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Looking Forward: Role of AKST in Meeting Development and Sustainability Goals | 151
tantly, manure, through contaminated water or fresh produce,
can carry a range of serious human pathogens, with
high incidence of morbidity and mortality, particularly in
babies and young children. These pathogens, often asymptomatic
in livestock, vary from bacterial pathogens such as
E. coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Leptospira spp.,
and protozoan agents (Cryptosporidium) to viruses such as
the hepatitis A virus (World Bank, 2005). 5.3.3 Fisheries and aquaculture Several organic substances such as dioxin and inorganic substances such as cadmium and mercury can affect fish quality. Their deleterious effects increase if they exceed the maximum allowable limits and if they occur in closed seas and rivers (FAO, 2004). Even if these substances occur in food fishes in low quantity, their incidence may be of concern for people who eat fish daily and for pregnant women, infants and children who eat large quantities of fatty fishes. The safety of aquaculture products is important as production from aquaculture has increased and become available to more people. Antibiotics are frequently used in aquaculture to prevent or treat diseases. Therefore, responsible limiting of the use of antibiotics is important for sustainability aquaculture and for safety of fish products. Responsible use implies determining the maximum residue level of these antibiotics and ensuring that these levels are not exceeded. Food safety in fisheries is important and has been endorsed
by international agreements. The FAO Code of Conduct
for Responsible Fisheries clearly requests countries to
develop their fisheries in a way that does not result in environmental
degradation or health problems for people. |
ties through application of IWRM may avoid negative effects
on the environment and society. Improving on-farm water management and the efficiency of water distribution can reduce return flows and possibly reduce recharge of certain groundwater aquifers. Since existing resources are fully used in most countries of the region, reducing return flows and improving the efficiency of water use at the upstream end of any river basin might result in reducing water availability for downstream users, thereby increasing conflicts over water resources. For example, when surface water systems are replaced by pressurized irrigation systems or if surface irrigation efficiency is improved (e.g., using surge irrigation), tail water runoff will reduce. Upstream users will increase their irrigated areas as a result of water |
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