- Mobilize finance for conservation of globally significant
- Finance national and global efforts to monitor forests
and evaluate the impacts of forest projects and policies-
including devolution of forest control.
- Foster the development of national-level research and
evaluation organizations through twinning with established
foreign partners.
At the national level:
- Create systems for monitoring forest conditions and forest
dwellers' welfare, make land and forest allocations
and regulations more transparent, and support civil society
organizations that monitor regulatory compliance
by government, landholders, and forest concessionaires.
The prospect of carbon finance can help motivate these
- Make forest and land use regulations more efficient, reformulating
them to minimize monitoring, enforcement,
and compliance costs. Economic instruments can help.
In wilderness areas:
- Avert disruptive races for property rights by equitably
assigning ownership, use rights, and stewardship of
these lands.
- Options for forest conservation include combinations
of indigenous and community rights, protected areas,
and forest concessions. Some forests may be converted
to agriculture where doing so offers high, sustainable
returns and does not threaten irreplaceable environmental
- Plan for rational, regulated expansion of road networks-
including designation of roadless areas.
- Experiment with new ways of providing services and
infrastructure to low-density populations.
In frontier areas:
- Equitably assign and enforce property rights.
- Plan and control road network expansion.
- Discourage conversion in areas with hydrological hazards,
or encourage community management of these
- Use remote sensing, enhanced communication networks,
and independent observers to monitor logging
concessionaires and protect forest-holders against encroachers.
- Consider using carbon finance to support government
and community efforts to assign and enforce property
- Encourage markets for environmental services in community-
owned forests.
In disputed areas:
- Where forest control is transferred to communities,
build local institutions with upward and downward accountability.
- Where community rights are secure and markets are
feasible, provide technical assistance for community
- Make landholder rights more secure in "forests without
- When forest tenure is secure, use carbon markets to
promote forest regeneration and maintenance.
Mosaic lands:
- Reform regulations to reward growing trees. Promote
greener agriculture-such as integrated pest management
and silvo-pastoral systems-through research and
development, extension efforts, community organization,
and reform of agriculture and forest regulations.
- Develop a wide range of markets for environmental
services-carbon, biodiversity, water regulation, recreation,
pest control-to support more productive, sustainable
land management.
7.1.2 Reducing the impacts of climate change and the
contribution of agriculture to climate changeAgriculture can contribute to climate change in four major
- Land conversion and plowing releases large amounts
of stored carbon as CO2 from original vegetation and
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter is emitted
from fossil fuels used to power farm machinery, irrigation
pumps, and from drying grain, etc., as well as
fertilizer and pesticide production;
- Nitrogen fertilizer applications and related cropping
practices such as manure applications and decomposition
of agricultural wastes result in emissions of nitrous
oxide (N2O); and
- Methane (CH4) is released mostly through livestock digestive
processes and rice production.
The share of the agricultural sector to total global GHG emissions
is approximately 58% of CH4 and 47% of N2O making
it a significant contributor with a good deal of potential for
reduction in emissions in mitigation strategies (Smith et al.,
2007). With appropriate policies, each of these well-known
sources of GHG can be mitigated to some extent.
Many of these mitigation options are "win-win" as long
as they are supported by policy interventions that remove
entry barriers and reduce transaction costs. For example,
lower rates of agricultural extensification into natural habitats
and the re-use/restoration of degraded land, could be
encouraged through the participation of farmers in emissions
trading, or biofuel production. Farmers can benefit
financially depending on the amount of credits generated
through carbon storage projects under the Kyoto Protocol,
as is already occurring in a number of countries. Despite
some transaction costs associated with quantifying and
maintaining stored carbon, farmers who implement conservation
agriculture; use cover crops to reduce erosion; or reforest
degraded lands with tree species that have commercial
value could profit financially by selling their credits in an
emissions trading market. Agricultural N2O and CH4 mitigation
opportunities include proper application of nitrogen
fertilizer, effective manure management, and use of feed that
increases livestock digestive efficiency. To date, there is little
policy or legislation that recognizes the ability of the agricultural
sector to provide GHG reductions through mitigation
of N2O and CH4 and that provides positive incentives for
farmers to adopt more sustainable practices.