Looking Into the Future for Agriculture and AKST | 371


Predator prey interactions are moderated by prey behavior to limit exposure to predation, such that biomass flux pat­terns can show either bottom-up or top down (trophic cas­cade) control (Walters et al., 2000). Conducting repeated simulations Ecosim simulations allows for the fitting of pre­dicted biomasses to time series data, thereby providing more insights into the relative importance of ecological, fisheries and environmental factors in the observed trajectory of one or more species or functional groups.

A.5.9.3 Application
The core of this global ocean model is Ecopath with Ecosim, which has been used for a number of regional and sub-region­al models throughout the world. This global ocean model will be used for this assessment and the GEO4 Assessment.


A.5.9.4 Uncertainty
Table A.5.1 6 Overview of major uncertainties in EcoOcean Model

Model component


Model structure



Input parameters
•   Most have medium to low uncertainty; a few have high uncertainty

Driving force effort: either direct or relative

Medium to high depending on the FAO area at this stage

Initial condition


Model operation


Table A.5.17 Level of confidence for scenario calculations with EcoOcean model


Level of Agreement/ Assessment


Established but incomplete:
•   Catches
•   Value
•   Landing diversity

•   Marine trophic index (MTI)


Speculative Jobs

Competing Explanations



Amount of Evidence (Theory, Observations, Model Outputs)


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