
Reservations on Executive Summary


Reservations on full Executive Summary
Australia: Australia recognizes the IAASTD initiative and reports as a timely and important multistakeholder and mul-tidisciplinary exercise designed to assess and enhance the role of AKST in meeting the global development challenges. The wide range of observations and views presented how­ever, are such that Australia cannot agree with all assertions and options in the report. The report is therefore noted as a useful contribution which will be used for considering the future priorities and scope of AKST in securing economic growth and the alleviation of hunger and poverty.

Canada: The Canadian Government recognizes the sig­nificant work undertaken by IAASTD authors, Secretariat and stakeholders and notes the Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report as a valuable and important contribution to policy debate which needs to continue in national and international processes. While acknowledging considerable improvement has been achieved through a process of com­promise, there remain a number of assertions and observa­tions that require more substantial, balanced and objective analysis. However, the Canadian Government advocates it be drawn to the attention of governments for consideration in addressing the importance of AKST and its large poten­tial to contribute to economic growth and the reduction of hunger and poverty.

United States of America: The United States joins con­sensus with other governments in the critical importance of AKST to meet the goals of the IAASTD. We commend the tireless efforts of the authors, editors, Co-Chairs and the Secretariat. We welcome the IAASTD for bringing together the widest array of stakeholders for the first time in an ini­tiative of this magnitude. We respect the wide diversity of views and healthy debate that took place.


     As we have specific and substantive concerns in each of the reports, the United States is unable to provide unquali­fied endorsement of the reports, and we have noted them.
     The United States believes the Assessment has potential for stimulating further deliberation and research. Further, we acknowledge the reports are a useful contribution for consideration by governments of the role of AKST in rais­ing sustainable economic growth and alleviating hunger and poverty.

Reservations on individual passages
1.  Botswana notes that this is specially a problem in sub-Saharan Africa.
2.  The USA would prefer that this sentence be written as follows "progressive evolution of IPR regimes in coun­tries where national policies are not fully developed and progressive engagement in IPR management."
3.  The UK notes that there is no international definition of food sovereignty.
4.  China and USA do not believe that this entire section is balanced and comprehensive.
6.  The USA would prefer that this sentence be reflected in this paragraph: "Opening national agricultural mar­kets to international competition can offer economic benefits, but can lead to long-term negative effects on poverty alleviation, food security and the environment without basic national institutions and infrastructure being in place."
7.  Canada and USA would prefer the following sentence: "Provision of assistance to help low income countries affected by liberalization to adjust and benefit from liberalized trade is essential to advancing development agendas."