588 | IAASTD Global Report

Seeds of Development Program (SODP), 86 Seed systems, 20, 206-207 Serageldin, Ismail, 85 Sewerage use/risks, 171, 1 71, 451 Sheep/goats: prices, 320, 320; production, 316-317,318,319 Shifting agriculture: deforestation, 283; for­est use, 37; population pressure, 177, 1 77; sustainable alternatives, 380, 384-385, 401. See also Slash-and-burn agriculture Shrimp farming, 517, 518, 520 Shull, George, 89 SLAM model: applications, 310, 31 1, 313, 367; description, 311, 366-367, 368; history, 366; structure/data, 366—367; uncertainty, 367, 368 Slash-and-burn agriculture: alternatives to, 178, 178, 380; forests and soils, 22; population pressure and, 177, 177; research findings, 216. See also Shifting agriculture Small-scale farms: access/market gap, 9; defini­tion, 8; ecological agricultural systems, 385—386; ecosystem services improve­ment, 386; environmental damage, 10; globalization effects, 7, 8, 59; ICT access effects, 309; innovations impact, 379-380; malnutrition reduction, 407^08; market dynamics and vulnerability, 8; mixed crop-livestock systems, 386, 391; Modern Variet­ies, 158, 158; multifunctional agriculture and, 386; plant health, 473; policies and, 217, 217, 442; post-harvest loss reduction, 385; productivity, 9, 379-380, 384-386, 386; regional distribution, 8, 9; soil fertility management knowledge, 158158; sustain-ability, 380, 384-385 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), 364 Social capital, 269 Social welfare, 108-109 Sociopolitical drivers: collaboration (regional/ global), 269-270; conflict, 269, 270; in ex­isting assessments, 270; political instability worldwide, 270; political system changes, 268-269, 268; public policy choices, 268-269, 268; social capital, 269; social factors overview, 269; state capacity for policy implementation, 269; types, 268 Soil: environmental services, 446; importance of, 39; resilience, 39^10; well-structured soil, 174-175 Soil amendments, 402 Soil conservation: climate change adaptation, 419^120; indigenous technologies, 67 Soil degradation: causes, 153, 280-281; de­scription, 10, 11, 39; Global Assessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation (GLA-SOD), 24, 40; monocultures and, 21; nitrate sources/effects, 40; nutrient depletion, 152, 152, 153; statistics, 39 Soil erosion: climate change, 416; costs, 518; description, 10; effects, 35; no-till agri­culture and, 400; water erosion, 24; wind erosion, 24 Soil fertility: management knowledge, 158; NPK deficits, 174; productivity-enhancing technologies effects, 153; restoring, 174 Soil management: biological nitrogen fixation


