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In some government research and multiplication farms, the only breeding technologies used are electronic databases, genetic evaluation software and artificial insemination (Das and Mbaga, 2002). Even these technologies are not widely used, limited to only a few researchers.

Other modern techniques of breeding and conservation of useful livestock genetic resources are in situ and ex situ conservation methods to ensure that each SSA countries have gene banks for useful indigenous animal genetic resources. The DNA technology helps to provide important information concerning the evolutionary history of a breed or species. This can also be a tool for traceability and identification
of animal genetic resources. Such modern technologies provide the basis for evaluating breed differences. In recent years, establishment of breeding strategies for development of dairy or meat breeds is through the establishment of Open Nucleus Breeding schemes in various African countries (Nakimbugwe et al., 2004).

Conservation of animal genetic resources. Most SSA livestock breeds will be conserved because of their adaptation and commercial potential. Sub-Saharan African nations would benefit from community-based characterization, conservation and the utilization of indigenous animal genetic resources. Local knowledge and local perceptions of animal breeding and husbandry varies from one community to another. Complementing local and traditional knowledge from pastoralists and agropastoralists with modern AKST can help in attributing economic value to animal genetic resources that should be conserved for future utilization. Resources should include an inventory of valuable traits available in local, adapted as well as in crossbred livestock.

An alternative approach to breeding animals for perceived economic returns and conserving genetic resources is to match genotypes to environments. Instead of importing a genotype and attempting to modify the environment through increased input levels, indigenous breeds could be used and, where appropriate, pre-evaluated with exotic breeds. Lifetime productivity (number of offspring per female), economic returns for the herd or flock (versus individual performance) and biological efficiency (output/input) are some performance indicators. In essence, such a strategy discourages that general recommendations about breeds be made without accounting for the specific environment in which they are expected to perform.
          Improving livestock development in sub-Saharan Africa for competition in global markets, both indigenous and crossbred livestock should be considered for commercialization. Assistance should be extended to pastoralists and agropastoralists through extension of advice, research results and credit facilities to commercialize their breeding and management programs. Open Nucleus Breeding Schemes propagate useful traits through the breeding and selection for dairy and meat traits. Some available improved technologies for commercial farmers include improved management strategies such as feedlot systems, fattening practices, embryo transfer and artificial insemination. Techniques for improving grazing practices, storage of fodder, low cost disease control methods and using exotic livestock effectively could improve commercialized livestock development.


2.2.2 Typology of livestock production systems
Variations across regions in terms of climate, animal species, farmer production objectives and other edaphic and biotic factors have led to different livestock production systems in SSA (Jahnke, 1982). Efforts to classify the systems have been based on region (Nestle, 1984), farming systems approach (Wilson, 1995), agroecological zones (Sere and Steinfeld, 1996), natural resource base, dominant livelihoods, degree of crop-livestock integration and scale of operation (Dixon et al., 2001). A proposed comprehensive scheme for classification of global livestock production systems involves quantitative statistical methods based on degree of integration with crops and agroecological zones (Sere and Steinfeld, 1996). In this scheme eleven different systems are identified, of which only eight are represented in any significant extent in SSA. For the purposes of this assessment, these systems are inappropriate as they de-link South Africa from the rest of the southern African region and, being global in nature, they ignore the limited but locally important contribution of landless systems to decreased hunger and poverty in SSA. Another method described 17 farming systems in SSA, of which 12 include livestock (Dixon et al., 2001). Detailed classification systems can mask the generic policy issues that are common in SSA livestock production, allowed for in more broad-based systems (Devendra et al., 2005).

 Production systems below are summarized into four main categories: pastoralism (also called range-based systems (Devendra et al., 2005), agropastoralism, mixed cropbased and landless or industrial (Sere and Steinfeld, 1996; LEAD, 2003). Wildlife is discussed within each system as appropriate and differences due to eco-geographic SSA regional groupings are highlighted in each system.

Pastoralism. This system has been in existence in SSA for over three thousand years and is characterised by a mixture of livestock species, including wildlife, kept for multiple purposes. Pastoral systems are found mainly in arid and semiarid areas in SSA and limited areas in the subhumid zones in East Africa and West Africa (Sandford, 1983; Wilson et al., 1983; Swift, 1988). Pastoral systems are defined as those in which more than 90% of feed eaten by livestock comes from the range and over 50% of gross household revenue comes from livestock or livestock-related activities (Devendra et al., 2005). The major livestock species found in these systems are cattle, donkeys, goats and sheep in central and southern Africa with the addition of camels in East and West Africa. The livestock are mostly of indigenous breeds that are adapted to the climatic conditions of these areas and are tolerant to prevalent diseases (Ruthenberg, 1980; Sere and Steinfeld, 1996) but their productivity per unit land and per animal unit is low (FAOSTAT, 2005).

Pastoralists make use of marginal areas in terms of cropping potential (low and variable rainfall, very hot climate, etc.) and mobility is a major characteristic of these systems. Range management has traditionally been based on moving livestock to follow quality and quantity of feed with flexible stocking rates but strong cultural norms on where and when to graze. Consequently water availability is a strong driver of animal populations and their distribution at the landscape scale.