586 | IAASTD Global Report

Natural resources management (NRM) pro­grams, 172. See also Integrated natural resource management (INRM) systems Natural resources/policies: examples, 443^44; by habitat categories, 444-445; need for, 443^44 Natural Sequence Farming, 174, 174 Neem extracts (Azadirachta indica), 18-19 New Institutional Economics (NIE), 527 New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), 269 New Zealand dairy industry, 67 NGOs: description, 86-87; origins, 87; pest management responses, 105 Niche sectors, 18 Nipah virus, 113 Nitrogen cycle, 175, 175, 300. See also Fertil­izer, nitrogen Nitrogen fixation, 170, 170, 175, 175, 180, 400 Nomadic herdsmen. See Pastoralism Non-timber forest products (NTFP), 179, 179 Noro-virus, 113 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 114 Northwest Area Foundation, 67 No-till agriculture: benefits, 175, 175, 190, 190, 400, 420; carbon sequestration, 190, 190, 420; nitrogen emissions and, 420; soil quality, 175, 175; use/adoption of, 175, 420 Novartis/University of Berkeley controversy, 81-82 Nutrition: agricultural production/trade policies and, 198-199, 198; balanced diet, 33; defi­nition/description, 33; eating local foods, 33-34; industrial food processing and, 198, 198; options for improving, 540; pyramid of food groups, 33. See also Malnutrition Nutrition security: biofortification, 164, 408, 522; factors, 111; HarvestPlus Challenge Program, 522; micronutrient deficiencies, 110, 197, 197, 210, 210, 348, 522. See also Malnutrition
Obesity: causes summary, 196, 196, 277; diet quality and, 196-197, 196, 348-349; food groups consumption, 33, 223; food system changes and, 110, 196-197, 196; lifestyle diseases, 33, 110, 146, 277, 348 Oil use, 326, 327 Optical imaging, 413-414 Organic agriculture: AKST impact assessment, 182-184, 182-184; biodiversity, 183; certi­fication, 23, 182, 182, 213, 213; challenges, 115-116, 273; consumer perception, 214; definition/description, 23, 24, 114, 115, 115, 182; developing countries, 183-184, 183, 184; environmental health and, 182, 183, 183; farmland statistics, 182, 182; history, 114-115; human health and, 182, 183; indigenous technologies, 67; informal ("peer”/“participatory") models, 213, 213; labor requirements, 116, 273; localization of marketing, 184, 184; policies promoting, 445; soil quality, 183, 183; stakeholders' impacts, 213, 213; statistics, 23, 67, 182, 182, 183, 183, 184; yield, 183, 183. See


also Integrated nutrient management ag­riculture; Low-External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) Organic Transition Payment programs, 103 "Orphan crops," 96
P Parasitic weeds, 162, 163, 163, 174, 387 Paris Convention on patents (1883), 89 Partial equilibrium (PE) models, 310 Participatory approaches: agroforestry, 158, 158, 204, 204; costs vs. efficiency, 204, 204; domestication techniques/cloning, 158-159, 158; Foundation for the Participatory and Sustainable Development of the Small-scale Producers of Colombia, 86; genetic im­provement, 203-204, 203, 204; irrigation, 206, 215, 215, 450, 451; land use planning, 221, 221; natural resources management, 201, 201, 204, 204, 415^16; pro-poor de­velopment, 483, 483, 484; R&D, 203-204, 203, 204, 496^97; rural development, 208-209, 208; Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analy­sis, 45, 203. See also Farmer Participatory Research and Extension (FPRE); stakehold­ers' impacts Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB): description, 66, 96-97; threats to, 66 Participatory Technology Development (PTD), 483 Participatory Variety Selection and Plant Breed­ing, 89 Pastoralism: areas of, 23; assessing value, 520; farmers and, 177,177; sustainability, 176,176 Patents on life forms: companies, 94; contro­versies with, 18; developing vs. developed countries, 95; European Patent Convention, 89; history, 89, 90-91. See also Intellectual property rights (IPR) "Patent thickets," 91 Payments for environmental services (PES), 174, 442, 462^63 Permaculture, 67 Pesticides, synthetic: banning, 103; classes of, 103, 105, 106; Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, 84, 100, 103, 104; crop-insect ecology knowl­edge and, 99; debate effects, 59, 99-100; developing countries use, 99—100, 103, 106; downplaying harmful effects, 106; emergence, 98—99; environmental harm/ awareness, 99; in food, 34, 103, 112; with Green Revolution, 41, 98; human health effects, 34, 35, 99-100, 103, 106, 111, 112, 113, 153, 199, 199, 520-521; IPM and, 105-106; Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) regulations, 103, 105; non-target organisms, 10; OECD countries, 152; pesticide-induced pest outbreaks, 102, 106; production trend, 7, 149; reduction programs, 103, 104, 105; resistance to, 40, 99; "safe use" programs, 106, 521—522; social/environmental justice cases, 99; taxing use, 462; use trends, 99, 106, 152, 152; water pollution/degrada­tion, 154, 154, 518. See also Herbicides; Insecticides