(BNF), 170, 1 70, 175, 1 75, 180, 400; fal­low system, 168-169, 168; fertile lands, 400^02; food security and, 408; Ghana/ Benin example, 483; importance, 279-281; integrated soil and nutrient management (ISNM), 174-175; loss reductions, 401; low fertility lands, 402; mycorrhizas, 176, 176; nitrogen fertility, 170, 170; organic manures, 400; organic matter, 175, 1 75, 400; policies and, 446; P-solubilizing bacte­ria use, 400^101; sediment loss reduction, 401; soil amendments, 402; soil productiv­ity and, 169, 169; soil water conservation/ storage, 402 Soil quality: no-till agriculture effects, 175, 175; plant types for improving, 176, 1 76 Soil solarization, 389 Solidaridad, 86 South African Agricultural Research Council, 82 South East Asian Regional Initiatives for Com­munity Empowerment (SEARICE), 82 Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES), 262, 263, 263, 264, 265, 270 Spill-ins, 522, 523-524, 524 Spill-outs, 522, 524 Spillover effects, 522-524, 524 Stakeholders' impacts: AKST impact assess­ment, 211-222, 211-222; aquaculture, 212, 212; employment conditions, 213, 213; farmer organizations impacts, 212, 212; food safety, 213, 213; food standards, 213, 213; inclusion, 117-119; involvement impacts, 211-212, 212; linkage with actors, 224; marketing, 212, 212; organic agricul­ture, 213, 213; promotion of, 17, 59, 211; seasonality effects, 212—213, 212; tropical products, 212, 212; water use/access, 212, 212. See also Participatory approaches Staphylococcus aureus, 112, 113 State trading enterprises (STEs), 459^160 State variables, 46, 47 Steiner, Rudolf, 114n Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA) of trade agreements, 466 Structural adjustment policies: controversy, 220, 220; effects, 215, 215, 218-219, 218, 220, 220; monocultures, 220, 220; poor farmers and, 215, 215 Sui generis protection/systems, 89, 90, 91, 219, 219, 393 Sun pest, 164 Sustainability: agroforestry, 397; AKST goals, 299-301; AKST impact assessment, 172-193, 1 72-193; alternatives to shifting agriculture, 380, 384-385, 401; aquaculture policies, 309, 399; assessment difficulties, 30; bioenergy, 422-425; crop production/ AKST impact enhancement, 379-391; definitions/description, 30, 107, 194, 194; extension programs, 209, 209; factors over­view, 2; fisheries policies, 308-309, 355, 398-399; future of agriculture/AKST assess­ment, 355; groundwater resources and, 170, 170, 407, 422, 450; IAASTD goals, 13, 14-16, 26-46; indigenous knowledge (IK), 204—205, 204, 273; innovations approach,


206, 206; institutions importance, 206, 206; integrated systems, 172, 1 72; investment in AKST options, 541; irrigation and, 449-450, 451; livestock production and, 391; natural resources and, 35, 36, 37, 147, 150, 150, 222, 308, 355; options/environment, 538, 540; pastoralism, 176, 1 76; small-scale farms, 380, 384-385; society-nature interactions, 207, 207; synergies, 147; water productivity and, 404; water resources management, 402^07, 403, 404, 405, 407, 422, 450; watershed management, 181-182, 181; World Bank assessments, 30; World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002), 49. See also specific practices Sustainability indicators: IAASTD, 46-51, 48; interpretation, 47-48; issues addressed by, 48. See also Indicators Sustainable Land Management (SLM), 42 Swidden agriculture. See Shifting agriculture Syngenta, 94 Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, 45, 203
Technography, 483 Technology: access, 411, 526, 526, 534; adop­tion factors, 207, 207, 411; "best fit" technology, 73—74; efficiency trends, 271; innovation processes and, 72-75; relation­ship with science, 12-13; risks/costs, 74-75; spillover effects, 522-524, 524; techno­logical opportunity, 505. See also AKST; Science/technology drivers; specific tech­nologies; Transfer of technology Technology supply-push: description, 73, 481; Green Revolution and, 481; megacity slums and, 74; social problems with, 73, 74; switch to demand-pull approach, 79 Territorial governance, 220-222, 220, 221, 222 Territorial policies, 217, 217 Territory scale, 220 Terroirs, 60, 98 Third-Generation Agriculture (TGA), 224, 443 TIMER model: applications, 313, 316; descrip­tion, 357, 358; energy and, 313, 357, 358 ToT. See Transfer of technology Total Factor Productivity (TFP), 152, 152 Total fertility1950-2050, 6 Trade at Hand, 69 Trade in agricultural products: changes with globalization, 108; commodity price effects, 453^154, 455; commodity price trends, 453^54, 454, 458, 458, 459; developing countries export share, 457; export oriented agriculture, 68, 442; food trade (model­ing outcomes), 320, 320; policies/market constraints effects, 331-332, 332, 333, 334—337; subsidies of developed countries, 453, 456; trends, 298, 299. See also Glo­balization; Trade/market policy options for developing countries Trade in water: tradable water rights, 450; vir­tual water/food trade, 451 Trade liberalization: biofuels, 464; developing countries and, 442, 452^53, 454, 455, 455, 456, 457, 462; disparities in effects, 8,