Index | 310

Water control in cropping systems, 46
Water footprints, 10, 210
Water law reform, 260t
Water management with AKST, 227-28
Water quality, 228
Water resources, 182-83, 183f, 184f
Wealth, consumer awareness from, 153—54,
Wealth and asset inequity
and AKST, 8-9, 118, 259
birth/death rate and, 12
and Caribbean banana producers, 64
counteractive measures, 16, 28
and demand for biofuel, 52
farm size and, 9


NAE vs. developing countries, 108, 120
overview, 2, 81
political power shifts related to AKST, 10
in research and development, 124
resources and, 9—10, 103
TNCs and, 7, 10, 15
Western Europe, 2, 11, 12-14, 163, 163t. See
Europe; European Union; NAE
WHO (World Health Organization), 5, 66,
Wind energy, 47
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organiza-
tion), 144b, 196
in agriculture workforce, 29
in European Union, 29


as farm operators, 7-8, 180
fertility rates, 163, 163t, 242
future of, 180,211,242
gender gaps, 7-8, 12, 242^3
as higher education students, 12
influence via civil society groups, 139
rural livelihood issues, 242^13, 266
in science, 121, 121b, 122f, 122t
World Bank, 5
World Health Organization (WHO), 5, 66,
World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), 144b, 196
World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC),
World Trade Organization (WTO), 5
World War II, 24. See also Post-World War II