Pesticide Use Reduction programs, 103, 104 Pest management: AKST impact enhancement, 386-389; assessment, 106-107; biological control, 101, 102-103, 162, 162; Bt crops, 166, 167; climate change effects, 190, 191, 541; detection tools, 388-389; diversifica­tion for, 387—388; gene pyramiding (stack­ing), 387; genetically-engineered crops and, 95, 106, 163, 166, 166, 167; institutional innovations, 100-101; modeling advances, 388; multigene resistance, 387; overview, 98-107; public policy importance, 118-119; remote sensing advances, 388; second­ary pests, 167; trends, 106—107; varietal mixtures, 387. See also Integrated pest management (IPM); Pesticides, synthetic; specific pests Pest management responses: certification/label­ing and, 105; civil society, 105; market, 105; NGOs, 105; pesticide manufacturers, 105-106; policy, 101, 103, 104, 105 Phytoremediation, 410 Pioneer Hi-Bred, 88 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricul­ture (PGRFA), 90 Plant health: biosafety and, 473; certification, 473; climate change and, 473^174; plant protections and quarantine (PPQ) pro­grams, 472, 473; policy, 442^43, 472^75 private sector, 473; regional programs, 472^73; small-scale farmers, 473; SPS standards challenges, 472. See also Pest management Plant protections and quarantine (PPQ) pro­grams, 472, 473 Plant root health: AKST impact enhancement, 389-390; biological control, 389, 390; disease suppression, 389—390; low-input options, 389 Plant Variety Protection (PVP), 90 Point source pollution policies, 446^147 Policy: democratizing, 442; informing, 442 Policy analysis, 14 Policy design/implementation: agriculture subsectors disconnection, 217, 217; AKST impact assessment, 214-222, 214-222; deforestation, 216, 216; food safety, 216, 216, 218, 218, 219-220, 219; forestry, 216, 216; GMOs, 216-217, 216; Green Revolution, 214, 214; integrated production systems, 218, 218; international policies, 218-220, 218, 219, 220; IPR, 218, 218; livelihood focus, 214-215, 214, 217, 217; poverty issues, 215, 215, 217, 217; regional trade agreements, 219, 219; scientific poli­cies, 217-218, 218; seasonal fluctuations, 217, 217; sectoral policies, 215-217, 215, 216; state capacity for, 269; structural ad­justment policies, 215, 215, 218-219, 218, 220, 220; territorial governance, 220-222, 220, 221, 222; territorial policies, 217, 21 7; water management, 215, 215; WTO poli­cies, 215, 215, 219, 219. See also specific policies/policy makers Policy issues assessment: AKST investment ef­fects, 333, 337, 338, 339, 339, 340, 341; bioenergy potential, 340; climate change