Index | 587

mitigation, 330-331, 331; increased veg­etarianism, 343-345, 346, 348; integrated nutrient management agriculture, 343, 344, 345-346, 347, 348; trade policies/market constraints, 331-332, 332, 333, 334-337; water productivity, 341-343, 341, 342, 344 Policy/regulation options: food safety/health, 442^43, 467-475; key messages, 442^43; knowledge/property rights, 475^81; natu­ral resources/global environmental change, 443^52; pro-poor agricultural innovations, 481^85; trade/markets, 452^67 Political instability worldwide, 270 Pollution: point source pollution policies, 446-447. See also Water pollution Pork: prices, 320, 320; production, 317, 318, 319 Positivist realism: consequences, 70-71; defini­tion/description, 70; specialization/reduc-tionism with, 70 Postharvest technologies/shelf life, 165, 165 Poultry: prices, 320, 320; production, 317, 318,319 Poverty: aqua culture effects, 160, 160; defini­tion/description, 14, 27, 146; exclusion/ marginalization, 58, 201-202, 202; future equity, 354; globalization and, 213-214, 213; information and communication tech­nologies (ICT), 350; land rights and, 422; policies and, 215, 215, 217, 217; by region, 15, 26; risk management, 202, 202; sea­sonal fluctuations and, 217, 217; structural adjustment polices, 215, 215; technological risks and, 74, 272; urban poor, 23, 74, 197, 197. See also Pro-poor agricultural innova­tions; Small-scale farms Poverty, extreme: agriculture and, 14; defini­tion/description, 14, 27; regional trends, 27 Poverty and the Environment in Amazonia (POEMA), 96 Poverty/hunger: agriculture dependence and, 2, 14; causes, 14, 26-27; diseases and, 2-3; health cycle, 2-3; regional trends, 27; rural settings and, 2; statistics on, 14. See also Hunger; Malnutrition Poverty/hunger reduction: agricultural pro­ductivity, 44^5; agroforestry, 181, 181; AKST impact assessment, 524-527, 525; AKST impacts on (summary), 194-196, 194, 195, 223; AKST investment options, 540-541; China, 322; education and, 61, 272-273; Enlightened Globalization, 214, 214; as IAASTD goal, 14; international donors, 531; microfinance initiatives, 202, 202; options, 535, 537, 540-541; pro-poor technologies, 353, 541; R&D investment assessment, 496, 497, 524-527, 525, 526; water availability, 185, 185 Poverty traps, 146, 177 Preventive IPM, 101 "Problem of the anti-commons," 91 Production systems changes, 294—297 Productivism, 70 Productivity definition, 148 Pro-poor agricultural innovations: brokered long-term contractual arrangements (BLCA), 482, 482; Convergence of Sciences


Program (CoS) example, 483; description, 353; empowerment, 483^84; endogenous development, 482^83; farmer field schools (FFS), 68-69, 78, 208, 208, 209, 411, 484, 484; farmer organizations, 484^85; multistakeholder processes, 484; participa­tory approaches, 483, 484; pineapple tissue culture example, 482; policy/regulation options, 481^85; rapid rural appraisal (RRA), 483. See also specific innovations Public-Sector Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA), 94, 98 Pulses: consumption, 154-155; yields (1961-2004), 150
Qanats, 67
Rapid rural appraisal (RRA), 483 Reforestation, 297 Reinart, 89 Reliability (indicators), 49 Remittances, 27, 29, 203, 203, 309 Remote sensing: applications, 171, 172, 173, 173, 411^12, 413-414; pest management, 388; site-specific management, 171, 172; types/applications overview, 413—414 Research and development investment: appro-priability, 506; biotechnology, 501; block grants, 531; commodity boards, 532; com­modity focus, 500; competitive funding, 531-532, 533; concentration of, 498; de­veloping countries funding, 496, 507—509, 508, 509; developing vs. developed coun­tries, 15-16, 28-29, 487^98, 499-500, 502-503, 502, 503, 507; effectiveness, 193-194, 193; expenditures by region, 498-500, 498, 500, 502; expenditure trends, 16-17; in future, 496^97, 542-543; grow­ers' associations, 532; intensity of research/ intensity ratios, 502-504, 503, 504; interest groups, 505-506; international donors, 531; international R&D, 504-505; key messages, 496^97; options, 535-538, 540-543; participatory approaches, 203—204, 203, 204, 496^97; plant breeding, 501; poor people and, 505; private research and costs, 506-507; private research determinants, 506-507; private sector, 271-272, 500-502, 501, 502, 506-507, 532-533, 534; public research determinants, 505—506; public sector, 271, 497-500, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 534-535; public sector intensity, 502-504, 503, 504; regulation costs, 507; S&T spending by region, 502, 503; trends, 300-301, 496 Research and development investment assess­ment: attribution problems/bias, 510-511; causality, 510; conceptual framework, 509, 510; counterfactual situations, 510; economic impact measures, 509—510; education, 516; environmental impacts, 517—520; extension programs, 511—512, 513; governance of AKST investments, 496, 527-535, 527; health issues, 520-523, 521; IRR estimates, 513; methodological


limitations, 510-511; outputs vs. outcomes, 509; poverty reduction, 496, 497, 524-527, 525, 526; ROR by commodities, 512, 514, 515; ROR CGIAR investments, 516-517; ROR ranges, 514; ROR to crop genetic improvement, 511, 512; ROR to national investment, 511, 512; selectivity bias, 512; spillover effects, 511, 522-524, 524; sub-Saharan Africa, 517, 517; timing of, 509. See also AKST impact assessment Research and development overall expendi­tures, 271, 271, 300 Resistance Action Committees, 105 Resource-conserving technologies, 172, 172 Resources: description, 28; labor productivity vs. land productivity, 28. See also specific types Rice: Golden Rice, 165; Modern Varieties, 156, 157, 157; regional yield stagnation, 158, 158; soil fertility management knowledge, 158 Riparian buffer strips, 180, 180 Rockefeller Foundation, 80, 83, 88, 89, 94, 97, 504 Roles of Agriculture (FAO study), 61-62, 62 Rome Declaration on World Food Safety, 111 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 114 Root/tuber yields (1961-2004), 150 Royal Tropical Institute, 83
Salinization: climate change and, 417^118; irrigated agriculture and, 40; management, 407; productivity-enhancing technologies and, 153 Salmonella, 34, 113, 468, 470^71 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPS), 219-220,219,467 Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE), 82 Savings: adjusted net savings, 30; "genuine sav­ings rates," 30 Scale of agricultural systems: description, 2; productivity and efficiency, 151, 151. See also specific scales Schools in the Field, 69 Science: co-causality, 70; inclusive/integrated practices, 70-71; inequities in geographic regions, 71, 72; license agreements with universities, 72; modes of, 71; noncommer­cial vs. commercial science, 72; relationship with technology, 12—13; society/social sys­tems and, 71-72. See also AKST Science and Knowledge Exchange Program, 96 Science processes: definition/description, 70; overview, 70—72 Science/technology drivers: adoption trends, 272; in existing assessments, 270—271; importance, 270; trends in investment, 271, 271; trends in private/public sector, 271-272 Scientific policies, 217-218, 218 Scientific reviews vs. assessments, 5 Seasonal fluctuations, 212-213, 212, 217, 217 Sectoral policies, 215-217, 215, 216 Seed Nursery, Faculty of Agronomy, Buenos Aires University, 82