Index | 589

442; India and, 335, 337; negative effects summary, 8; projected impacts, 332, 332 Trade/market policy options for developing countries: Agricultural Market Analysis Unit, 461; alternative trade channels, 46CM162; bioenergy, 463-465; certifica­tion approaches, 461; certified organic agriculture (CAO), 460—461; challenges summary, 453; crop/rain insurance, 460; Doha scenario gains/losses, 455, 456, 457; dumping regulations, 458, 466; economy research, 461^62; fair trade, 59, 113, 213, 460; food security issues, 453, 455; governance of trade, 464^166; importing and, 453; international competition policy, 465-466; liquid biofuels, 463-464; mark of origin, 461; microfinance/microcredit, 460; National Market Education Programme, 461; non-reciprocal access, 455; optimiz­ing environmental externalities, 462^165; regional integration of markets, 459; regula­tory cost issues, 456, 459; rural farm sector support, 452^53; "special and differential treatment," 454^155; special products of developing countries, 455; state trading enterprises (STEs), 459^160; subsidies re­form policies, 456, 458; tariffs, 456, 459; technology assessment, 466—467; trade agreements assessment, 466; tradeoffs, 453; tropical commodities supply management, 458^59, 459; world price instability, 466 TradeNet, Ghana, 69 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 89, 91, 218, 218, 475^77 Traditional agrifood systems, 24 Traditional/local knowledge: agroforestry, 67, 147, 179, 397-398; assessing value, 520; Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 91, 92; endogenous development, 482^183; ICT and, 350; importance, 67, 205-206, 205, 411; intellectual property rights, 67-68, 475^76, 477, 479; PPB and, 66; R&D, 223, 272; rural youth and farming, 62; technology transfer and, 63, 64. See also Indigenous knowledge (IK) Traditional Varieties, 157 "Tragedies of the commons," 206 Training and visit (T & V) approach, 64-65 Transfer of technology: criticism, 64; "diffusion of innovations," 63; drawbacks, 64; effec­tiveness and, 58, 64, 69; exclusion/margin-alization with, 117—118; Green Revolution and, 63; lessons learned with, 117-118; model description, 63, 69; positive impact, 63; traditional/local knowledge and, 63, 64 Transgenic organisms. See Genetically modified/ organisms (GM/GMOs) Trend indicators, 46, 47 Trichinellosis, 113 TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellec­tual Property Rights), 89, 91, 218, 218, 475^77 Tuber/root yields (1961-2004), 150
UN Conference on Environment and Develop­ment (1992), Agenda 21, 49, 85


UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 480^81 UN Declaration on the Right to Development, 114 UN Human Development agency, 70—71 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), 43, 114 "University-Industrial Complex," 96 University models (AKST producers): agricul­tural schools, 80; agrotechnical institutes, 82; conflicts, 79; constraints of university arrangements, 81; gap between developing/ developed countries and, 80; land-grant col­leges, 80-82; overview, 79-82; patents and, 72, 80, 81-82; Public-Sector Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA), 94; "publish or perish" impacts, 80 "Urban bias," 268 Urbanization: effects, 263, 298-299, 300; food consumption patterns, 275; food distribu­tion/delivery, 298-299; future projections, 256, 257, 262-263; megacity slums and, 74 Urban/peri-urban agriculture: definition/de­scription, 23; issues, 23, 298-299; urban poor and, 23, 74, 197, 197 Urban wastewater use, 171, 171, 451 Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations, 109
Value-chain analysis, 390-391 Value chains, 24 Vavilov, 89 Vegetables: production, 150, 155; yields (1961-2004), 150 Vegetarianism, 299, 343-345, 346, 347 Via Campesina, 114, 115 Virtual water, 451, 518 Vitamin A deficiency, 33
Water access/availability: as agriculture change driver, 277-279; as AKST driver, 308; AKST effects, 337; climate change effects, 324, 341, 421; desalinization, 451; environ­mental degradation and, 279; health issues, 199, 199; internal renewable water (IRW), 324; modeling outcomes, 317, 324, 326; policy recommendations, 449—452; poverty reduction, 185, 185; pricing, 450^51; projection by regions, 324, 324; reducing agriculture "water footprint," 451^152; scarcity, 308, 317, 324, 326; scarcity projec­tions, 308; stakeholders' impacts, 212, 212; tradable water rights, 450; trends/statistics, 24, 25, 170, 170, 277-279, 299-300, 541; virtual water/food trade, 451; water rights, 185, 404. See also IMPACT-WATER model; Water resources management; WATERSIM model Water logging, 40 Water markets, 450^51 Water pollution: fertilizers, 10, 21, 40, 273, 274; Gulf of Mexico, 154; human and ani­mal waste, 10, 24, 40; human health effects, 21; increase in, 39; livestock production, 10, 24, 154, 160, 160; monocultures and, 21; pesticides, 154, 154, 518 Water productivity: AKST impact enhancement,


