578 | IAASTD Global Report

AKST impact assessment  (continued) stock breeding techniques/effects, 159-160, 159; livestock gas emissions, 153, 160, 160; livestock production, 149, 149, 160, 160; livestock production/environment effects, 153-154, 153, 160, 160, 518, 519, 520; management for ecosystem services/public goods, 184-193, 184-193; mechanization effects, 152, 152; methodologies, 147-148, 193; Modern Varieties effects, 151, 151, 156-157, 156, 157; nitrogen fertility, 170, 170; objectivity, 222, 222; organic systems, 182-184, 182-184; parasitic weeds, 163, 163; participatory domestication tech­niques/cloning, 158—159, 158; pesticide use, 152, 152, 518, 520-522; plant MAB/ MAS, 165, 165; plants, 156-159, 156, 157, 158, 159; policy design/implementation, 214-222, 214-222; postharvest technolo­gies/shelf life, 165, 165, 198, 198; regional disparities, 148, 149; resource-conserving technologies, 153, 153; small-scale farmers productivity, 158, 158; soil nutrients deple­tion, 152, 152; spillover effects, 522-524, 524; stakeholders relationships, 211-222, 211-222; sustainability, 172-193, 172-193; timber plantation investments, 159, 159; Total Factor Productivity (TFP), 152, 152; traditional foods, 155, 155; vegetative propagation techniques, 158-159, 158; vulnerability/risk, 201-202, 202; water management, 170-171, 170, 171, 184-186, 184—186; water pollution/degradation, 154, 154; watershed management, 181—182, 181, 182; weed competition, 162-163, 162, 163; wheat stem rust, 164, 164; yield per unit area per year, 157-158, 157. See also Research and development investment as­sessment AKST impact assessment/biotechnology: Bt toxins/ecosystem, 167, 167; environmental impacts of GM crops, 167, 167; fish, 168, 168; gene pathways/regulatory networks knowledge use, 165—166, 165; genetically modified plants, 166—167, 166; genetic engineering, 166, 166; GM traits/crops spread, 167-168, 167; herbicide resistance, 167, 167; insecticide resistance, 167, 167; livestock, 168, 168; livestock molecular genetics, 166, 166; livestock/poverty reduc­tion, 166, 166; risk assessment, 168; tradi­tional crop breeding and, 166, 166 AKST impact enhancement: bioenergy, 379; breeding options, 391-395; challenges/ needs overview, 381-384; climate change adaptation/mitigation, 378, 416—425; crop productivity/sustainability, 379—391; fisher-ies/aquaculture, 398—399; forestry/agrofor-estry, 396-398; health/nutrition, 407-412, 413-414, 415^16; key messages, 378-379; livestock productivity/sustainability, 391; natural resource management/habitat preservation, 399^07; options/challenges overview, 380, 381-384; water productivity, 378-379, 403^04, 403, 404 AKST producers: national level, 78-82; re­gional/international level, 82—86


Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative project, 78 Alien species. See Invasive alien species (IAS) Alternative energy, 326—327 Andean consortium, 86 Animal health: animal welfare, 34, 471^172; developing countries and, 469—471, 470, 471; disease and agriculture working condi­tions, 34; endemic diseases, 470, 471, 471; epizootic diseases, 469^70, 470, 471; eth-noveterinary medicine, 164, 164; foodborne infections, 470-471; global disease burden, 469^70, 470, 471; global legislation, 469^70, 470; policy, 442^43, 469^72, 474^175; priority control technologies, 472; zoonoses, 470-471, 470, 471. See also spe­cific diseases Annan, Kofi, 269 Aphids, 164 Aquaculture: Bangladesh problems, 161; envi­ronmental effects, 161, 161, 519, 520; feed competition, 308; food security, 160, 160; policy needs/options, 448^149; poverty alle­viation, 160, 160; production (1950-2002), 22; production increase factors, 160-161, 160; stakeholders' impacts, 212, 212; statis­tics on, 21, 22, 38, 150; sustainability poli­cies, 309, 399; technological advances, 150 Aral Sea, 72, 171 Argentine Agrarian Federation, 82 ASARECA, 82 Asian AgriHistory Foundation, 59 Assessments: definition/description, 4; ex­amples, 4, 256, 259; overview of existing assessments, 294; scientific reviews vs., 5. See also AKST impact assessment; Future of agriculture/AKST assessment; Policy issues assessment; Research and development in­vestment assessment Assessments/future developments: approaches, 260; complexity/uncertainty, 259; existing assessments, 293-299; features, 260; food system changes, 293—299; overview, 256, 258-260, 259, 260; scenarios, 259-260, 261 Assets access: AKST impact assessment, 200— 201, 200, 201; women and, 35, 200, 200, 210-211, 210, 211. See also specific assets Atrazine, 154, 164 Avian influenza, 11, 15, 22, 34, 112, 505
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), 166, 167, 167, 354 Bayh-Dole Act (U.S. 1980), 80, 475 Beef: prices, 320, 320; production, 316, 318 Belgian dioxin chickens, 111 Bengal Famine (1943-1944), 89 "Best fit" technology, 73-74 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 207, 508 BioCarbon Fund, 463 Biochar production/use, 420 Biodiesel, 425 "Biodiscovery," 220, 220 Biodiversity: agricultural landuse systems, 179, 2 79; agriculture land cover changes, 24; agroecology/agroecosystems and, 173, 183, 186, 186; benefits to humanity, 186, 186; bioenergy and, 256-257; change factors, 40; climate change and, 40, 329; conserving,


186-189, 186-189; definition, 367; defores­tation effects, 10, 37; ex situ conservation, 92, 93, 93, 187, 187, 392, 447; forestry/for­ests, 22, 37; genetic resources, 40, 187-188, 187; GM/GMOs and, 353-354; habitat loss and, 399; importance to agriculture, 40; in situ conservation/management, 41, 92, 93, 96, 187, 187, 392, 447; invasive alien spe­cies and, 40, 163-164, 163; loss (modeling outcomes), 329, 330; loss definition, 367; loss factors, 40, 152, 153, 153, 283, 284, 329, 330; mean species abundance, 329; organic agriculture, 183; overview, 40—41; PPB and, 66; protection, 188-189, 188; water resources management and, 405^06. See also Agrobiodiversity; Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); GLOBIO 3 model Bioelectricity, 192-193, 192, 193, 425, 464-465 Bioenergy: agriculture implications, 291-292, 300; biodiesel, 425; biodiversity and, 256-257; bioelectricity, 192-193, 192, 193, 425, 464-465; bioheat, 192-193, 192, 193, 425, 464-465; biomass, 192-193, 192, 201, 201, 292, 327, 340, 420; controversies, 3, 11-12, 192, 192, 290, 291, 292, 379; costs, 192, 192, 291; drivers of, 290; employ­ment/incomes and, 424—425; environmental implications, 291, 424, 425; food price impacts, 291, 355, 424; food security and, 256-257, 300, 355, 424; greenhouse gas emissions and, 291; IMAGE model (2.4) and, 313; land use impacts, 291, 327-328, 329; limitations, 424^125, 425; net energy gains/losses, 291; potential, 290, 292, 340, 424^125, 425; rural development and, 424^25; sustainable use, 422^25; trade/ market policy options, 463-465; unrefined bio-oils, 425; use, 191, 191; use effects (modeling outcomes), 327—328, 329. See also Fuelwood; Liquid biofuels Bioenergy/AKST: impact assessment, 191-193, 191-193; impact improvement, 379, 384; implications, 292 Bioenhancement, 164 Biofortification, 164, 408, 522 Biofuels. See Bioenergy; Liquid biofuels Biofumigation of soils, 389 Bioheat, 192-193, 192, 193, 425, 464^65 Biointensive IPM, 1 01 Biological control: approaches, 102, 162; as­sessment, 162, 162; augmentation, 102, 162; economic benefits, 102, 162, 162; nematode control, 389, 390; overview, 102-103; plant root health, 389, 390; prob­lems/constraints with, 101, 102; successes/ opportunities, 102—103 Biological corridors, 37 Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), 170, 170, 175,1 75,180,400 Biomagnification, 38-39 Biomass, 192-193, 192, 201, 201, 292, 327, 340, 420 Biomass-to-liquid (BTL) fuels, 423 BIOME model, 359 "Bioprospecting," 220, 220 Bioremediation, 409, 410