Index | 183

Research and development
agricultural, 23–25
cereal production and, 60
extension services and, 25, 142–43, 143f,
human capacity enhancement and, 72–73
increased productivity and, 74–76, 75t
integration of, 142–43, 143f, 146b
intellectual property rights and, 71, 103–4
investment in, 57–60, 57t, 58t, 71, 86, 103
need for, 103–4
pasture management and, 102–3
public organizations for, 107–8
public-private partnerships for, 108, 112–13
technology transfer and, 25, 66–67
Research intensity, 58–59, 59t
Reservoirs, 55–56, 70–71
Residues, health and, 150
Right-to-information laws, 109
Rinderpest, 53
Risk management policies
climate change and, 90–91
drought and, 53–54, 55–56
environmental policies and, 56–57
food security and, 133–34
government intervention and, 54–55
main risks and, 52–53
need for policy adaptations and, 121, 148
overview of, 29, 52
reduction of income variation and, 53–54
social safety nets and, 86
Rural communities, 9t, 12, 29

Sadd-el-Kafara, 37
Safety nets, social, 86
Sahel and Sahara Observatory, 56
Aral Sea and, 10b
avoidance of, 138
causes, 39–40
Egypt and, 34
irrigation and, 6, 39, 41, 124
loss of arable land resources and, 28–29
trends in as driver, 89
water supplies and, 41
Sand encroachment, 138–39
Sand storms, 7
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, 51t,
87, 100
Sanitation, 11, 24, 51t, 100. See also Wastewater
Saudi Arabia, 10
Savings, 8–10
Scenarios, overview of, 84–85
Sediment, dams and, 55–56
Seed banks, 88, 139. See also Gene banks
Seed improvement programs, 33
Self-sufficiency ratio, 12
Semiarid zones, 5, 5t
Sewage. See Wastewater treatment
Sharecropping, 53
Sludge, 40–41
Social capacity, 122. See also Capacity
Social equity, 22
Social processes
  climate change and, 110
as driver, 86
market and trade and, 110
policy development and, 110–11
price-formation policies and, 102
technology and, 111–12
Social safety nets, 86
Social sustainability, 122
Soils. See also Erosion
agroforestry and, 129t
carbon sequestration and, 41–42, 42t, 43t
climate change and, 20
crop production methods and, 122–23
degradation of as key issue, 20
overview of, 6–7
rational management of, 136–39
research in management of, 103
science, technology and, 23
water quality and, 39–40, 40t
South Eastern Anatolian Project (GAP), 15
South-to-South programs, 141
Spate irrigation, 39
SPS. See Sanitary and phytosanitary standards
Stakeholder integration, 142–43
State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources,
Stern, Nicholas, 90
Strengthen the Scientific Basis of In Situ
Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity
on the Farm, 47
Subhumid zones, 5, 5t
Subsidies, 33, 102
Subsistence crops, 110
Sud swamps, 5
Sudan, 13, 24
Sugar beets, 31
Sugar cane, 31
Sunn pest, 53
Sunrise agriculture, 85
Sunset agriculture, 85
agricultural land use and, 18
agrochemicals and, 148–49
biodiversity and, 139t
economic, 122
environmental, 121–22
health and, 121
human resource development and, 91
need for policy research and, 115
poverty, livelihoods and, 121
productivity increases and, 119, 121–22
social, 122
social processes and, 110
Syr-Darya, 41
Syria, 10, 16–17, 20, 44, 124f

T&V approach. See Travel and visit extension
Tabia, 71
Tajik Agrarian University, 58t
Tariffs, 37, 48, 49t, 86–87
TAYEK program. See Agricultural Research,
Extension and Training Coordination
Technology transfer
adoption and, 92, 113, 114, 142
  capacity development and, 72–73
capacity enhancement and, 72–75
effectiveness of, 75–76
extension systems and, 25, 66–67
gender roles and, 77, 111–12
research and development and, 25, 66–74
social processes and, 111–12
traditional knowledge and, 66–72
Terraces, 71
Threat assessments, 29
Trade. See also Exports; Imports; Liberalization
arrangements in, 99–100
food safety and, 100–101
intellectual property rights and, 104
issues in, 101
market trends and, 60–63, 61f, 62t
negotiations and, 100
policy development and, 49–52, 51t, 121,
pricing policies and, 101–2
regional links and, 49t, 50, 51t, 99–100
social processes and, 110
trends in as driver, 84, 86–87
uncertainty and, 152–54
virtual water and, 136
Trade negotiations, 50, 51t, 87, 100
Trade policies, 49–52, 51t, 121, 147–48
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) agreement, 46
Traditional (local) knowledge
biodiversity and, 140
overview of, 21–22, 29, 67–69
plants and, 69–70, 92–93
rangelands and, 125–26
technology transfer and, 67–69
trends in, 84
water resources and, 70–72
Traditional farming systems, 14
Traditional Knowledge World Bank, 70
Transgenics. See Genetically modified organisms
Transhumant people, 14
Transnational agreements, 90
Transparency, governance and, 108–9
Travel and visit (T&V) extension approach,
TRIPS agreement. See Trade-Related Intellectual
Property Rights agreement
Tunisia, 12, 24, 71
biodiversity protection in, 45–47
community organizations in, 50, 52
cropping patterns in, 33–34
edible wild plant consumption in, 44
land reform and, 20
travel and visit extension approach in, 66–67
TYUAP. See Agricultural Extension and Applied
Research Project

UNCED. See United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development
Uncertainties, 152–54
Underground economy, 11
Unemployment rates, 11, 12. See also
UNEP, 47
Unions, 52