378-379, 403^04, 403, 404; evapotrans-piration and, 403, 403, 404; improvement by crop, 404; irrigated systems, 406; policy assessment, 341-343, 341, 342, 344 Water productivity/AKST effects: Asia, 342-343, 342; Latin America, 342; MENA, 342, 343; overview, 341-343, 341, 342, 344; by region, 341, 342-343, 342; sub-Saharan Africa, 342, 342, 343 Water resources: agriculture use comparison, 155, 308; agriculture use statistics, 6, 24, 155, 518; "blue" vs. "green" water, 39, 170; challenges to supply, 324, 325, 326; climate change impacts, 324, 341, 421; complex land use systems effects, 185—186, 185; consumptive use (modeling outcomes), 324, 325; demands, 170, 170, 277-279, 280, 308, 326; forest services, 174, 174; groundwater, 170, 170, 407, 422, 450; internal renewable water (IRW), 324; over­view, 39; quantity, 184; rainfed/irrigated arable land, 39, 39; use projections, 280, 315-316, 324, 324, 325, 326, 326; wet­lands loss, 39. See also Irrigation Water resources management: AKST options/ gaps, 381-382; biodiversity, 405^06; cli­mate change adaptation, 421^22; complex land use systems effects, 185-186, 185; decreasing land degradation, 407; efficiency, 185, 185; environmental/human health, 405; equitable use, 185, 185; estuarine habitats, 186, 186; evapotranspiration management, 403, 403, 404; fisheries, 405; gender issues, 185; government role, 215, 215; groundwater harvesting, 170, 170; groundwater resources/sustainability, 407, 422, 450; improvement strategies, 170, 1 70; integrated water resources management (IWRM), 174, 1 74; intersectoral manage­ment, 450; livestock production, 404^105, 406; marginal-quality water use, 404, 405; modeling allocations, 221, 221; multiple use livelihoods approach, 404^106, 405; Natu­ral Sequence Farming, 174, 1 74; payment systems for watershed services, 174; policies needed, 449; sewerage use/risks, 171, 1 71, 451; small-scale technologies/marketing, 406^07; sustainable use, 402^07, 403, 404, 405; unsustainable use, 171, 171; ur­ban wastewater use, 451; water harvesting, 170, 170, 171, 174; women and, 185. See also IMPACT-WATER model; Water access/ availability; WATERSIM model Water rights, 185, 404 Water scarcity: infrastructure constraints, 324; projections, 308, 317; water quality con­straints, 324, 326 Watershed management: AKST impact assess­ment, 181-182, 181, 182; Lake Victoria Basin project, 182, 182; need for integrated management, 450; as PES, 462; sustainable strategies, 181-182, 181 Watersheds, 181 WATERSIM model: applications, 310, 311, 314, 343, 362-363; description, 31 1, 361-363, 363; history, 361; structure/data, 361-362; uncertainty, 363, 363