112 | Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Report

Box 5-3. Traditional pastoralist approaches to managing grazing lands.
“A classic example of a paradigm shift lies in the history of the management of African pastoral systems (Ellis and Swift, 1988). Recommended methods of reducing overgrazing in these pastoral systems included group ranches, grazing blocks, and associations in which pastoralists were confined to particular tracts of land to better regulate the interaction between animals and plants and raise productivity. Over time, these new management methods were found to destabilize grazing systems that are characterized by intra-annual variability resulting from frequent drought. In contrast, pastoralists using traditional methods cope with multiyear drought by dispersing into small herds and groups over a wider area, thus expanding the spatial scale of exploitation. In nondrought periods, pastoralists ensure that unused space or an ungrazed reserve is available for periods of drought by stocking some areas in the ecosystem well below their average carrying capacity (undergrazing) while overgrazing others. This stabilizing mechanism relies on mobility, whereas the modern management strategy is based on confinement. In other words, recommendations that do not factor in variability and disturbance in the ecosystem often lead to long-term failure. Research had to define alternatives to conventional management of grazing systems that functioned at the ecosystem level, took into account hierarchies of interdependent subsystems, and were effective over the long term. Technical packages designed for a reduced spatial scale and short time horizon could not cope with the variability in the system, and indeed became associated with increased degradation in the long run”. (Ellis and Swift, 1988)

Source: Ashby, 2001.

pastoralists’ reasons for keeping livestock, and in part because of the role of climate. Similarly, rangeland degradation is unlikely to be addressed effectively unless the underlying motivations for environmentally destructive practices are understood. For example, the use of fire is widespread as many livestock owners consider it the best means of reducing the incidence of livestock disease, encouraging regeneration of grass and pasture for livestock, and clearing new land. However, the use of fire has negative environmental effects that include the destruction of vegetation cover and soil organic matter, lowering the diversity of soil fauna, and increasing erosion. AKST efforts that address livestock diseases could, under these circumstances, help to reduce environmental destruction by reducing deliberately started fires. These findings are an example of how understanding the motivations behind livestock owners’ actions and integrating this knowledge into AKST development can help lead to identifying the causes (disease) of environmentally destructive actions rather than dealing with the symptoms (burning).


        Developing ways of conducting more research in pastoralists’ native languages using participatory methods can present opportunities for achieving better understanding of the above-mentioned subjects. Herders generally understand well the environment, their animals, and strategies for survival and production. A substantial challenge exists in developing (or matching) terminologies for exogenous AKST, animal science and range management concepts, not to mention educating outside researchers in the languages. There is, therefore, the potential for combining knowledge and generating new understandings in the vernaculars of the people most directly involved in this mode of production.

Pastoralists’ use of rangeland is often more conducive to conserving wildlife than more intensive alternative land uses. However, there is a natural tension and therefore conflict between pastoralist land management techniques and wildlife needs. Given the growing importance of nature-based tourism in many SSA countries, particularly in east and southern Africa, there are likely to be increased economic benefits from supporting the dual use of rangelands.

5.5.2 Water: Limiting conditions and available alternatives
Under drought conditions, risk-averse farmers tend to adopt low external inputs crop production systems rather than high yielding technologies and management practices. AKST has a direct role in terms of the development and adaptation of new technologies for more efficient water use. There is scope for improved irrigation techniques, water harvesting technologies, and developing approaches for using water more efficiently in rainfed areas. Improved water efficiency of crops can also be embodied in seeds—in particular through drought-resistant seed varieties.

Drought-resistant species will be increasingly important in SSA, especially for regions that are negatively affected by global warming and climate change—rainfall and higher temperatures are predicted to be particularly problematic for southern Africa. A key question is whether these drought-resistant species will be developed by the private sector, and whether they will be cost effective for small-scale and poor farmers, or whether such species will be prioritized sufficiently in the international research centers. There are examples of drought-resistant species that have been successfully developed, such as open pollinated maize, a result of intensive breeding efforts between the international center CIMMYT and national researchers (Scoones, 2005). Such a development required long-term funding and research commitment within the public sector.

Technologies for increased water productivity exist for both rainfed and irrigated systems, including water harvesting and drip irrigation, which have been shown to be technically effective. Advances in AKST offer low cost technologies that can reduce the uncertainty farmers face.

Despite scope for considerable increases in irrigation, there is strong support for a focus on integrated rainwater management and improved understanding of farmers’ motivations and ability to adopt the requisite technology. An alternative to large-scale irrigation projects that is particularly
relevant for resource-poor farmers is the promotion of rainwater harvesting. Water harvesting can reduce risk by 20-50%. Once output risk is reduced, farmers are