584 | IAASTD Global Report

Intellectual property rights (IPR): breeding op­tions and, 392; community/national rights, 479; compliance costs, 478^179; "farmer's privilege," 90-91; FPRE, 67-68; genetic resources, 218, 218, 475^76, 479; germ-plasm management, 88, 89, 90-93, 94, 96, 98; importance in agriculture, 6-7, 90-93; limitations, 91; management, 18-19, 147; multilateral negotiations on, 475^77; natural resources, 479—481, 480; poli­cies, 475^79; PPB and, 66; public sector dilemma, 94, 96; Public-Sector Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA), 94, 98; research/AKST and, 443, 475, 477-479; sovereignty, 91-92; strengthen­ing, 18, 90-91; Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 89, 91, 218, 218, 475^77; traditional/indigenous knowledge, 67-68, 76, 218, 218, 475^76, 477, 479; World Intellectual Property Orga­nization (WIPO), 89,91, 476, 477. See also specific types Intensification degrees in food systems, 294—295 Intercropping: benefits, 101, 386; pest manage­ment, 101 Internal renewable water (IRW), 324 International agreements and AKST, 18 International Agricultural Research Centers (IARCs), 83 International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. See IAASTD International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 83, 89, 90, 271 International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade. See IMPACT; IMPACT-WATER International Potato Center (CIP), 92 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI): on CBD, 92; Green Revolution, 271; his­tory, 83 International trade. See Economics/interna­tional trade drivers International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 84, 93, 93, 98 International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, 90 International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV): history, 89; PPB and, 66; role, 59, 90 Invasive alien species (IAS): climate change and, 40; detection, 388; effects of, 40, 163-164, 163; factors influencing, 387; management, 388-389, 400; policy initiatives, 447; policy needs, 447; preventing, 388 Investment in AKST options: criteria/guidance, 535—536; demand-led priority setting, 535, 536; for environmental sustainability, 538, 540; impacts/outcomes summary, 539; importance, 535; improving human health, 540; improving nutrition, 540; multiple goals, 541—542; poverty/hunger reduc­tion, 535, 537, 540-541; public vs. private sectors, 537; supply-led priority setting, 535-536; for sustainability, 541 Iodine deficiency, 33 IPR. See Intellectual property rights (IPR)


Iron deficiency anemia, 33 Irradiation of food, 112 Irrigation: biodiversity and, 406; community approach/effects, 206; diseases and, 409; environmental benefits with, 184, 185; en­vironmental problems with, 72, 184-185, 184; with Green Revolution, 195; indig­enous technologies, 67; inequities with, 200-201, 200; investment, 449^50; mod­eling policy scenarios, 344; participatory approaches, 206, 215, 215, 450, 451; poor management impacts, 154, 154; potential/ actual consumptive water use, 324, 325, 326; salinization, 40; small-scale/micro techniques, 170, 1 70, 171, 1 71; sustainabil­ity, 449^50, 451; trends in, 7, 149, 151, 151, 278-279; unsustainable use, 171, 171; water logging, 40; water productivity, 406; water-saving practices, 451; water scarcity, 154, 154; water supply reliability/AKST effects, 341; water use efficiency, 407 ISNM (integrated soil and nutrient manage­ment), 174-175 IWM (integrated weed management), 173-174, 173
Kenya Tea Development Authority, 68—69 Knowledge: information vs., 12; linking systems options/gaps, 382; options for enhanc­ing, 411. See also Agricultural knowledge; AKST; Indigenous knowledge (IK); Tradi­tional/local knowledge Knowledge processes: challenges/opportunities, 68—70; definition/description, 62—63; ex­amples, 63-68; model characteristics/fitness for purpose, 69; organization of, 63 "Knowledge silos," 70 Kyoto Protocol, 191, 191, 446
L Labor: diversity/income (1992), 9; employment trends, 292; future productivity trends, 292-293; gender trends, 293; productivity by region (1992-2001), 29; productivity levels (1992 and 2001), 29 Lake Victoria Basin project, 182, 182 Land cover change: drivers of, 281-282, 282; projections, 281-282 Land degradation: assessment, 153, 153; reduc­ing, 407; restoration, 153, 419 Land-grant colleges, 80—82 Land management: territorial approach to, 221, 221. See also Land use Landraces, 354 Landscapes, 41 Land use: agricultural purposes, 6; bioen-ergy impacts, 291, 327-328, 329; change (modeling outcomes), 327-328, 328, 329; conflict over, 200, 200; drivers of change, 281-284; participatory approach to plan­ning, 221, 221; patterns/statistics, 6; projec­tions, 281-284, 283; regional/local drivers of change, 282—284; requirements by re­gions (2000-2050), 25 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LU-LUCF) activities, 191, 191


Leishmaniasis, 34 Libraries, 69 Life expectancy: global increases, 31; healthy life expectancy disparities, 31; HIV/AIDS effects, 31, 263; improvement factors, 31 "Life science" companies, 89 Light detection and ranging (LIDAR), 414 Liquid biofuels: biomass-to-liquid (BTL) fuels, 423; developing countries and, 463^64; environmental problems, 422^23, 464; food competition and, 6, 291, 379, 422, 423, 453; food price effects, 291, 379, 422, 423; inedible feedstock use, 423; land area requirements, 422, 423; land/water use reduction, 422; marginal land use, 423; next generation biofuels, 379, 423^124, 464; production drivers, 192, 192; social problems, 422, 464; trade liberalization tradeoffs, 453; for transport, 422; unsus-tainability, 192, 192 Listeria, 34, 468 Literacy rates in developing countries, 28 Livelihoods: AKST contributions, 146; AKST contributions assessment, 146, 194-195, 194, 195; definition/description, 10, 27; diversification, 27, 29, 202-203, 202, 203; HIV/AIDS and, 35; improving, 14-15; inequities, 146; migration, 203, 203; migra­tion and, 203, 203; policies and, 214-215, 214, 217, 21 7; remittances and, 27, 29, 203, 203, 309; resilience/coping strategies, 29—30; sustainability definition/description, 194, 194 Livestock production: AKST and poor people, 195, 195; AKST effects, 146, 195, 337; AKST impact enhancement, 391; animal diseases and, 22, 34; animal feed competi­tion and, 6; animal health/welfare concerns, 34, 471^72; animal source protein effects, 197, 197; antimicrobial agents use/resis­tance, 410; assessment findings, 296; biodi­versity and, 154, 160, 160; biotechnology and poverty reduction, 166, 166; breeding techniques/effects, 159-160, 159; climate change effects on, 191, 191; crossbreed­ing, 159; diversity of systems, 298; drought effects, 191, 191; environmental problems, 10, 22, 153, 153-154, 153, 160, 160, 296, 391, 518, 519, 520, 538; ethnoveterinary medicine, 164, 164; extensive systems, 391, 395; fertilizers, 281; fish products feed/ef­fects, 308; genetic improvement, 159-160, 159; genetic resources, 160; grain-to-live­stock ratios, 32, 275; grazing intensities by region, 319—320, 319; grazing land amount, 298; greenhouse gas emissions, 153, 160, 160, 421, 448, 518; growth effects on environment, 308; growth strategies, 296; hormone use, 111, 113; human health, 117, 391, 538; intensive systems, 391; matching breed to environment, 160, 160; meat de­mand/trends, 11, 22-23, 32, 149, 149, 197, 197, 296, 297, 308, 316-317, 317, 318, 319, 343-6, 347, 348; milk demand/trends, 308, 318; mixed crop-livestock systems, 176-177, 1 76, 177, 296, 386, 391; model­ing per capita availability projections, 317;