Looking Into the Future for Agriculture and AKST | 361


A.5.3.2 Model structure and data
GTEM is a multiregion, multisector, dynamic, general equi­librium model of the global economy. The key structural features of GTEM include:
•     A computable general equilibrium (CGE) framework with a sound theoretical foundation based on micro-economic principles that accounts for economic trans­actions occurring in the global economy. The theoreti­cal structure of the model is based on the optimizing behavior of individual economic agents (e.g., firms and households), as represented by the model equation sys­tems, the database and parameters.
•     A recursively dynamic analytical framework character­ized by capital and debt accumulation and endogenous population growth, which enables the model to ac­count for transactions between sectors and trade flows between regions over time. As a dynamic model, it ac­counts for the impacts of changes in labor force and investment on a region's production capabilities.
•     The representation of a large number of economies (up to 87 regional economies corresponding to individual countries or country groups) that are linked through trade and investment flows, allowing for detailed analy­sis of the direct as well as flow-on impacts of policy and exogenous changes for individual economies. The mod­el tracks intraindustry trade flows as well as bilateral trade flows, allowing for detailed trade policy analysis.
•     A high level of sectoral disaggregation (up to 67 broad sectors, with an explicit representation of 13 agricul­tural sectors) that helps to minimize likely biases that may arise from an undue aggregation scheme.
•     A bottom-up "technology bundle" approach adopted in modeling energy intensive sectors, as well as interfuel, interfactor and factor-fuel substitution possibilities al­lowed in modeling the production of commodities. The detailed and explicit treatment of the energy and energy related sectors makes GTEM an ideal tool for analysing trends and policies affecting the energy sector.
•     A demographic module that determines the evolution of a region's population (and hence the labor supply) as a function of fertility, migration and mortality, all distinguished by age group and/or gender.
•     A detailed greenhouse gas emissions module that ac­counts for the major gases and sources, incorporates various climate change response policies, including in­ternational emissions trading and quota banking, and allows for technology substitution and uptake of back­stop technologies.

For each regional economy, the GTEM database consists of six broad components: the input-output flows; bilateral trade flows; elasticities and parameters; population data; technology data; and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emis­sions data. For the input-output and bilateral trade flows data, and the key elasticities and parameters, the GTAP version  6  database  (see  https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue .edu/databases/v6/default.asp) has been adapted. The data­bases for population, energy technology and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, have been assembled by ABARE according to GTEM regions using information from a range of national and international sources. The base-year for


GTEM is 2001. For this exercise, the model database has been aggregated to 21 regions that correspond to the five IAASTD sub-global regions and to 36 commodities that in­clude 12 agricultural sectors and one fisheries sector.
     GTEM equations are written in log-change forms and the model is solved recursively using the GEMPACK suite of programs (http://www.monash.edu.au/policy/gempack.htm). For IAASTD modeling purposes, the GTEM projection period extends to 2050. The model simulation provides annual projections for many variables including regional gross na­tional product, aggregate consumption, investment, exports and imports; sectoral production, employment and other in­put demands; final demand and trade for commodities; and greenhouse gas emissions by gas and by source.
     A detailed description of the theoretical structure of GTEM can be found in Pant (2002, 2007). Pezzey and Lam-bie (2001) describe the key structural features of GTEM and Ahammad and Mi (2005) discuss an update on the model­ing of GTEM agricultural and forestry sectors.

A.5.3.3 Application
GTEM has been applied to a wide range of medium- to long-term policy issues or special events. These include cli­mate change response policy analysis (e.g., Ahammad et al., 2006; Ahammad et al., 2004; Fisher et al., 2003; Heyhoe, 2007; Jakeman et al., 2002; Jakeman et al., 2004; Jotzo, 2000; Matysek et al., 2005; Polidano et al., 2000; Tulpulé et al., 1999); global energy market analysis (e.g., Ball et al., 2003, Fairhead et al., 2002; Heaney et al., 2005; Mélanie et al., 2002; Stuart et al., 2000); and on agricultural trade liberalisation issues (e.g., Bull and Roberts 2001; Fairhead and Ahammad, 2005; Freeman et al., 2000; Nair et al., 2005; Nair et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 1999; Schneider et al., 2000).

A.5.3.4 Uncertainty
(See Table A.5.3.4)

Watersim is an integrated hydrologic and economic model, written in GAMS, developed by IWMI with input from IF-PRI and the University of Illinois. It seeks to:
•     Explore the key linkages between water, food security, and environment.
•     Develop scenarios for exploring key questions for food water, food, and environmental security, at the global national and basin scale

A.5.4.2 Model structure and data
The general model structure consists of two integrated mod­ules: the "food demand and supply" module, adapted from IMPACT (Rosegrant et al., 2002), and the "water supply and demand" module which uses a water balance based on the Water Accounting framework (Molden, 1997) that un­derlies the policy dialogue model, PODIUM combined with elements from IMPACT (Cai and Rosegrant, 2002). The model estimates food demand as a function of population, income and food prices. Crop production depends on eco­nomic variables such as crop prices, inputs and subsidies on