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Figure 3-1. Erosion on cropland by year in the US. Source: USDA-NRCS, 2003.

intensive feeding operations which produce large amounts of manure, a local oversupply of fertilizer may be created which if not properly managed can also cause pollution (see 3.1.2).
     Phosphorus from agriculture can contribute to eutro-phication of fresh waters and agricultural nitrogen to eutro-phication of coastal marine waters (Lavelle et al., 2005). In recent decades concern over eutrophication has been focused


on effects in coastal waters, as there are numerous hypoxic zones in the coastal waters of North America and Europe (UNEP, 2004). The contribution of agricultural nitrogen to coastal eutrophication in different watersheds is quite vari­able (NRC, 2000) and depends upon the relative amount of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen from combustion sources and point sources in the watershed. Nevertheless, it is clear that agricultural nitrogen is often a significant, if not the major source.
     Ammonia emissions to the atmosphere from manure and ammonia-based fertilizers can contribute to local odor problems. The ammonia can be converted to nitrate in the atmosphere, contributing to acid rain and the nitrogen will be redeposited,  contributing to eutrophication.  Another volatilization path results in production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas of importance secondary only to carbon dioxide and methane. The increased soil nitrogen availability from agricultural fertilization has led to greater NO production.
     Use of appropriate on-field farming practices can make major reductions in fertilizer runoff and emissions without significant reductions in agricultural productivity  (Table 3-1). Significant runoff reductions can be achieved through use of uncropped "set-aside" areas as buffer zones and wet-

Table 3-1. Examples of the magnitude of benefit of different on-field agricultural practices.

Practice Contaminant Example Reduction in runoff or inputs Citation
In-season optimization of nitrogen application nitrogen North Carolina wheat fields. Nitrogen needs evaluated on fields or sub-fields based upon plant growth properties Average 15% (range 0 to 51 %) Flowers et al., 2004
Polymer use in furrow irrigation systems sediments, phosphorus Pacific Northwest wheat and bean fields. Added supplements to irrigation water to bind sediments & phosphorus 90% for sediments, 50% for phosphorus Lentz and Sojka, 1994; Lentz et al., 1998
Changing chemical form of fertilizer phosphorus Fertilized New Zealand pasture, slow release fertilizer vs. single superphosphate
Arkansas pasture, organic vs. inorganic fertilizer
90% 41% Nguyen et al., 2002
Nichols et al., 1994; Hart et al., 2004
Optimization of applied irrigation water nitrate Lettuce irrigation, Salinas Valley 75% for nitrate Tanji et al., 1994
Budgeting to reduce excess fertilizer application nitrogen, phosphorus Netherlands 25% for nitrogen 15% for phosphorus Oenemaet al., 2005
Controlled drainage in tile-drained fields nitrogen Ohio
Ontario, maze with ryegrass intercrop
Ontario, maize
45% for nitrate
46% for nitrogen 49% when used with conservation tillage
36% for nitrate
Fausey, 2005 Drury et al., 1996
Ng et al., 2002
Hay mulching nitrogen, phosphorus New Brunswick potato field 72-82% Reeset al., 2002