Index | 583

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), 112, 198 Health of a society: development stages and, 31; equity and, 30—31; measurable aspects of, 30 Health of humans: agricultural eras/revolutions, 22 7; agricultural production/trade policies effects on, 198-199, 198; agroforestry and, 397; AKST effects assessment, 520-522, 521; AKST impact enhancement, 407-412, 413-414, 415^16; animal health and, 15, 34; animal source protein effects, 197, 197; definition/description, 30; dietary diversity, 197, 197; effects on agricultural production/ AKST use, 199, 199; factors affecting, 30; health workers distribution, 349; hygiene and, 14; improving, 540; interrelations with agriculture, 115, 115, 1 17; malnutrition burden, 14-15; prevalence of poor health, 223; sanitation, 14; socioeconomic develop­ment and, 31; water quality and, 14, 15. See also Agriculture working conditions; Dis­eases; Malnutrition; specific problems Heavy metal contamination: bioremediation, 409, 410; examples, 409; food safety, 409 Hepatitis A, 113 Herbicide resistant crops (HRCs), 163, 166, 167 Herbicides: assessment, 162—163, 162; genetic engineering (GE) and, 95, 106; health prob­lems, 162-163; IWM and, 174; pest resis­tance to, 167; riparian buffer strips, 180, 180; use, 162 Hessian fly, 164 High yielding varieties (HYV), 89, 90 HIV/AIDS: Africans life expectancy and, 31; effects overview, 35; food insecurity with, 35; immune system and, 540; reducing im­pacts, 262, 409^10; rural livelihoods, 35; statistics, 35 Hoof and mouth disease, 15, 34 Horticulture, 149, 149 Human Development Index (UNDP), 201 Human population. See Global population Hunger: AKST impacts, 196, 196; causes/ complexities, 27; definition/description, 27; diet disparities, 32; food and nutritional insecurity with, 14; food budget disparities, 32-33; food calories disparities, 32, 32; Global Hunger Index, 110; globalization and, 213-214, 213; nutrition and, 14, 30, 33—34; statistics, 196. See also Famines; Malnutrition; Poverty/hunger
I IAASTD: biophysical systems, 50; diversity of views/values in, 5; goals, 3^, 14—16; key questions for, 4—5; knowledge systems, 51; MDGs/MA and, 4; modeling issues, 51; so­cioeconomic systems, 50; spatial scales, 50; sustainable development and, 3, 4; temporal scales, 50; valuation, 51; values, 50-51. See also AKST IAASTD conceptual framework, 13, 258; agri­cultural systems, 13, 20-25; AKST and, 13, 16-20; AKST-related policies, 13, 14; crops, 20-21; development and sustainability


