184 | Index

United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED), 93–94
food consumption patterns and, 88
gender roles and, 77
increasing trend in, 29, 72
labor markets and, 65
market trends and, 63–64
processed food and, 61–62
water resource development and, 35
Uruguay Round Agreement, 46

Value-added technologies, 104
Variety protection, 33
Vegetables, 31–32, 62–63
Virtual Extension and Research Communication
Network (VERCON), 146b
Virtual water, 136

Wadi hydrology, 56, 70
WANA Wheat. See Wheat Expert System
WANANET. See West Asia and North Africa
Network on Plant Genetic Resources
Wars. See Conflicts
Waste management, livestock and, 150–51
Wastewater aquaculture, 40–41
  Wastewater treatment, 35, 40–41, 135, 152
Water harvesting, 38–39, 70–71, 123,
Water metering, 36–37
Water pricing, 35–37
Water resources
access to, 11, 152
agricultural imports and, 2
agroforestry and, 129t
Aral Sea and, 10b
climate change and, 131
conflicts and, 151–52
deterioration of, 39–41
development and management of, 34–37,
35f, 36f, 134–36, 152
infrastructure and, 37–39
integrated management of, 119
land resource management and, 89–90
local knowledge and, 21
management as driver of, 85, 89–90
overview of, 6
pesticide use and, 3
rational management of, 134–36
research in management of, 103
risk management policies and, 53
scarcity in, 2, 20, 28
sustainability and, 121–22
traditional knowledge and, 70–72
  trends in as driver, 84, 89
unconventional, 152
Water storage, 55
Water tariffs, 37
Water transfers, 35–36
Water withdrawal rates, 34, 36f
Waterlogging, 6, 39
Watershed management, 18, 137
Well-being, 2, 10–11
Wells (private), 37
West Asia and North Africa Network on Plant
Genetic Resources (WANANET), 46
Wetlands, 44–45, 53
Wheat, 43, 73–74, 124f
Wheat Expert System (WANA Wheat), 73
Wildlife, 5, 53, 129t
Women. See Feminization of agriculture; Gender
Woodlands, 30
World Bank, 47
World Trade Organization (WTO), 46, 50,
86–87, 99–100

Yemen, terraces of, 71

Zoonoses, 35, 101, 150