150 | Index

Coffee production: biological control, 26;
    overview, 24
Colonialism/legacy: boundaries of countries,
    8, 34; fragmentation, 8; land management,
    16–17; livestock production, 27–28
COMESA (Common Market for East and
    Southern Africa), 21, 70, 107
Commission for Africa, 99
Common Market for East and Southern Africa
    (COMESA), 21, 70, 107
Communications. See Information and
communications technology (ICT)
Community driven development (CDD),
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development
    Program (CAADP), 55, 87, 100
Conflict: farmers and herders, 16; over natural
    resources, 3, 61, 113; women as refugees, 9
Conservation: biodiversity, 98, 117–118; ex
    situ conservation, 29, 116, 117; genetic
    resources, 29, 116–117; germplasm, 67–68;
    in situ conservation, 29, 67, 98, 116, 117;
    livestock diversity, 117; “paper parks,” 116;
    protected areas, 5
Conservation tillage, 111
Convention on Biological Diversity, 39, 68,
    105, 116
Cowpea, 23
Crop genetic resources: contribution trends,
    20–21; disease resistance, 20–21; GMOs
    and, 21; loss, 20; NARS, 21; non-GM
    technologies, 21; pests and, 20; potential,
Crop insurance, 115
Crop originations, 4–5
Crop production: classification systems,
    22; conditions variability, 16; cotton/
    fiber products predictions, 90; cultivar
    development, 65; disease/pest constraints,
    23, 24; food/cash crop examples, 22–24;
    importance, 21–22; meeting demand, 83;
    pest resistant varieties, 24; predictions,
    90; roots, 90, 92t; tubers, 90, 92t; types/
    locations, 19–20. See also specific crops
Cyclones, 2, 5, 8
Deforestation: alien invasive species, 35;
    biodiversity loss, 2, 5, 35; future rates, 84;
    habitat degradation/loss, 35, 84; poverty/
    poor people, 34; statistics, 34, 64
Desertification, 3, 4
Desert Margins Program (DMP), 104b
Diamonds and conflict, 3
Disease resistance: crop genetic resources,
    20–21; livestock production, 33
Diseases: climate change and, 8; livestock
    production, 15, 27, 31–34, 68, 112;
    nutrition and, 122, 123; overview, 51–52;
    postharvest storage, 24; ticks and, 27, 33;
    use of fire against, 112. See also specific
DMP (Desert Margins Program), 104b
Drought: agropastoral systems, 30; increase/
    intensity, 5; vegetation cover degradation, 16
Dumping of agricultural commodities, 75
Duru-Haitemba Forest example, 85b

East Africa Seed Committee (EASCOM), 21
East Coast Fever (ECF), 33
Eastern Arc Mountain Forests, 4
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), 107,
Economy: by country, 10; inequality measures/
    comparisons, 10t; structural transformation,
    98; trends, 9–10
Economy of agriculture: effects on poverty,
    2, 10; GDP trends, 10; transportation
    infrastructure, 57–58; trends, 10, 53–54.
    See also Research and development
Ecoregion definition, 37
Ecosystem services: biodiversity, 4–5, 66–67; by
    ecosystems, 94f; from forests, 5; payment
    for (PES), 82, 93, 98; water resources
    competition, 114
Education: “linguistic divide,” 101; needs, 83;
    post-independence period, 42; trends, 42;
    women, 10, 42, 107, 108
Education in agriculture: agrochemicals use,
    15, 110; donor-assisted programs, 53;
    farmer field schools (FFS), 103; investment
    needs, 50, 83; overview, 53. See also AKST;
Extension programs/services
Electricity, 59, 86, 89
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), 5
Energy: agricultural requirements/consumption,
    87; electricity, 59, 86, 89; overview, 58–59;
    predictions on future needs, 86; sustainable
    production, 87–89. See also Bioenergy;
Ethanol fuel/potential, 40, 86, 87f
Ethnoveterinary medicine/studies, 68
EurepGAP standards, 74
Ex situ conservation/collection, 29, 116, 117
Ex situ technology/innovation, 67
Extension programs/services: agent education,
    53; commodity approach, 53; general
    approach, 53; HIV/AIDS effects on,
    52; improving, 103; “linguistic divide,”
    101; private extension services, 103;
    shortcomings, 103; subsistence farming
    and, 103; training and visit (T&V) systems,
    53; trends, 42; women and, 42, 52–53, 98,
    107, 108
Fair trade, 16, 74
Fallows: research on, 63; types, 22, 63
FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in
    Africa), 50, 54, 55, 99, 104, 104b
Farmer field schools (FFS), 103
Farming systems: “basket” of technology
    choices, 98, 102; diversity of, 15, 102;     precolonialism
    to colonialism, 16–17; types
    overview, 8
Fermentation: genetically engineered
    microorganisms, 27; for processing foods,
    26, 27
Fertilizers, synthetic: “blanket high dose,” 110;
    phosphorus, 110; productivity and, 18, 62;
    recommendations on, 110; use, 17–18, 110.
