Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of NAE Agriculture and AKST | 109

Table 3-13. Net balance of external trade (EU) in meat products.

Meat Net balance (x 1000t) % Self sufficiency
2000 2001             2002 2003 2000 2001             2002 2003
Pig meat 1,211 980 1,113 1,130 108.5 107.4 108.6 106.7
Beef/Veal 252 157 52 -89 102.4 112.4 99.9 96.2
Poultry meat 612 331 555 192 106.8 104.5 106.0 102.2
Sheep and goat meat -271 -276 -280 -289 80.8 78.4 78.9 78.1
Equine meat -43 -107 -83 -79 54.9 33.4 38.0 38.4
Other -51 -79 -17 -8 95.0 92.1 98.2 99.1
Total 1,710 1,003 1,340 857 105.1 104.5 104.3 102.1
Edible Offals 349 331 413 420 118.5 117.3 122.2 122.5
Total 2,059 1,335 1,753 1,277 105.8 105.2 105.2 103.1

Source: European Commission, 2004.

and also imports large quantities of poultry meat from Brazil and Thailand, where production costs are much lower than in Europe. Somewhat perversely the EU also exports large quantities of poultry meat and offal to Russia and Ukraine and parts of the Middle East.
     Next to India, the EU is the second largest producer of milk and milk products, exporting around 800,000 tonnes per year to a variety of global markets, including Africa (mainly Nigeria and Algeria), China, Russia and parts of the


Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia. Exports of cheese and curd currently run at around 300,000 tonnes per year, going mainly to the US, Russia and Japan (Eurostat Agricultural Trade Statistics data).
     The Common Agricultural Policy is moving away from production-led subsidies towards a more market-led and en­vironmentally friendly system, but there is still a substantial subsidy paid to most participants in the livestock sector that reduces the competitiveness of developing countries.


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