Looking Into the Future for Agriculture and AKST | 365

Table A.5.8 Overview of major uncertainties in CAPSiM

Model component


Model structure

•   Based on partial equilibrium theory (equilibrium between demand and supply of all commodities and production factors)
•   One country model (international prices are exogenous)


Input parameters:
•   Some household data on production and consumption may not be consistent with national and provincial demand and supply functions
•   Elasticities underlying the national and provincial demand and supply functions
•   International commodity prices
•   Drivers
Output parameters:
•   Annual levels of food and agricultural production, stock changes, food and other demands, imports and exports, and domestic prices at national level
•   Annual levels of food and agricultural production, food and other demands at provincial and household level

Driving force

Economic and demographic drivers:
•   Per capita rural and urban income
•   Population growth and urbanization
Technological drivers:
•   Yield response with respect to research investment, irrigation, and others
•   Livestock feed rations
Policy drivers:
•   Cultivated land expansion/control
•   Public investment (research, irrigation, environmental conservation, etc.)
•   Trade policy
•   Others

Initial condition

Baseline: Three-year average centered on 2001 of all input parameters and assumptions for driving forces

Model operation

Visual C++ programming language

Table A.5.9 Level of confidence in different types of scenario calculations with CAPSiM

Level of Agreement/ Assessment


Established but incomplete
•   Projections of R&D and irrigation investment •   Projections of livestock feed ratios •   Impacts on farmers income

Well established
•   Changes in crop area and yield •   Changes in food consumption in both rural and urban areas •   Food production and consumption at household level by income group



Competing explanations
•   Projections of commodity prices •   Commodity trade




Amount of evidence (theory, observations, model outputs)
More than 20 papers published in Chinese and international journals based on CAPSiM