
23.06.2009 |

Africa: Full Speed in the Wrong Direction

CSD-17 presents a unique opportunity for global governance to rise above the selfish interests of individual countries and regional blocks to work towards sustainable development worldwide, writes Nnimmo Bassey.

But, he warns, a complicated negotiation text lacking in ideas to galvanise nations into acting in solidarity, is likely to maintain the status quo. Bassey expresses dismay at G-77 references to 'national laws and cultural contexts' when the Commission for Sustainable Development 'should be raising the bar, not subjecting universal ideals to parochial local regimes'. Bassey suggests that restoring confidence in global governance and democracy is an important part of tackling the food, climate and economic crises on every delegates' mind. What is even more problematic to the negotiations, however, is the lack of unanimity in defining what 'sustainability' actually is.

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