580 | IAASTD Global Report

Conservation agriculture: definition/description, 23-24; environmental benefits, 24 "Conservation varieties," 448 CONSERVE, 82 Constructivism, 70, 71 Consultative Group on International Agricul­tural Research. See CGIAR Contractual arrangements model, 69 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): AKST and, 18; description/role, 18, 89, 91-92, 92, 187, 220, 443^44; equity and, 92-93; genetic resources sovereignty, 92; impacts, 89, 92-93; indigenous/local knowl­edge, 91, 92; IPM, 103; IPR, 218; problems, 92-93, 92; ratification, 91 Convergence of Sciences Program (CoS), 483 CORAF, 82 Coral reefs: degradation, 36-37, 38; impor­tance, 36-37, 38 Core-estate-with-out-growers model, 65, 68 Crick, 89 Crop production: in agricultural systems, 20—21; China, 321; global projections, 295-296, 295, 297; mixed crop-livestock systems, 176-177, 176, 177, 296, 386, 391; mixed cropping benefits, 177-181, 177—181. See also Cereal production; spe­cific crops Crop/rain insurance, 460 Crop Research and Introduction Center, 89 CSOs (civil society organization), 82 Culture: as agriculture change driver, 273. See also Indigenous knowledge; Traditional/lo­cal knowledge
Dagomba ethnic group, 205 Daimler Chrysler, 96, 214 Darwin, 89 Declaration on Indigenous Peoples' rights to genetic resources and IK, 68 Deforestation: AKST effects, 337; biodiversity and, 10, 37; climate change, 37, 191, 191, 327; drivers, 283, 396; environmental con­sequences, 174, 174; GM soybeans, 283, 284; intersectorial policies, 216, 216; land degradation, 153, 174, 396; livestock pro­duction, 153; rates/statistics, 22, 37, 396; swidden agriculture, 283 Demand-pull approach, 79, 118 Democracies: AKST investments and, 530; eco­nomic development and, 268—269 Demographic drivers: aging population, 263; impacts on agriculture, 263; life expectancy, 263; migration, 262; overview, 260, 262-263. See also Urbanization Demographic transition, 260, 262 Desalinization, 451 "Diffusion of innovations," 63, 73 Digital divide, 70, 210, 210 Digital Doorway, 69 Dioxins, 111,214 Direct drivers of AKST, 76-77 Disease reduction: AKST potential/gaps, 382; challenges with, 349, 382; on-farm options, 409^10; research/technological options, 410; vaccines/effectiveness, 410 Diseases: agricultural transportation and, 10;


AKST application and, 198, 198; antimi­crobial agents use/resistance, 410; climate change and, 191, 191, 347, 541; drivers of emergence, 346, 409; effects overview, 409; food-/water-borne diseases, 34, 111, 112, 112, 113, 198, 219-220, 219; future, 33, 346-348, 349; future trends of infectious diseases, 33, 346—347; future trends of non-communicable diseases, 33, 347—348; life­style diseases, 31, 33, 110, 146, 277, 348; mortality, 31; poverty/hunger, 2-3. See also Animal health; Epidemics; specific diseases Distribution/delivery changes in food systems, 297-299 DNA structure discovery, 89 Drivers of agricultural change: definition/de­scription, 256, 257; overview, 257-258 Drivers of agricultural change, direct: assess­ment, 274-293; definition/description, 257; examples, 256, 258. See also specific drivers Drivers of agricultural change, indirect: definition/description, 257; examples, 256, 257-258; overview, 260, 262-274. See also specific drivers Drought: breeding for tolerance, 161, 161, 165—166; climate change and, 417; livestock production, 191, 191; Natural Sequence Farming, 174, 174 Dumping regulations, 458, 466 DuPont, 94
Ecoagriculture Initiative, 187 Ecological economics, 518 Ecological Pest Management, 101 Ecological questions and IAASTD, 5 Economics/international trade drivers: agricul­tural investments, 267, 267; agriculture and, 265-268, 265, 266, 267, 298, 299; AKST and, 267—268; developing vs. developed countries, 266—267, 267; future trends, 263, 264, 265; GDP, 263, 264, 265; income terms of trade, 267; protection policies, 266; sectoral distribution (1820-1992), 266; South-South trade relations, 266 Economic well-being, 28 E-consultation, 412 EcoOcean model: applications, 310, 311, 313-314, 370, 371; description, 31 1, 312, 370-371, 371; structure/data, 370-371; uncertainty, 371; weaknesses, 312—313 Ecopath, 370, 371 Ecosim (EwE), 370-371 Ecosystem definition/description, 26 Education: access/reform, 19; as agriculture change driver, 272-273; capacity develop­ment, 19; Costa Rica example, 19; cost-ben­efit analyses, 273; developing vs. developed countries, 28; eliminating biases, 117—118; illiteracy effects, 207, 207; income ef­fects, 200, 207, 207; lessons learned, 118; literacy rates in developing countries, 28; marginalized community members and, 58; occupational education, 78; statistics for developing countries, 28; training and visit approach, 64-65. See also Extension programs E-governance, 412, 415


Electricity use, 326, 327 Electric power, 326 Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Research Company), 78, 79, 85 "Emergy" evaluations, 520, 538 "End of History" view, 269 Endogenous development, 482^183 Energy: access, 201, 201; alternative energy, 326-327; energy use/agriculture, 288, 290, 300; global energy use (1880-2000), 290; price effects, 290; production/use (modeling outcomes), 326-327, 327; projected use by types, 326-327, 327; trends in use, 288, 290. See also specific types; TIMER model Enlightened Globalization, 214, 214, 225 Environmental services: agroecosystems and, 184, 186; assessment of managing, 184-193, 184-193; description/types, 36, 386, 443; paying for, 174, 442, 462^63; policy options, 442, 462; of soil, 446 Environment and agriculture: biodiversity and, 24; Bt toxins, 167, 167; carbon sink, 518; disconnect, 215, 215; impact assessment, 518, 519, 520; negative effects overview, 10, 24, 37, 146; productivity and, 152-153, 152; R&D investment assessment, 517— 520; reducing negative impacts, 538, 540; resource-conserving technologies, 153, 153; technological risks and, 74. See also GLO-BIO 3 model; Natural resources; specific components Epidemics: as direct driver of change, 26; management problems, 11. See also specific diseases Epigenetic inheritance, 394 Equity, social: agriculture and, 43^14; Conven­tion on Biological Diversity (CBD), 92-93; corruption and, 43; definition/description, 43; factors affecting, 43; globalization and, 43; IAASTD and, 5, 43^16; importance, 30-31; overview, 3, 43^16; poverty reduc­tion, 44^15; property rights and, 44; rights-based approach, 43; Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), 43. See also Gender issues; Inequity, social; Participatory approaches; Women's issues Ergotism (Claviceps purpurea), 15 Escherichia coli, 34, 1 13, 468 Estuarine habitats, 186, 186 Ethanol: net energy gain/loss, 291; sources, 192, 291 Ethics: as agriculture change driver, 273; bio­technology and, 273 Ethnic labeling of products, 59 Ethnoscience, 101. See also Indigenous knowl-edge (IK) Ethno veterinary medicine, 164, 164 European Patent Convention, 89 Eutrophication, 40, 274 Evapotranspiration management, 403, 403, 404 Ex-ante studies, 509 Exotic species. See Invasive alien species (IAS) Ex-post studies, 509 Ex situ conservation/collection, 92, 93, 93, 187, 187,392,447 Extension programs: environmental issues, 209, 209; expenditure reduction, 207-208, 207; gender issues, 207, 207, 208; marginalized