AKST: Generation, Access, Adaptation, Adoption and Effectiveness | 65 Improved and adaptive crop cultivars
The development of a wide range of improved cultivars has been instrumental in the effective use of land in many parts of the continent. Uganda farmers have developed 60 different cultivars that have adapted to the production systems

in the central African highlands. AKST has led to similar improvements in cotton production in the Sahel, maize in eastern and southern Africa, and wheat in southern Africa. Work by IARCs and NARIs has played an important role in mitigating the spread of crop diseases and pests in large parts of the continent, making it possible for millions of small-scale farms to use arable land efficiently. In the arid and semiarid lands of eastern and southern Africa, AKST has been instrumental in helping farmers select and manage germplasm for staples. Drought-tolerant varieties have made it possible for vulnerable farmers to better use land in areas that are predisposed to extreme rainfall variability.

3.4.2 Water management Linking water, AKST and development and sustainability goals
Agricultural production is constrained when water quantity, quality and timing do not match the water requirements of crops, trees, livestock and fish. The amount of water required for agriculture is extremely high compared with other uses. Massive water use in agriculture has negatively affected other water users and the environment. Lake Chad declined from 25,000 km2 in the 1960s to 1,350 km2 in 2001, mainly because of the fourfold increase in water withdrawal for irrigation between 1983 and 1994 (UNEP, 2002). Dry season flows in most SSA rivers are declining because of upstream irrigation and reservoirs (UNEP, 2002; Gichuki, 2004). AKST has contributed to unsustainable water use through: the adoption of higher yield crops that are water demanding, such as rice; limited attention to water-saving technology; limited adoption of yieldenhancing technology in rainfed agriculture; and inadequate development of technologies to enhance the use of marginal
water sources.

Water resources in SSA are poorly distributed. In 1999, water was abundant in 53% of Africa’s land area, which was home to 60% of the population, some 458 million. By 2025, water-scarce areas are projected to increase from 47% to 64%; these areas would have 56% of the population but only 12% of the continent’s renewable water resources (Ashton, 2002).

Over the last 50 years, the water crisis in SSA has intensified. This is likely to continue, driven partly by:

  • Increasing population and per capita consumption.
  • Climate change scenarios in southern Africa suggest that seasonal and yearly variability in rainfall and runoff will increase with some regions getting drier and others more wet (IPCC, 2007). Vegetation and agriculture are expected to change in response. These changes are expected to increase household vulnerability to drought and flood, with devastating effects on the poor and already vulnerable (Hudson and Jones, 2002).
  • Slow generation, adaptation, adoption and effectiveness

of AKST. Effective AKST will be expected to provide solutions that will enable the poor to adapt to changing circumstances and aid public and private assistance organizations to make adaptation possible. Food insecure populations will need to be informed of future climate prospects and better supplied with resources for water conservation and development of drought-tolerant crops.

New and innovative ways of managing water in agriculture are needed to facilitate continued agricultural growth and to release more water for other uses, including for the environment. AKST has contributed to driving changes in four water management arenas and will be expected to do more to address emerging challenges:

  • Conserving vital water catchments, reducing water pollution and reversing the degradation of aquatic ecosystems.
  • Enhancing water supply by capturing usable flows and tapping marginal water resources.
  • Ensuring equitable distribution and use of water its derived benefits, with the highest returns to society.
  • Increasing net benefits per unit volume of water by reducing nonbeneficial uses and allocating water to high value uses. Protecting water resources and related ecosystems
Agricultural growth in many parts of SSA has come at the expense of forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems and has contributed to degraded water and ecosystems. Africa lost 55 million ha to deforestation from 1980 to1995 (FAO, 1997). Cameroon has lost nearly 2 million ha and Democratic Republic of Congo may be losing 740,000 ha annually. In just 100 years, Ethiopia’s forests have declined from 40% to 3% of the land area. Conversion of swamps and marshlands to cropland and urban industrial establishments threatens the integrity of aquatic ecosystems and their ability to provide ecological goods and services (MA, 2005). Fisheries are under threat from declining river flows, fragmented rivers, shrinking wetlands, water pollution and overfishing. Poor agricultural land use is blamed for eutrophication (Bugenyi and Balirwa, 1998).

Inappropriate land management in water catchments causes most soil erosion. Soil loss ranges from 1 to 56 tonnes ha-1 yr-1 (Okwach, 2000; Liniger and Critchley, 2007). Subbasin soil loss varied from 12 to 281 tonnes km-2 yr-1 and suspended sediment discharge was as high as 200 kg s-1 during peak flow soil and water conservation measures reduced soil loss. Soil loss for a conventionally plowed maize field with no mulch was 32 tonnes ha-1, 10 tonnes ha-1 with 50% mulch and 2 tonnes ha-1 with 100% stover mulch from the previous season (Okwach, 2000). In northern Ghana and Burkina Faso the adoption of savanna and Saharan ecoagricultural practices reduced soil loss by 10 to 40% and increased groundwater recharge by 5 to 20%, depending on their effectiveness and adoption (Tabor, 1995). Appropriate AKST is available that can reduce degradation of water catchments, but its access, adaptation, adoption and effectiveness are limited in most places.