ers, that can in turn s hed light on the different existing pedological systems17 and their differentiation process (Ruellan, 2000, 2005). In particular, it is important to understand better the long distance transportation of organic matter, fertilizers, pesticides and pathogens through this milieu.
• Elucidate the relationship that exists between pedological systems and the current or future social systems (Lahmar et al., 2000).
• Study the rate of evolution of the different characteristics and properties of soil. (AFES, 1998).
• Develop the notion of soil as being not just a part of the larger ecosystem but also as an ecosystem in itself (Lal, 2002).
Link soils and human activity (AFES, 1998; Lahmar et al., 2000; Lal, 2002; Van Camp et al., 2004)
There is need of improved understanding of the influence of human activity on rate of evolution of soils, mechanisms of soil formation, modification of biological activities and their consequence on soil formation, modification of the alteration rate of rocks, etc.
• Understand the effect of climate change on soil evolution and the subsequent re-utilization of these soils in a better way.
• Better understand soil degradation and its consequences on the surrounding environment (air, water, life) and human health.
• Identify the interactions between agricultural practices and soil degradation.
• Where it has not been done, develop a portfolio of soils at the national level that would help in classifying soils according to their properties, functions and appropriate utilization. For example, certain soils can be categorized under "soils meant for agriculture" whereas others can be "sealed" (used for construction or other purposes).
Develop appropriate soil related technology and agricultural practices
Develop agricultural practices that take into account the diversity of soils, thereby matching their properties to their use and management.
• Design tools to improve soil productivity while promoting renewal of soils (Van Camp et al., 2004).
• Develop new methods to remediate soils like phytobial remediation, a new process that combines the best of both traditional bio and phytoremediation using microbes. Plants are grown whose roots are colonized by symbiotic microbes that degrade toxicants and assist plants in taking up toxic materials (Lynch and Moffat, 2005). Other novel bioremediation technologies include transgenic technologies where the bacterial genes are inserted directly into the plant (Mackova et al., 2006). These plants could be used to accelerate the decontamination processes to more rapidly remediate sites and bring or return contaminated areas into production or
17 A pedological system is a soil cover that, by its constituents, structures and dynamics (vertical and lateral distribution and functioning), constitutes a unity. |
other use. More research on heavy metals sequestered in biomass could be helpful.
• Develop nanosensors for monitoring soil health.
• Develop and implement accessible information systems and extension services including remote sensing technologies for better soil management.
• Decrease soil degradation and/or increase soil fertility using technologies that permit:
- an increase in porosity that would prevent soil compaction and promote a decrease in the rate of erosion (excluding arid areas where increased water retention is the primary focus);
- an increase in water retention and act against drought and land desertification; and
- an improvement in the retention of organic matter present in soils.
In addition to all of the above, a better integration of existing and new knowledge on soils and soil practices into the legal regimes of states or regions as well as national and international policies could be useful. Contribution ofAKST to water management
Water is an essential input for agricultural production for which there is no substitute. It is imperative that NAE achieves sustainable use of water resources in the agricultural sector within the region, as well as contributing to sustainable water management in a wider global context.
Agricultural water management is likely to become more challenging in the future due to increased human demand for water, climate change and limits imposed by available water (Evans, 1996; EEA, 1999, 2001a, 2001b; Hamdy et al., 2003; FAO, 2004a; NRC, 2004; Dobrowolski and O'Neill, 2005; OECD, 2006; Morris, 2007; Rosegrant et al., 2007). Keeping in mind the perspective of ecological design and management of agroecosystems, several options could be considered for AKST to contribute to water management (quantity as well as quality) as follows:
Water Quantity
Irrigation water management
Irrigation is critical for some areas within NAE, especially southern Europe and the western United States (Hutson et al., 2005). The EU has 9% of its agricultural production under irrigation (13 million ha), over 75% of this in Spain, Italy, France and Greece (EEA, 1999; Kasnakoglu, 2006). More than 22 million ha (18% of total cropland) are irrigated in the U.S., over 80% of which is in the West (Golle-hon et al., 2006). In Europe, agriculture accounts for 30% of total water abstraction and 55% of consumptive (non-returnable) use. In parts of southern Europe, these figures are typically over 70% and 60% respectively (EEA, 2001a; Berbel et al., 2004).
With regard to irrigation water management, the following are some of the priorities for the future:
• develop new irrigation technologies and practices (Stringham and Walker, 1987) that further increase water use efficiency (that is "crop per drop"), including controlled water placement and use, cultivations to conserve moisture and introduction of low water demanding crops; |