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gence of information and communication technologies, which have made it possible to develop efficient and competitive rural financial networks that can achieve economies of scale and reduce the costs of producing and distributing financial products under market conditions. At the same time new, non-banking financial instruments have been developed: trust funds, investment funds, asset securitization, factoring, etc.

 Assuming that the necessary IT and regulatory infrastructure is in place, these policies could have a swift impact on agricultural productivity and living standards by expanding access to low-cost financial services. This is all the more likely because the use of ICTs can help resolve the problem of access to financial services for rural people: the Internet and cellular phones make it possible to overcome the drawbacks of geographic isolation and can bring rural people into the banking system. Such policies would also provide tools for training rural people and producers through distance education.

The time that these policies will need to have an impact on development will be relatively short, if they are accompanied by other policies for training people in the use of ICTs, etc.

Nevertheless, all of this will have to be accompanied by a policy of investing in ICT access for rural sectors, if these policies for access to financial services are to work. Finally, and no less importantly, it is clear that financial policies for improving conditions and capacities for rural people face the great challenge of promoting instruments


and institutions for channeling remittances to support the development of regional and local financial services, in communities with heavy emigration rates. This should help to retain people in the countryside and boost employment through the development of family enterprises or small businesses.

5.6.3 Financial support programs for helping communities make the transition to a sustainable production system
An important aspect to consider in financial policies for supporting AKST systems has to do with the fact that in many parts of LAC the process must be launched under very backward conditions with pressing subsistence needs and no significant local resources. Consequently, these rural communities find it almost impossible to lift themselves out of their current condition and establish a productive system that is sustainable in both economic and environmental terms. Hence there is a need to offer financial support to farmers in order to make these transitions in an orderly and progressive way. That means formulating policies to provide structural funds through joint efforts by national, regional and local governments, so that communities can make the transition to a new configuration based on an agroecological system. Competitive funds should be established, to which multilateral agencies as well as national governments and regional institutions can contribute, in association with local development bodies.


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