    See also Chemicals; Soil fertility
Firewood. See Biomass
  Fisheries: African provinces, 37; alien invasive
    species, 38–39, 82; biodiversity, 37, 38,
    39, 89; biodiversity loss, 89; eco-labels,
    90; fish consumption per person, 36, 86;
    food demand, 36, 37, 120–121; GDP
    by country, 89f; illegal technologies, 36,
    121; improving management, 121–122;
    mismanagement, 36, 37, 37b, 39, 98, 121;
    Nile perch bans, 25; nutritional security, 15,
    36; overfishing, 36, 37, 83, 98; overview,
    36–39, 89–90; potential, 39; predictions,
    89, 90t; productivity, 36–37; protein source,
    36, 120; regulations, 36, 37, 90, 121. See
    also Aquaculture
Floriculture, 90, 92, 93t
Fodder shrubs, 63–64, 119
Food deficit, 2
Food imports, 90
Food prices and bioenergy, 87
Food security: aquaculture, 82; arable land
    and, 15; bioenergy, 87; HIV/AIDS, 51,
    52; insecurity statistics, 36; Lagos Plan of
    Action, 54, 107; participatory approaches,
    101; policies and, 82; processing/storing
    food and, 26, 59; water and, 15; wildlife/
    livestock disease control, 34. See also
    Nutritional security
    Food systems: assessment approaches,     82–83;
    key messages, 82
Forest fallows, 22
Forest Guards, 85b
Forests: assessments, 84; biodiversity, 34, 84;
    certification, 119; energy and, 39–40, 120;
     export policies, 35; future productivity, 84,
    86; global land area, 34; illegal logging, 5;
    importance of, 5, 83–84, 86, 118; land area
    statistics, 5; Madagascar, 5; management
    needs, 16; mismanagement, 119; nontimber
    forest products (NTFPs), 118; nonvalue
    added products, 36; non-wood forest
    products (NWFPs), 84; over-harvesting,
    83, 119; overview, 5; participatory forest
    management, 84, 85b, 86, 119; payment for
    ecosystem services (PES), 119; plantation
    forests, 34, 64; poaching in, 5; pressures on,
    35; scenarios predictions, 84; sustainable
    use/management, 35, 36, 85b; tree density,
    64. See also Agroforestry; Biomass;
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
    (FARA), 50, 54, 55, 99, 104, 104b
French Research Institute for Development
    (IRD), 53, 55
Gender issues: with agroforestry, 120; cash
    crops, 41, 41b, 52, 53; decision making, 2,
    9, 53; farm household roles, 40–41, 41b.
    See also Women’s issues
Gene banks, 15, 29, 67–68, 116
Genetically modified/organisms (GM/GMOs):
    arguments against, 21; biosafety policies,
   21, 51, 57, 68–70; Cartagena Biosafety
    Protocol, 21, 51; EU and, 68; patents and,
    68, 105; production/trade, 57, 68; seed
    industry, 57; South Africa, 21, 57, 68, 69–
    70. See also Biosafety of GM/GMOs