120 | Latin America and the Caribbean Report

Table 3-1. continued.



Variable’s definition

Performance of R+D

Products and services
generated by R+D

Portfolio of products and services
generated by R+D organizations
for their clients.

Effectiveness of R+D

Products are delivered according
to consumer, client, and whole
society needs.



Efficiency of R+D

Ability of R+D organizations to
generate lowest-cost products
and services.


System for project
planning, monitoring and
evaluation (PME) in R+D

The systematic process for
setting objectives/goals,
procuring and distributing
resources, implementing projects
and programs, and adjusting the
implementation and evaluation
of projects and final services
obtained from R+D organizations.

Management of R+D
Project portfolio Collection of projects intended to
solve a large national or regional
strategic problem.
  Projects Management tool with goals
clearly defined by: the nature of
a problem; a particular request;
particular favourable conditions
for meeting some goals; or the
interest of groups that seek
translating ideas into concrete
results in a prestablished period
of time and at a known cost.
  Management of research
Mechanisms of planning,
monitoring, evaluation and
organization of R&D work.
  Multidisciplinary approach Interaction, synergism and
interfacing among diverse fields
of knowledge.
  Reward systems
Processes for valuing or
approving (or both) the results
of research work in R+D
organizations by means of both
material and immaterial rewards.
Relative spaces of
public and private R&D
Relative spaces of public
and private R&D
Fields covered by each of public
and private research organizations
  Public-private alliances Agreements between public and
private organizations with the
aim of complementing resources
for projects in which there is a
common research interest.
  Competition between
agricultural R+D
Strategies of public and private
R+D organizations to predominate
in markets for agricultural industry
  Privatization of the R+D
Complete transfer of public R+D
infrastructure and activities to the
national or international private