294 | Annex F

Australia: Peter Core, Director, Australian Centre for Interna-
tional Agricultural Research
China: Keming Qian, Director General Inst. Agricultural Eco-
nomics, Dept. of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy
of Agricultural Science
Finland: Tiina Huvio, Senior Advisor, Agriculture and Rural De-
velopment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
France: Alain Derevier, Senior Advisor, Research for Sustainable
Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Germany: Hans-Jochen de Haas, Head, Agricultural and Rural
Development, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ)
Hungary: Zoltan Bedo, Director, Agricultural Research Institute,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Ireland: Aidan O'Driscoll, Assistant Secretary General, Depart-
ment of Agriculture and Food


Morocco: Hamid Narjisse, Director General, INRA
Russia: Eugenia Serova, Head, Agrarian Policy Division, Institute
for Economy in Transition
Uganda: Grace Akello, Minister of State for Northern Uganda
United Kingdom Paul Spray, Head of Research, DFID
United States: Rodney Brown, Deputy Under Secretary of Agricul-
ture and Hans Klemm, Director of the Office of Agriculture,
Biotechnology and Textile Trade Affairs, Department of State
Foundations and Unions
Susan Sechler, Senior Advisor on Biotechnology Policy, Rock-
efeller Foundation
Achim Steiner, Director General, The World Conservation Union
Eugene Terry, Director, African Agricultural Technology