goals, 13, 14-16, 26^6; direct drivers of change, 13, 25-26; human context and, 26; indirect drivers of change, 13, 26; innova­tion/innovation systems, 13, 13; knowledge, 12-13, 13; learning process, 13-14, 13; sustainability indicators, 46-51 ICRISAT, 86 IMAGE model (2.4): applications, 310, 31 1, 313, 314, 359; carbon cycling modeling, 360; description, 311, 357-360, 360; his­tory, 357; structure/data, 357-358, 360; uncertainty, 359-360 IMPACT model: applications, 310, 313, 314, 345, 357; description, 310, 314, 356-357, 358-359; history, 356; structure/data, 356-357, 358; uncertainty, 357, 358 IMPACT-WATER model: applications, 313, 315-316; description, 31 1 Income: developing vs. developed countries, 28; economic well-being and, 27—28; food consumption patterns and, 343—345, 346; resources and, 28 Income per capita: agricultural GDP and, 28, 28; growth by region, 315; statistics/trends, 28,315 India: food availability/supply, 310; food de­mand, 310; food prices, 310; food security, 310; per capita gross income, 335; popula­tion deciles/per capita consumption, 336; trade liberalization effects, 335, 337; trade policy and gender, 334, 336 Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), 79 Indicators: AKST, 48, 49-50; definition/descrip­tion, 46, 47, 49; impact indicators, 49; interpretation, 47-48; problems, 49-50; process/performance indicators, 49; proxies for, 49; referents/context, 47; units of analy­sis, 50; working with, 47. See also Sustain­ability indicators Indigenous knowledge (IK): agroecology tech­nologies, 66-67; agroforestry technologies, 67, 147; Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 91, 92; Declaration on Indigenous Peoples' rights to genetic resources and IK, 68; description, 67; effectiveness, 205, 205; ethnoveterinary medicine, 164, 164; genetic resources, 68, 160, 218, 218; in­novations, 78; integrated pest management, 101; intellectual property rights, 67—68, 76, 218, 218; livestock and, 205, 205; scientific knowledge and, 205-206, 205; sustainabil­ity, 204-205, 204, 273. See also Traditional/ local knowledge Indirect drivers of AKST, 76-77 Industrialized agrifood systems, 24 Inequity, social: discriminating policies, 211, 21 1; disease burden, 349; health workers distribution, 349; information/communica­tion technologies (ICT), 69-70, 210, 210, 211, 211; irrigation, 200-201, 200; poverty perpetuation and, 44; small-scale farming vs. industrial agricultural systems, 8—9, 44. See also Equity, social; Gender; Poverty; Women's issues Information and communication technologies (ICT): barriers, 350; biotechnology use,


171, 171; changes/effects, 69-70; climate/ crop modeling, 171, 171; e-consultation, 412; e-governance, 412, 415; enhancement of, 412, 415; future, 349-350; impact, 209-210, 209; importance, 222, 349; inequities, 69-70, 210, 210, 211, 211; market infor­mation/systems, 412; policy, 350; potential of, 58; poverty and, 350; remote sensing/ site-specific management, 171, 172; rural communities, 309; technology adoption, 207, 207; traditional/local knowledge and, 350; weather forecasting, 412 Information management: information technol­ogy and, 209—210, 210; as limiting factor, 209, 209 Information vs. knowledge, 12 Innovations: "agricultural treadmill," 73; com­monalities process, 270; description, 58, 74, 485; "diffusion of innovations," 63, 73; farmers/community-based arrangements, 75-78; key actors/institutional arrange­ments, 75-87; market-led innovations, 74; partnerships with, 58; small-scale farmers, 379-380. See also AKST; Pro-poor agricul­tural innovations Innovation systems (IS): definition/description, 13, 485; elements of, 75; steps for success, 485 "Innovation systems" concept, 74 INRM. See Integrated natural resource manage­ment (INRM) systems Insecticides: genetic engineering (GE) and, 95, 106; resistance, 167, 167 Insect resistance (Bt crops), 166, 166, 167 In situ conservation/management, 41, 92, 93, 96, 187, 187,392,447 Integrated assessment models (IAMs), 311-312 Integrated crop-livestock systems, 176-177, 176, 177,296,386,391 Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environ­ment. See IMAGE model Integrated natural resource management (INRM) systems: description, 172; environ­ment and, 215; examples, 172; importance, 223; sustainability, 172, 1 72. See also spe­cific systems Integrated nutrient management agriculture: crop yields, 344, 347; modeling assessment, 343, 344, 345-346, 347, 348 Integrated pest management (IPM): adoption, 59, 99-100; adoption constraints, 100, 101; cost-effectiveness, 100, 173; definition, 101, 173; description, 99, 101, 118-119, 173; environmental effects, 173, 173; impacts, 100; indigenous knowledge (IK), 101; Indonesian example (1980s), 41^2, 100; promotion of, 100-101, 103, 104, 106, 118-119; social effects, 100, 173, 173; social equity and, 100; success evaluation, 173, 173 Integrated soil and nutrient management (ISNM), 174-175 Integrated water resources management (IWRM), 174, 1 74 Integrated weed management (IWM), 173-174, 173