590 | IAASTD Global Report

Water User Associations, 185, 212, 212 Watson, 89 Weather forecasting, 412 Weeds: climate change effects, 387; IWM (Inte­grated Weed Management), 173-174, 173; non-chemical alternatives, 162, 162, 163, 163; parasitic weeds, 162, 163, 163, 174, 387. See also Herbicides Weevils, 164 Wetlands loss, 39 Wheat stem rust, 164, 164 Wilderness areas, 444, 445 Women's issues: biomass fuel collection, 14; credit strategies, 407; division of labor, 46; fuel collection, 201; health issues, 14; intra-household food distribution, 210, 210; natural resource management, 45^6; political involvement, 45; power and, 46; project designs and, 210, 210; role changes/ effects, 275; water resources management, 185; women in labor force, 47. See also Gender issues


Women's issues in agriculture: agroforestry, 396, 397; AKST and empowerment, 19, 309; credit availability, 45, 211, 21 1; crop genetic resources, 88; discrimination against, 211, 211; education/agricultural extension, 207, 207, 208; food security and, 33, 210-211, 210; Green Belt Movement, 65; HIV/AIDS effects, 35; information/ communication, 45, 211, 211; land rights, 35, 200, 200, 211, 211, 419; livestock-pro­duction, 22; problems summary, 3; property inheritance and, 35; rights/access, 35, 200, 200, 210-211, 210, 211; trends in labor force, 7-8, 46, 47, 210-211, 210, 293; ur­ban/peri-urban agriculture, 23 Woodfuels. See Fuelwood World Bank: assessments of sustainability, 30; CGIAR and, 83; components, 84; overview, 84-86; pest management/IPM, 103, 105; role, 84-86; RuralStruc project, 214; T & V approach, 65. See also Structural adjust­ment policies


World Health Organization and pesticides, 103, 105, 106 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 89, 91, 476, 477 World Learning for International Development, 78 World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002), 49 World Trade Organization (WTO): food safety, 219-220, 219; food trade, 109; functions, 219, 219; IPR, 218, 476, 477; origins, 219, 219; policies, 215, 215, 219, 219 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 87
"Yield gap": agroforestry and, 147; closing, 382-383; failure of addressing, 223; Green Revolution, 223 Yield per unit area per year assessment, 157-158, 157