02.10.2014 | permalink
Number of British vegetarians on the rise, new research

In the United Kingdom, the number of vegetarians is increasing. A new survey reveals that 12% of British adults now follow vegetarian or vegan diets - rising to 20% of those aged between 16 and 24. According to research group Mintel, millions more are cutting back substantially on the amount of meat they eat. “The meat alternative market will continue to be driven by an emerging consumer trend towards meat reduction on a part-time basis, also called flexitarianism, entailing increased consumption of plant-based foods without completely cutting out meat”, said Laura Jones, food science analyst for Mintel. In the UK alone, this has led to a booming £625 million-a-year market for meat-free products in 2013, up from £543 million in 2009. The study also claims that more products than ever are showcasing vegetarian credentials: 12% of all new food and drink products launched in Britain in 2013 carried a vegetarian claim, up from 6% in 2009. This includes chocolate and confectionary products which now avoid using animal-based ingredients. Mintel’s report, published yesterday on World Vegetarian Day, reveals that 48% of Britons regard meat-free products as environmentally friendly and 52% see them as healthy.