversity and, 175–76
bioenergy and, 174
climate change and, 174
current situation, 127t
importance of, 46–47
increasing value of, 170
in life as it is scenario, 145, 162
policies for strengthening, 194
by scenario (overview), 134t
system based on, 7
in technogarden scenario, 155
as variable, 117t, 119t
Knowledge advances
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 150
current situation, 127t
by scenario (overview), 134t
as variable, 117t
Knowledge and innovation systems, AKST
impact on, 106–7
Knowledge networks
governance models and, 178
interactions between organizations and,
Knowledge sharing initiatives, 176–77
Kyoto Protocol, 202, 206
Labor as resource, 30–31
conversion from agriculture to tourism,
research and training on distribution of, 174
as resource, 28–29
Land tenure
agricultural development and, 194–95
conventional system, impact of, 60
inequality in, 16–17
MST (Movement of Landless Rural
Workers), 18b
Land use patterns
in global orchestration scenario, 125
in life as it is scenario, 144
livestock farming and, 176
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
agricultural production systems (overview),
agriculture, importance of, 27–28
cultural context, 25–27
description of, 4
development models, evolution of, 12–13
economic context, 20–22
environmental context, 22–25
food chains in, 42–44
gender status in, 48–50
global context and trends, 8–12
knowledge situation in, 45–48
political context, 22
production trends, regional, 32–42
regionalization, 7–8, 10t, 11t
resources available, 28–32
social context, 13–20
sociocultural characteristics, 44–45
Laws. See Governance; Public policies
Learning partnerships, 83, 89
Legal frameworks for civil-society participation,
Liberal theory, 194n34, 194n36
Life as it is scenario
  2007-2015, 144–47
2016-2030, 147–49
implications for innovation and
development policies, 159–60, 161–62
states of component variables, 132t–137t
Livestock farming
beef cattle production, 37, 35f
in Brazil, 33
deforestation and, 57
renewable energy, research on contribution
to, 174–75
sustainability of, 176
Local action, 198–99
Local Agricultural Research Committees
(CIALs), 83b
Local and third sector organizations in AKST
system, 77–78
Local information education programs, 181
Local knowledge. See Knowledge, traditional/
Local technological knowledge systems, 89

Maize (Zea mays), 29, 35
Malnutrition. See Hunger and malnutrition
MA (Millennium Ecosystems Assessment), 202
Marginalization, 193–94
Marine and coastal ecosystems, environmental
impacts on, 59
Marine biomass, 37
Market access polices, 206–7
Markets and marketing
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 153
AKST responses to changes in, 105
biodiversity products, commercial
exploitation of, 175–76
bioenergy and diversification of, 175
in life as it is scenario, 144, 146
in order from strength scenario, 141, 142
by scenario (overview), 136t
systems to link food producers and
consumers in peri-urban areas, 180–81
in technogarden scenario, 156
trends in, 31–32
as variable, 121t
Mechanistic worldview, 47f, 49f
Media, local information education programs
in, 181
Medicinal herbs and plants, 31b
MERCOSUR (Common Market of the South),
21, 107
Mesoamerica. See Central America and Mexico
Mexico. See Central America and Mexico
region (Mesoamerica)
Milk production, 37
Millennium development goals, UN, 6, 17, 19,
Millennium Development Goals: A Latin
American and Caribbean Perspective
(UNDP), 4, 21
Millennium Ecosystems Assessment (MA), 202
Millennium Scenarios, 114, 122
Millennium Summit, 14
Mineral content of food, 60, 61t
Minifundios, 195
agroecology and, 48
  AKST system agenda and, 89
governance models and, 178
land tenure effects, 16
of management models, 178
research styles and, 91
social aspects of, 59, 107–8
social conflict and, 194
Monsanto Corporation, 205f
Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST),
Movimiento Campesino a Campesino (Farmer
to Farmer Movement), 27b, 55, 89
MST (Movement of Landless Rural Workers),
NAFTA (North American Free Trade
Agreement), 13
overview, 41
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 152
advances in, 106, 107
in global orchestration scenario, 138–39
institutions and, 90
in order from strength scenario, 143
NARIs (national agricultural research institutes)
overview, 78–80
foundations and, 101
funding and, 99–100
institutional and administrative constraints,
linkages between CGIAR and civil society,
See also AKST systems
National actions, 196–98
National agricultural research institutes. See
National Agriculture Technology Institute
(INTA), 85, 100, 101
National Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock
Research Institute (INIFAP), 91, 101
National organizations in AKST system, 78–80.
See also NARIs (national agricultural
research institutes)
Natural resources
availability of, 28 (See also Resource
genetic resources, conservation of, 102–3
study and understanding of dynamics of,
New Rurality approach, 13
Nitrates, 61
Nitrification, 29
Non-tariff barriers. See Trade barriers
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 13
Nutrient attrition, 28–29
Nutrition, impacts of production systems on,
Oil crisis, 174
Options for the future
overview, 166–67
biodiversity, 175–76
capacity strengthening for AKST actors, 181
climate change and bioenergy, 174–75
conceptual framework, 167–68