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Outlook on Agricultural Changes and Its Drivers | 271
Figure 4-10. Global trends of technological efficiencies in MA scenarios. Source: Alcamo et al., 2005. Note: Technological efficiency refers, for example, to the conversion efficiency of power plants, or the yield of all crops per hectare. The Global Environment Outlook report (GEO 3) (UNEP, 2002), focused on the distribution of benefits and costs of technological developments in the future. To the extent that technological innovation is increasingly undertaken by the private sector and driven by profit, benefits are seen as primarily accruing to those who are most powerful in the marketplace. The assessment suggests that cautious government policies and empowerment of consumers may act as disincentives to technological innovation by the private sector. However, such an approach may also result in more equitable distribution of benefits. The quantitative assumptions resemble those of the IPCC-SRES scenarios. Important trends for the future |
2.26% of their GDP in overall R&D while Nicaragua can afford to spend only 0.07%. Trends in performing sector. In the last century, key innovators were national agricultural research systems, including universities, agricultural field stations, agricultural input companies, and extension services (Ruttan, 2001). Two international organizations, CIMMYT in Mexico and IRRI in the Philippines, contributed significantly to the advancement of the Green Revolution, and were mainly funded by the public sector in the first half of the last century. In contrast, in the United States, the private sector has always played a central role in the development of agricultural equipment and the performance of agricultural research and development. Private-sector research grew substantially in the last decades of the 20th century as legal rights were |
Figure 4-11. Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (billion $). Source: OECD, 2006b.
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