118 | Latin America and the Caribbean Report

Table 3-1. continued.



Variable’s definition

Policies for

Integration of policies
for innovation and social

Development is facilitated by the
integration of national, sub-national
entity and sectorial policies..

Proposal and
implementation of
agricultural policies

The ability to devise agricultural
policies together with the existence
of organizations and institutions
prepared to implement them.



Biosecurity policies

Policies for reducing the intrinsic
risks of foods and agriculture
(environmental risks included)
These are policies for the security
of food, health and the life of
plants and animals.


Social development policies

Policies for facilitating the access
of vulnerable rural and urban
populations to education, credit,
health and housing.

  Incentive policies for
Policies for the development of
science and technology.
Management of
regulations and
Regulations and standards The mechanisms that (a) regulate
intellectual property rights for
the results of scientific research,
including the production of living
organisms (cultivars) and (b)
set the provisions for trading
agricultural products in LAC and
other world regions.
  Implementation of
regulations and standards
Set of actions addressing the
implementation and monitoring
of regulations and directives
governing agricultural S&T and
agricultural products.
Education of PS actors
Education of PS actors Degree of schooling of productive
systems’ actors.
Urban food security
Access to food security
Ability of urban consumers
(particularly the poor ones) for
regularly purchasing food in
enough quantities for ensuring
their well-being.
  Access to food security Ability of urban consumers
(particularly the poor ones) for
regularly purchasing healthy
food in the sense of low risks
as to biological contamination,
allergenic potential and pollution.
Social inequality
Social inequality Relative access to employment,
food security, education and health
of different social groups—like,
e.g., small family farmers,
subsistence farmers, large farmers,
wage earners—involved in
agricultural production activities.
sustainability of
Environmental sustainability
of agriculture
Ability of the agro-ecosystem to
keep its productive functionality in
future times.