Indeed, disciplines can be interpreted as just administrative academic artifacts, which have lost their significance as an organizing principle of science during the last quarter century (Lele and Norgaard, 2005). For example, the biological sciences have dropped the historic disciplinary distinctions, e.g., between the plant and animal worlds and are organizing more according to the level of analysis from genes to organisms to ecosystems. The diversity of approaches within a discipline and the possible relatedness with an approach of another discipline suggest forgetting disciplines and thinking in terms of scientific community (Lele and Norgaard, 2005). A scientific community is a group of scholars who share a characteristic. The characteristic can be (1) a subject, (2) assumptions about the underlying characteristics of the factors they study, (3) assumptions about the larger world they do not study and about how what they do study relates to the larger world, (4) the models they use, (5) the methods they use and (6) the audience they strive to inform through their research. Crucial, according to them, is recognizing that organizational charts of universities do not coincide with the most important markers of difference and similarity found on different dimensions and scales. This recognition facilitates crossing boundaries between scientific communities.
4.4.3 Barriers faced by integration
Interdisciplinarity is increasingly considered the ideal of research but it relies heavily on high-quality disciplinary research (Lockeretz and Anderson, 1993; Bruun et al., 2005; Kahiluoto et al., 2006). In applied sciences, such as agricultural and food sciences, integrative approaches are becoming more widely accepted in education, research and extension and in some contexts are increasingly demanded by funding organizations. Participation is also an approach increasingly demanded by donors of international research funding.
Although disciplinary borders have always been crossed in research, integrative approaches are difficult to handle, not yet well understood and their adoption and wide application still face major constraints (Duncker, 2001). Seven major barriers for interdisciplinarity exist: structural, knowledge, cultural, epistemological (i.e., relating to the theory of knowledge), methodological, psychological and reception barriers (Bruun et al., 2005).
The structure of organizational decision-making and the organizational norms affect the character of research and education. The current disciplinary organization of science has been criticized as hampering interdisciplinary research and educational programs (Bruun et al., 2005), though obviously there are numerous such ongoing programs and projects. Fragmentation starts with the structure of governments, is present in the disciplinary organization of universities and research institutes and is present in the contents of education and training programs.
An important obstacle for interdisciplinarity is that scholars who review interdisciplinary project proposals have no training in the quality criteria for interdisciplinary research and that boards of reviewers often don't cover the breadth of knowledge required to give full justice to interdisciplinary research proposals. On the basis of an empirical study interviewing experimental researchers at major interdisciplinary research institutes, main quality criteria include: |
(1) Consistency with multiple separate disciplinary antecedents' (i.e., the way in which the work stands vis-à-vis what researchers know and find tenable in the disciplines involved); (2) Balance in weaving together perspectives (i.e., the way in which the work stands together as a generative and coherent whole); and (3) Effectiveness in advancing understanding (i.e., the way in which the integration advances the goals that researchers set for their pursuits and the methods they use) (Mansilla and Gardner, 2003). Scientists throughout much of NAE are primarily based on their refereed publication output and its impact (measured in terms of impact factors and citations). Scientific journals with high impact factors tend to have little interest in applied interdisciplinary research and often have a disciplinary orientation.
Cultural barriers include language problems (such as different technical terminology) and differences in methodologies. Problems with communication and understanding across disciplines are seen by many as the main barrier for successful multi- and interdisciplinary settings (Bärmark and Wallen, 1980; Porter and Rossini, 1984; Bauer, 1990; Duncker, 2001; Pawson and Dovers, 2003; Helenius et al., 2006; Kahiluoto et al., 2006; Mäkelä, 2006).
Epistemological problems occur when disciplines fundamentally interact. Reception barriers appear when issues and assumptions that are dealt with are unfamiliar to the established disciplines and thus not easily accepted. Problems in paradigms, communication, organization and cognitive development are often faced in interdisciplinary research (e.g., Bärmark and Wallen, 1980). The creation of "trading zones" for exchange and "interlanguages" (more or less elaborate) may be required for successful cooperation across disciplinary borders (Duncker, 2001). Many efforts failed partly because the representatives of the separate intellectual communities did not recognize the barriers created by their separate ways to understand and approach the problems (Bärmark and Wallen, 1980; Lele and Norgaard, 2005).
Institutions that have a history of interdisciplinary orientation typically can move more quickly to adopt new initiatives along these lines than those that do not (Feller, 2005). And a number of studies have indicated that the barriers for interdisciplinarity and participation can be overcome. Conceptual tools to overcome the most prominent barrier in interdisciplinary studies—communicating and understanding across the disciplinary borders—have been developed (e.g., Duncker, 2001; Heemskerk et al., 2003). It is an important challenge for science education to improve proficiency in interdisciplinarity through a better understanding of the philosophy and theory of alternative approaches and methodologies in science. This can be achieved through development and adoption of appropriate procedures and tools for communicating and through practicing interdisciplinarity (Venkula, 2006).
Barriers faced by participatory approaches are largely similar to the barriers faced by interdisciplinary approaches but are often even higher for the former and more diverse as participatory approaches usually cover integration both horizontally among disciplines and vertically among different actors. For participatory approaches involving non-academics from different parts of food systems and fields of life, communication is more challenging than in integrated approaches involving solely academics. Tools to facilitate |