Agricultural Knowledge and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean: Plausible Scenarios for Sustainable Development | 119

Table 3-1. continued.



Variable’s definition

R+D systems

Focus of research

Focus of research

Strategic orientation of the
objectives and results from R+D
activities to social groups attended
by them.

Harmony between R+D
organizations and their
social environment

Congruence between the mission,
objectives and products from R+D
organizations and the needs and
expectations of their clients, users,
beneficiaries and other pertinent



Priorized activities

Strategic choice of topics/problems
for developing projects and project
portfolios in R+D organizations.


Demands for research

The need of knowledge and
technology to take advantage of
opportunities or to remove checks
on the performance of agricultural
production systems.

  Survey of future demands
for research
Systematic evaluation of likely
demands for research in the future.
Incorporation of formal
Incorporation of formal
Incorporation of advances in formal
knowledge to the R+D process.
Incorporation of
Incorporation of traditional/
indigenous knowledge
Incorporation of traditional/
indigenous knowledge and
practices to the formal process
of knowledge and technology
Availability of resources
for R+D
Alternative resources for
funding R+D
Alternative non-fiscal sources of
R+D funding.
  Funding for R&D production
Funding necessary for producing
the technologies and knowlege
demanded by the clients/users of
  Infrastructure for the
production of R+D
Facilities and equipment necessary
for the production of knowledge
and technologies demanded by the
clients/users of R+D.Infrastructure
for the production of R+D