Coordinating Lead Authors |
5.3.2 |
Inputs into the reference world 314 |
Mark W. Rosegrant (USA), Maria Fernandez (Peru), Anushree Sinha |
5.3.3 |
Description of reference world outcomes 316 |
(India) |
| Food sector 316 |
| Global trends in water availability and emerging |
Lead Authors |
challenges to water supply 324 |
Jackie Alder (Canada), Helal Ahammad (Australia), Charlotte de |
| Results for energy production and use 326 |
Fraiture (Netherlands), Bas Eickhout (Netherlands), Jorge Fonseca |
| Climate 327 |
(Costa Rica), Jikun Huang (China), Osamu Koyama (Japan), |
| Environmental consequences—land use change 327 |
Abdallah Mohammed Omezzine (Oman), Prabhu Pingali (USA), |
| Environmental consequences—forests and terrestrial |
Ricardo Ramirez (Canada/Mexico), Claudia Ringler (Germany), |
biodiversity 328 |
Scott Robinson (USA), Phil Thornton (UK), Detlef van Vuuren |
5.4 |
Assessment of Selected, Major Policy Issues 330 |
(Netherlands), Howard Yana-Shapiro (USA) |
5.4.1 |
Climate change policies and agriculture 330 |
5.4.2 |
Trade policies and international market constraints 331 |
Contributing Authors |
5.4.3 |
Investment in AKST 333 |
Kristie Ebi (USA), Russ Kruska (USA), Poonam Munjal (India), |
5.4.4 |
Focus on bioenergy 340 |
Clare Narrod (USA), Sunil Ray (India), Timothy Sulser (USA), Carla |
5.4.5 |
The scope of improving water productivity 341 |
Tamagno (Peru), Mark van Oorschot (Netherlands), Tingju Zhu |
5.4.6 |
Changing preferences for meat and certified organic |
(China) |
products 343 |
5.5 |
Emerging Issues that Influence the Future 346 |
Review Editors |
5.5.1 |
Interface of human, animal, and plant health 346 |
R.S. Deshpande (India), Sergio Ulgiati (Italy) |
5.5.2 |
Information and communication technology and tradtional and |
local knowledge 349 |
5.5.3 |
Food safety and food security 350 |
5.5.4 |
Biotechnology and biodiversity 352 |
Key Messages |
5.6 |
Implications of Policy Simulations and Emerging Policy |
5.1 |
Scope of the Chapter and How to Use the Results 309 |
Issues: Synergies and Tradeoffs 354 |
5.2 |
Rationale and Description of Selected Tools 310 |
5.6.1 |
Poverty and equity 354 |
5.2.1 |
Rationale for model selection 310 |
5.6.2 |
Hunger, health and food security 354 |
5.2.2 |
Interactions of models in this assessment 313 |
5.6.3 |
Natural resources and environmental sustainability 355 |
5.3 |
Description of Reference World, Including |
5.7 |
Implications for AKST in the Future 355 |
Quantification 314 |
Appendix. Model Descriptions 356 |
5.3.1 |
Rationale of reference world 314 |