Index | 153

Sociocultural issues, 40–42
Soil: degradation, 2, 4, 65; management,
    17–18; “marginally sustainable” land,
    110; moisture stress, 2, 4; salinization, 18;
    variability, 104; water retention, 110
Soil erosion: losses, 65; siltation effects, 4
Soil fertility: agroforestry and, 119; deficiencies,
    4, 50, 62, 110; degradation effects, 2,
    4; improving, 18, 62, 64; integrated
    management, 111; livestock production, 27;
    macronutrient depletion rates, 6f; slash and
    burn agriculture, 17; technology, 63. See
    also Fertilizers, synthetic
Sorghum, 23
Southern African Development Community
    (SADC), 53, 55, 69, 70, 107
SRI (System of Rice Intensification), 22, 23
“Stacked gene” biotechnology, 57
Storage: infrastructure inadequacies, 59. See
    also Postharvest management
Striga (hermonthica), 23, 24, 26, 105
Sub-Saharan Africa: countries/regions list, 8t;
    key messages, 2
Subsistence farming: description, 8; extension
    programs/services and, 103; prevalence, 22
Succulent Karoo, 4
Supermarket chains, 74
System of Rice Intensification (SRI), 22, 23

T&V (training and visit) systems, 53
Technology: adoption factors, 41–42; animal
    genetic resources conservation, 28–29;
    animal genetic resources management,
    28–29; baskets of technology choices,
    98, 102; colonial infrastructure, 56;
    distribution, 56; diversified production
    and, 101; gender issues, 41–42, 50, 52–53,
    101; improvement options, 101; “on the
    shelf,” 101; participatory approach, 102;
    pastoralism needs, 30; traditional/local
    knowledge, 56–57
Technology transfer, 101, 110
“Teminator” technology, 21
Theileriosis, 32, 33
Ticks and diseases, 27, 33
Tourism: agroecosystems, 82, 93; wildlife, 112,
Tractors use, 17
Trade: capacity development, 106; changes/
    trends in, 70; export statistics, 51;
   globalization, 71–75, 107; improving,

      105–107; industrial countries subsidies/
    protection, 71, 72, 75; infrastructure
    improvement, 106–107; local trade/markets,
    70; market-driven agriculture effects, 54;
    market infrastructure, 72–73, 75; potential,
    71; regional trade/markets, 70–71, 107;
    regional trading areas, 70; standards/
    certification, 72, 74; strategy to stimulate,
    72; supermarket chains, 74; transportation
    infrastructure, 57–58; value-chain links, 73.
    See also Markets
Trade agreements, 70, 71
Trade liberalization, 71, 72, 75, 107
Traditional/local knowledge: animal genetic
    resources, 28–29; innovation rights
    protection, 56–57; land management, 18;
    patents and, 56–57; pest management,
    24–25, 26; postharvest storage, 15, 24;
    processing food, 26–27; technology,
    56–57; veterinary medicine, 33, 34; water
    management, 18
“Tragedy of the commons,” 121
Training and visit (T&V) systems, 53
Transportation infrastructure: agricultural trade
    and, 57–58; description/statistics, 57–58
Tree crop-based farming system, 8
Trees: diversity, 67; domestication, 64;
    germplasm in SSA, 67. See also
    Agroforestry; Forests
Trypanosomiasis, 15, 27, 32, 33–34
Tsetse flies, 33–34
Tubers production, 90, 92t
Urbanization: description, 2; men and, 2, 41;
    percentage by continents, 83t; processing
    food and, 26
Value addition, 26
Value chain development, 99, 101, 105–106
Veterinary medicine, 33, 34, 68
Vodafone, 60
WARDA (West Africa Rice Development
    Authority), 20, 23, 55
WASNET (West Africa Seed Network), 21
Water harvesting, 66, 112–113
Water hyacinth, 38
Water management: fair sharing, 66;
    improving, 66, 112–113; infrastructure, 58;
      integrated water resources management,
    19; “internalizing the externalities,” 113;
    livestock and, 66; mismanagement, 65, 66;
    National Water Act (South Africa 1998),
    114, 115b; overview, 65–66; storage, 66;
    traditional/local knowledge, 18. See also
Water pollution, 25, 110
Water resources: agriculture use, 4, 65; for
    agriculture vs. ecosystem services, 114;
    AKST/sustainable use, 65, 66; AKST/
     unsustainable use, 65; climate change, 2,
     5, 65, 83; distribution, 65, 66; incentives
     for sustainable use, 114; overview, 4;
     protecting, 65; rivers, 4; siltation effects, 4;
water stress statistics, 2
Water scarcity: conflicts, 113; in future, 113,
     114; as limiting factor, 18–19, 50; statistics,

2, 65
Weather insurance, 115
Weeds: biological control, 26; parasitic weeds,

23, 24, 26
West Africa Rice Development Authority
(WARDA), 20, 23, 55
Western Indian Ocean islands, 4
Wildlife: agropastoral systems, 30; conflicts
with people, 117–118; conservation,
    98, 117–118; damage from, 117–118;
     hunting, 118; livestock diseases and, 32–34;
     management, 117–118; meat from, 31;
     over-harvesting, 83; pastoralism, 29–30,
     112; tourism, 112, 118
Women’s issues: access to assets, 41–42,      52–53,
     73, 107; AKST supply and, 98, 107–108,
    109; biomass fuel collection, 39–40,
    120; contribution to family livelihoods,
    108t; decision making, 2, 9; education,
    10, 42, 107, 108; enhancing agriculture
    contributions, 107–108; extension
    programs/services, 42, 52–53, 98, 107,
    108; health improvement, 122; HIV/AIDS,
    9, 50, 51–52; ICT, 52; land quality, 17,
    52, 108; land rights/access, 17, 51, 52,
    73, 108, 115; marginalization, 17, 50,
    52–53, 56; overview, 9; poverty reduction
    and, 10; production, 2, 9, 17, 51–52, 107;
    technology access/adoption, 41–42, 50,
    52–53, 101; work burden/farm household
    roles, 9, 40–42, 41b, 52, 52–53. See also
    Gender issues
World Conservation Union (IUCN), 61
World Energy Outlook, 86